Friday, June 24, 2016

did BRITAIN "Retreat" (to the) ANIMAL FARM? ...

...controlled by Xenophobes, and Stupid, "Skinny-Pigs"??

In Britain, does "flippin' the bird" at the Elites, include the Royals?  Cameron, for sure; the big Banks, for sure; but the "face" of the Politician who led the Leave Campaign, was NOT the face of the guy who "claimed" the Victory!  What does all of this mean?  If the Brits are the "Superior" Whites in the World, they've done a mighty "Stupid" thing!!  The BREXIT Vote may have ushered-in the next Dark Age for our Planet!  The Germans and the French are better known for Xenophobes!  They more closely resemble our deeply entrenched KKK, in the USA; The KKK has risen to Repoob status, and, under the expert Leadership of TRUMP, has devoured the Republican Party!

Worried about Immigrants, their Money, and a "bossy" EU; Britain, now, most likely faces deeper hardships, both financially and socially.  If their Government is weakened further, will they become more vulnerable to Terrorism?  What about France?  What about Germany?  Who will replace Cameron?

TRUMP, strangely acting like he has already won the Presidency of the U.S., arranged a front-row seat; in Scotland, from which to oversee BREXIT.  He is NOT interested in focusing on his Election, or, fund-raising for the Republicans.  Wonder Why?  Could it be that TRUMP is NOT the real "face" of the Movement to take over the United States??

Could it be that PUTIN has found his best use of Old Joe Stalin's "Hammer and Sickle"??
He has already "chiseled", with Netanyahu's help, a very different Israel; post-Rabin.  Because of the weird approach to Government exhibited by Assad, Putin may now "own" what is left of Syria?
No better weapon, shaped as a dagger, could be fashioned, than the Immigrant Invasion propelled against Europe.

It could, eventually, collapse the EU?

Stay Vigilant! this revolt against Globalism, led by the Ignorant, and populated by Xenophobes, also threatens to collapse the United States?  Global Economics may continue; by switching from "Clean" Money to "dirty" Money!!  Meanwhile, Democracy disappears??

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