Four Horsemen?
Coming "Dark-Age"??
"Death for Democrac(ies)??
BREXIT seems to be in the process of "shattering" the European Union! Daddy Bush proclaimed a "New World Order" in 1989! He may have "jumped the gun", perhaps??
Putin, Assad, Netanyahu, and TRUMP are emerging as the "Four Horsemen" of the 21st Century!
All of them are plying the same tactics for expanding their Power! Some call it Xenophobia; to others it is Racism, or Populism, or Provincialism, or White Supremacy. They are all varying strains of the same poison. Like Jim Jones' Kool-Aid; they leave death and destruction in their wake!
Riding the tremendous weapon, of our technology-driven Digital and Television Media, these Horsemen find it extremely easy to spread their poison, reinforced by military WMDs
British Voters, evidently believe they can enjoy the benefits of connection, while avoiding integration? Technology finds its OWN uses; despite the best hopes of humans??
McConnell and his Republicans think they can continue to profit from the Chaos they bestowed on the USA in 2008; and their race-based harassment of President Obama! All of our citizens who have stood solidly with Obama, as he dragged our Economy out of the abyss, are scared of the duplicity of the Voters, here! Can we believe the Polls??
Unfortunately, there is no FDR, or Churchill, with the brains, cunning, and fortitude, to step in to Save the World, this time. Only the products of White Brains, no matter how limited, are listened-to, or allowed to speak freely today; and we can see what they have produced, thus-far!
Stay Vigilant! The first time this Country had the opportunity to extinguish this poison, the Founders "blew-it", by not definitively abolishing slavery. We got the Civil War, as a result. The second opportunity was "blown", when Sewer-State Crackers undermined efforts to provide Equal Justice Under Law for non-whites, by creating Jim Crow. We now see Republicans, behind TRUMP's charge, doing everything they can to redesign Jim Crow, 21st Century Version, to permanently Marginalize all of our Poor, Non-white, and Female Citizens! Elections Have Consequences!!
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