Monday, June 20, 2016

is it really all about "CANNIBALISM" .. (after all)??

Consider the Evidence?

Thirty years ago, Peter Drucker told his class a story.  It painted what he saw as our coming economic future.  It was about a future for JOBS, and the power of the "Knowledge Workers".

 According to my notes, Peter spoke of the power of gifted engineers and scientists who would "own" the technical knowledge that would produce our future.  He thought they would control their own destinies.  He spoke of Robotics, and the drive by Industry to exploit every bit of cheap labor on the Planet, before turning, en-masse, toward robotic manufacturing.  He thought the resulting collapse of "protections" provided by Licensing within Professions would hemorrhage all types of new Jobs for people; and that would make up for Jobs destroyed by Robots.  It's not quite turning out that way!  Why?

The seeds of what we're experiencing today, were around then, but, were recognized to be something else.  I point to Michael Milken and Ivan Boesky, and their roles in Hostile Takeovers of large Companies, using "funny money" (Junk Bonds, for example).  No one foresaw the stampede to "cannibalism" of venerable old companies that were forcefully taken over and stripped of their assets.  We all know the many participants in that stampede.  One of them ran for President of the United States in 2012.  As for the brilliant "technologists"  who would become all-powerful?  Zuckerberg, Jobs, and Gates are the only ones that stand out today.  Why so few?  The Power of Money (in astounding sums), was far greater than that of Technology, alone.  Big Money learned that it could "buy" technology -- "by the pound"!!  Today, Hedge Fund Masters are the new Plantation Bosses!

Companies (large and small) are being destroyed in record numbers today, while creating NO JOBS!  Politicians, Lobbyists, and many TECHNOLOGISTS joined forces to help Big Banks roll this huge ball of "Cannibalism"  along.  Reagan ushered-in this chapter of our History.  Repoobs, with "Supply Side" pixie-dust; took it from there, all the way,  to the Republican collapse of our Economy in 2008!

Stay Vigilant!  People like TRUMP, and his fellow Con-Artists, don't want you to see through their "Con"!  Politicians like TRUMP want you to believe they can create JOBs, using their "magical and mysterious" formulas??

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