Tuesday, June 14, 2016

"armed", and "gifted" SOCIO-PATHs?? ... (globally)???

MALE "legends" .. in their own MINDS??

Information has surfaced that the Orlando Shooter was a "customer" of the Gay Bar!  Was he "Cruising" -- with WMD??  You can watch the 1980 Movie of that name, starring Al Pacino, on You-Tube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bn31G2SHkVE.  His varying claims of allegiance to different Terrorists Groups may have been part of his packaging!  He was a wanna-be COP (Security Guard); who bought his WMD from a retired NY Cop!  (so, "go figure")??

As I recall, the film debut came at a time when Mad Ronnie was demagogue-ing Gays, and AIDs, much like TRUMP is demagogue-ing  Muslims, today!  Back then, a Knife was a sufficient weapon to strike the Terror that Hollywood sought .  Today, thanks to Ronnie, MEDIA has become "weaponized" and the physical weapons are mega-times more dangerous than a knife!!  Targets have expanded to include anyone and everyone within range of these weapons!

POTUS came out "smokin-MAD" this morning; blasting to HELL both, TRUMP, and his GOP Insurgents; who have taken over our Congress in their attempts to overthrow our Democracy!
It is HIGH-TIME the Citizens of this Country lends POTUS the SUPPORT he needs, to defeat these enemies of our Values and the Founding Principles of our Nation!

Five years ago, Norway suffered it's Massacre with WMDs -- committed by Anders Behring Breivik!
MEDIA has followed a disturbing "policy" of severely limiting all exposure of these "Armed and talented" "Socio-paths"  -- EXCEPT for Donald TRUMP, of course.  He stands excessively in the Public Eye as the "Presumptive Nominee" for President of the USA; courtesy of the Republican Party!!  Meanwhile, each of these Malfeasant(s) seem to out-perform their predecessor, by introducing some new wrinkle.  All of this delights and profits MEDIA!  Meanwhile, the numbers of Shooters, and their carnage steadily increase!

Stay Vigilant!  GOOGLE provides all the information our Public needs to become Well-Informed!
The Ability to READ, SPELL, THINK, and REASON are essential, however.  TRUMP knows this: that's why he proclaims to "Love, the Un-Educated"??

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