Shame on you! - John
I awoke this morning to giddy money-folk on CNBC. "The Speaker's going to speak at noon!", they gushed. The market was soaring. So, I bit; and waited to hear "big John" make his momentus pronouncement; expecting the end of the "Cliff" haggling. Burned again! He came before all of us in prime coverage and delivered a "dump" that smelled to high heaven!
C'mon John! Don't make our T.V. viewers believe that its the President's "job" to write legislation that will pass both houses. That's YOUR job!! YOU are the Leader for the House of Representatives. If you're searching for "leadership", grab a mirror. Our T.V. viewers are stupid enough, given the swill that's out there on our too-many channels. Let me guess; you're auditioning for a job with Rupert; afraid the snakes you're trying to herd will "strike" at you, and you won't continue in your job.
Everybody knows that lobbyists are writing legislation for the House, so why try to claim that the President has to do that job also?
I Googled the list of Speakers we've had in our past, and learned that you are Speaker #61, installed in the 112th Congress. Thirty of our 61 Speakers have served longer terms. I became aware of the office of Speaker during the term of Sam Rayburn, and always believed that the position, 3rd in line of succession to the Presidency, was an honorable one. That impression collapsed completely with the antics of Newt-the-Toot. Continued by Denny, who reigned over the Cheny/Bush years! The denigration of the Office continued until Nancy Pelosi tried to restore some sanity. The pack raised and fed by Newt's followers had grown too strong by the time Nancy arrived, and she was washed away after two terms.
The nation has to think seriously about Gerrymandering! The House of Representatives was assigned too important a role in our government to tolerate the trashin' you guys have given it. You guys call into question the very ability of our government to function.
Stay Vigilant!
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