"Listen" to the SHOOTERs!!
Of the more than dozen "Mass-Shooters" in the USA; they have been predominately White, Male, and weak, insecure, Racists, Sexists, or otherwise "Disturbed" individuals! Nothing empowers an individual like this, more than an ASSAULT RIFLE does! If you look abroad, you'll quickly realize that young, male-dominated Terrorist Groups like ISIS and BOKO HARAM, would cease to exist if the supply of Assault Rifles were, somehow, STOPPED!
Why does this NOT occur to us? Because similarly "disturbed" individuals in our Media, and in the Republican Party do everything they can to keep the Assault Rifle Supply available; both at home, and abroad! They are paid enormous sums of money by Manufacturers, and others who profit enormously from the Death, Destruction, and undermining of Governments that these weapons enable. Organized Crime would be enormously crippled without them!!
THESE ARE WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION (WMD)!! They do far more damage to our world, daily, than Nuclear Weapons!. Cheney and Bush destroyed our Economy, because they could convince us that Saddam had WMD. Republicans destroy our lives with their foolishness. Throw in "Stand Your Ground" Laws, and the picture is complete.
How do you stop this? First, make sure you vote against EVERY Republican you find on your Ballot in November. Second, bend every effort to get a World-Wide BAN of these weapons, except for use by the Military of Legitimate Governments. Don't waste time seeking Legislation. Republicans are experts at NOT ENFORCING LAWS they don't like!
Stay Vigilant! Instead of submitting to the Siren Songs of the Demented (TRUMP); GET ORGANIZED around the idea of BANNING these weapons, on pain of executing anyone, not properly authorized, who is found to possess one. The Orlando Shooting is making it more clear that County-Level Law Enforcement (Sheriffs) has to be brought up to World Standards, or Eliminated! We may never know how many of the victims were shot by POLICE!
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