More 2012 Election Results
All of the cacophony springing from the "Rabbit-Hole" into the mainstream media today involves the three "sinister Senators" flapping on about "Behghazi". All of this idiocy is beginning to look like an elaborate cover-up. What they are keeping out of the public eye is serious questioning of the video;
that, even they admit, sparked the demonstrations in Cairo that spread to Benghazi.
You know, really important stuff like: who paid for the video, who distributed it, how did the Romney campaign know about it early enough to get so far out in front of events and have to back-track. NOBODY is talking about of any of this, inside or outside the "Rabbit-Hole". Once again, "faulty intelligence" raises its head amidst political tampering by Congress.
You know, really important stuff like: who paid for the video, who distributed it, how did the Romney campaign know about it early enough to get so far out in front of events and have to back-track. NOBODY is talking about of any of this, inside or outside the "Rabbit-Hole". Once again, "faulty intelligence" raises its head amidst political tampering by Congress.
Election results are showing very important things about the white vote; by age group, income, location, etc. Of particular importance is the break-down of the Millenial Vote by race. The younger whites voting from inside the "hole" outnumbered the younger whites on the outside. The combined minority youth vote carried the election. The percetage of white votes overall continue to drop, most likely because death rates of that cohort overshadow birth rates. The future begins to take shape!
When I was 14 years old, the 1954 Supreme Court Decision, Brown v. Board .. was handed down by the Warren Court. I had just finished the 9th Grade at C.C. Hubbard; my first year in High School, in those days. C.C. Hubbard died seven years earlier, and we were struggling with the deep-South black replacement imposed by the white overseers. I was afraid that I would have to go the white school and I discussed it with my grandfather. He said, as I remember, "you have to believe there are some good white folks; otherwise none of us would still be here". The entire "Rabbit-Hole syndrome we face today can be traced to that time and that Supreme Court decision.
The white powers decided to begin "integrating" C.C. Hubbard with the primary grades; a year at a time, firing all black teachers and administrators as they progressed. I was able to finish my High School without dealing directly with the "enemy". The 2012 election results provide a measure of our "progress" as a nation over these ensuing 58 years.
Stay Vigilant!
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