Monday, December 3, 2012


Why Can We NOT Hear The Message? 
Yesterday, the story broke in the "media" concerning yet another black NFL player who committed suicide. This one, alledgedly, after killing his long-term girlfriend.  They left behind a three-month-old baby.  The stupid media claims "nobody knows" why he did it.
In a Money and Banking class at the Drucker Institute in the mid-80's, we had a guest lecturer who was an Investment Banker.  In those days, the Glass-Steagall laws were in effect, and we were taught about a "Chinese Wall" between investment and commercial banking.  The laws were there to protect us from "money boys" playing fast and loose with despositor's money.  Those laws have since been wiped away and "woe be unto us" as a result!
The story was then in the news about the bankruptcy of Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, so I asked the lecturer why there was no interest in protecting the investments of athletes who came from poor and un-protected backgrounds.  His reponse contained mostly grousing about the difficulties of "handling" the wives of doctors and lawyers, and a general un-willingness to wrestle with poor minorities and their new-found wealth.  Add clinging family and friends to the picture, and the situation turns rapidly "un-manageable".
Add also that it is extremely difficult to advise anybody about their money; and we can see why  minority football players are especially damned.  There seems to be a rash of them committing suicide recently.  Since the 80's, all sorts of "advisors" have come out of the woodwork, (mostly the "venture" kind we became familiar with during the 2012 election), who have enjoyed the benefits of "helping" the athletes with their money.  Some of them have been their "trusted" coaches.
Sports and Entertainment are separated by our media, but they are actually simply "entertainment".
Black athletes were specially "produced" by Slave Masters for the entertainment of their class.  Some would argue that we have the same phenomenon today, in thinly disguised form.  There clearly is a "color thing" involved.  Musicians, actors, and other "celebrities" know their version of this phenomenon also. 
Now we have an explosion of mega-lotteries, and the "rags to riches" syndrome expands more. 
I am often haunted by a scene in the "Wiz" , where Michael Jackson, impaled on a device suggestive of a cross, sings "You Cain't Win".  He cetainly didn't!
Stay Vigilant!
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