Monday, June 27, 2016

"winning" my first WAR of Independence

"Living" the FUTURE??

At the age of eight, I landed my first full-time job!  My oldest sister worked as a dishwasher at a Bar and Restaurant.  It was owned by a local Redneck, who had a bright idea for "Marketing" his business.

He hired me, at the wages of 10 cents per hour, to stand beside a National Highway, across from the entrance to the Missouri State Fair, as an "attraction"; and  draw customers to his establishment.  My job was to tip my hat and bow to the passing cars, while holding a sign pointing to his Business.  This is the same location, where the State Fair Rodeo featured grotesque, racist, caricatures of President Obama, recently.

That job lasted for two Summers, and was followed by Jobs at my Grandfather's Business, and several other Restaurants, as Dishwasher, Soda-Fountain Operator, Bus-Boy, Waiter, and Short-Order Cook.  By the time I was Sixteen, after convincing my Father to allow me to Save a portion of my earnings for my own use, there was enough money for me to "loan" my father $400 to buy our first car: a 1954 Ford with "Overdrive".  It was not unusual for children to work at young ages; or, for parents to "confiscate" their earnings to supplement family finances.  My father kept my "savings" in his bank account.

When I was ready for College, I had a "battle-royal" with Dad, to get my money!  I insisted, and "won"!

No one controlled my earnings ever again; UNTIL Congress rigged-up our 401(K) system!

Stay Vigilant!  Too many Politicians are confident that we are too stupid to detect the ways they write Laws to favor Financial Institutions, and, themselves!

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All Rights Reserved:  Williams LLC

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