why the HISTORY you were never taught may make you commit Political Suicide!!
In 1804, Aaron Burr murdered Alexander Hamilton, and had to flee to Georgia to escape prosecution!
Burr, at the time, was Vice-President of the United States, serving under Thomas Jefferson, as President. A few years prior, Toussaint L'Overture, leader of an African Slave Revolt, defeated Napoleon in Haiti.
That defeat spurred the French to offer to sell Land, we call the Louisiana Purchase, to the United States. It now forms the Central one-third of our Country! Hamilton, born in the Caribbean under suspicious circumstances, was accused of not being a White person.
The British burned our White House in 1812. Today, with the help of Donald Trump, the Repoobs seek to burn our Constitution! They send coded messages to all Whites who harbor that old, lingering Fear, that started in the Americas with the Slave Revolt of Haiti. It can be argued that the shift toward Anti-Slavery, the Civil War, and our creation of Jim Crow, can be traced back to that Slave Revolt.
While the United States continued its original thrust toward People of Color, under Jim Crow: the rest of the Western Powers turned toward the Colonization of Africa. The results of that decision are graphically present across that Continent today. Led, almost exclusive, by White Males - except for Thatcher, and Golda Meir - these Nations have kept Color Racism, and the FEAR of Dark People alive for their separate political and economic purposes. Now arrives the Monster who can use modern technological tools to fully exploit this History, for his own Power and Wealth, and, also for a few of those who support him.
Stay Vigilant! Following our Civil War, and two World Wars, Western Governments have been fused together in the building and exploitation of our Global Economy; at the expense of the World's Darker, and Poorer Nations. Inequality, or Economic Disadvantage, were issues that loomed large in both World Wars; and their aftermaths. The United States, alone, among Western Nations held total political and economic sway on the Planet, after 1945. Turning back toward Racism and Colonialism, Leaders, at home, squandered that advantage! Leaders abroad, have joined them, and turned the Planet, back to Economic Inequality, mixed with Racial Division, as the toxic stew that feeds TRUMP! The Election of 2016 may be our last chance to turn away from this madness. Both, Religion and Science were drafted to support these dangerous conditions we face. Read C.P. Snow, to learn more about Science and Racism. https://books.google.com/books?id=lGdJ8pGQVmsC&pg=PA66&lpg=PA66&dq=CP+Snow+on+scientific+racism&source=bl&ots=GtzY6HflFL&sig=c9RqpXsU9rJ8cxz3AR8JbRKf4lM&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiDkbm3porNAhVK74MKHZdWCFwQ6AEIHDAA#v=onepage&q=CP%20Snow%20on%20scientific%20racism&f=false
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