Sunday, December 23, 2012

The W.A.S.P. That Still STINGS!

The Un-Revealed "Root"?
The Sunday Talk-Shows this morning berate the subjects of "Newtown" and "fiscal Cliff",  implying that they comprise twin horns of a monstrous reality this country faces.  You can get a sense that there is some "taboo" being observed by the media; that they know what they dare not speak about these subjects.
The Tea Party radicals in what used to be the Republican Party are characterised as "crazies" and a similar consensus is spread about the shooter in Newtown.  The NRA holds fast to mental disorder as a defense for their stance on gun violence, and support for their proposal for yet more guns, and more shooters.
The mass shootings are discussed without acknowledging their "mass" feature.  The Tea Party malcontents are discussed without revealing a significant feature that sets them apart.  The adherence to some "root sentiment" in our media and within our culture is so strong that the shooter was driven to kill his mother and tens of small children.  It drives the Tea Party nuts to comfortably consign their national economy to ruin!
What I think they all know and cannot face openly is that our White, Anglo-Saxon and Protestant national root is both subliminal and endemic in our prevailing thought processes  -- and they don't want to "go there" in their analyses.  We've had mass shootings in Malls, Movies, Schools (but not Churches): all of these have mass gatherings.  The campaign and results of our national election explain the mind-set of the Tea Party participants who will never agree to anything our Black President thinks is necessary.  Many compare our mass killings to European countries and to Japan; overlooking the lack of homogeneity this country represents.  The mass shooters are predominately young white males. 
The WASP lens is what this nation has used since its founding to "assimilate" all immigrants into the mainstream -- until now.  African-Americans were never meant to be assimilated.
Non-white immigrants of the 21st century cannot be turned white (although Repoobs may try giving Marco Rubio a make-over).
An easier and cheaper answer to the safety issue for school children is to stop mass-educating them!
This practice is a hold-over from our dying agricultural and industrial economies.  The WASP lens has to be applied to the rhetoric of the NRA, to properly understand their meaning when they use terms like "Good Guy", "Bad Guy", "Innocent",  and "Felon".  Consider more closely their derivations for these terms.
Stay Vigilant!

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