Thursday, December 20, 2012


The More They "Change" ......
Was what happened to a lone black teenager in Florida earlier this year a precursor to what happened to 20 primary school children in Connecticut almost a week ago?  A little careful thought might reveal what is a threat to each of us as citizens and to our nation as a whole.
The teenager was old enough and strong enough to try to defend himself -- he failed.  The 20 babies in Connecticut never knew what hit them (we pray).  Both were attacked and died from a mind-set in this nation that says we've reached a point where it's "every man (woman  and child) for themselves"!
Ronald Reagan and Jeb Bush are the architects of our new reality.
 Their philosophy (cat-nip for Libertarians of every stripe) is the ultimate in "anti-social" thinking. Their view of "social security" is to hoard as much money as you can and to have enough firepower to vanquish whatever or whomever threatens you.  If you examine Bogardus' scale, drawn in the mid-20's, (the last time this nation was in an immigration crisis -- caused by too many "ethnics" from Europe entering our nation), the person who "threatens" you could be just about anybody.  Today, it is most certainly any person of color.
"Stand Your Ground", signed into law in Florida by Jeb Bush, has spread like wild-fire in the red states of this country.  So has the notion, spread by the Tea Party, that we can all participate in the largesse of government, at all levels in this expanding nation, but we don't need to pay the bills.  We're also going through the consequences of the twin deaths of the agricultural and industrial periods in our nation's history.
Dysfunctional legislative bodies at the local, state, and national levels are working to dissolve the Union in ways that the insurgents of our Civil War never dreamed of.  Many of the adherents of our present scourge are the descendents of those who first attempted to destroy this nation by warfare.  This current attempt is funded from both within and without (look at where the Big Money Boys hide their money, and who their allies are).
It is time for us all to re-read our Declaration of Independence!
Stay Vigilant!

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