Battle Won -- War Lost??
Millenials can be proud of their role in staving off disaster with their vote in 2012. The final outcome of the "fiscal cliff" fiasco that rages in the wake of the election, and will be decided by midnight, December 31, 2012, will determine whether that vote signaled a only a major defeat in an important battle, or, a victory over a major scourge that has long plagued our planet.
The scourge I reference is one that has plagued man-kind since the fall of Rome. Herman Melville described it as a white whale in his classic Moby Dick. Harriet Beecher Stowe described it in her Uncle Tom's Cabin. The Whale symbolizes the power brokers who have controlled and manipulated the world's wealth and decided who has access to it. It also symbolizes a belief system that determines who is human, who is deserving of human rights, who is "natural", deserving of Natural Rights, and who is lesser than human, thereby deserving only Civil Rights. Created and distributed by a major religion in its original form and reinforced in its subsequent revisions, the whale thrived, and slipped past extinction in our Civil War. Spielberg shows us how the political bargain reached in the 13th Amendment battle waged by Abraham Lincoln shortly before his death, gave the whale a new lease on life. Defenders of the whale today are members of the Tea Party; descendants of those who gave us Reconstruction, Jim Crow, Lynching, and Peonage.
Our Founders were instruments of the whale, as evidenced by their adherents to the beliefs espoused by Baron Charles-Louis de Montesquieu in his Spirit of Laws. Their belief that only rich white males who were Anglo-Saxon and Protestant, could be full beneficiaries of their Constitution, is traceable to the Spirit of Laws. The whale began its life in the 5th Century, before Capitalism, Communism, Socialism, the nation-state came into existence. De Montesquieu traced his beliefs about humanity to the Ancient Egyptians.
Those who chose only social and moral arguments to wrestle with the whale, won Civil Rights battles, but lost the human rights and natural rights arguments by failing to address economic freedoms. The young voters, so instrumental in the 2012 defeat of everything the monied interests could throw at our President, are mistaken to think that social attitudes and changes in language are sufficient to extinguish the whale and break its grip on the economic lives of working individuals on this planet. The Tea Party radicals are showing they still have a few tricks up their sleeves and are willing bring down our nation's econ0my in their fight to retain power.
The battle for economic freedom for all of us still looms ahead. If the Millenials fail to see this, they will face the fate of those who forsook the fight for Natural Rights, settling for Civil Rights; and ignored Economic Freedoms. A replay of the Reconstruction, and an update of Peonage, both of which supplanted Chattel Slavery, lies ahead as a threat for all future heads of families who have to raise and educate children.
It about Economics and National Economies, Stupid!
Stay Vigilant!
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Copyright © 2012: Williams LLC
All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC
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