Wednesday, June 29, 2016

BREXIT: "Break's-It"??

Four Horsemen?
Coming "Dark-Age"??
"Death for Democrac(ies)??
BREXIT seems to be in the process of "shattering" the European Union!  Daddy Bush proclaimed a "New World Order" in 1989!  He may have "jumped the gun", perhaps??

Putin, Assad, Netanyahu, and TRUMP are emerging as the "Four Horsemen" of the 21st Century!
All of them are plying the same tactics for expanding their Power!   Some call it  Xenophobia;  to others it is Racism, or Populism,  or Provincialism, or White Supremacy.  They are all varying strains of the same poison.  Like Jim Jones' Kool-Aid; they leave death and destruction in their wake! 

Riding the tremendous weapon,  of our technology-driven Digital and Television Media,  these Horsemen find it extremely easy to spread their poison, reinforced by military WMDs

British Voters, evidently believe they can enjoy the benefits of connection, while avoiding integration?  Technology finds its OWN uses; despite the best hopes of humans??

McConnell and his Republicans think they can continue to profit from the Chaos they bestowed on the USA in 2008; and their race-based harassment of President Obama! All of our citizens who have stood solidly with Obama, as he dragged our Economy out of the abyss, are scared of the duplicity of the Voters, here!  Can we believe the Polls??

Unfortunately, there is no FDR, or Churchill, with the brains, cunning, and fortitude, to step in to Save the World, this time.  Only the products of White Brains, no matter how limited, are listened-to, or allowed to speak freely today; and we can see what they have produced, thus-far!

Stay Vigilant!  The first time this Country had the opportunity to extinguish this poison, the Founders "blew-it", by not definitively abolishing slavery.  We got the Civil War, as a result.  The second opportunity was "blown", when Sewer-State Crackers undermined efforts to provide Equal Justice Under Law for non-whites, by creating Jim Crow.  We now see Republicans, behind TRUMP's charge, doing everything they can to redesign Jim Crow, 21st Century Version, to permanently Marginalize all of our Poor, Non-white, and Female Citizens!  Elections Have Consequences!!

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Monday, June 27, 2016

"winning" my first WAR of Independence

"Living" the FUTURE??

At the age of eight, I landed my first full-time job!  My oldest sister worked as a dishwasher at a Bar and Restaurant.  It was owned by a local Redneck, who had a bright idea for "Marketing" his business.

He hired me, at the wages of 10 cents per hour, to stand beside a National Highway, across from the entrance to the Missouri State Fair, as an "attraction"; and  draw customers to his establishment.  My job was to tip my hat and bow to the passing cars, while holding a sign pointing to his Business.  This is the same location, where the State Fair Rodeo featured grotesque, racist, caricatures of President Obama, recently.

That job lasted for two Summers, and was followed by Jobs at my Grandfather's Business, and several other Restaurants, as Dishwasher, Soda-Fountain Operator, Bus-Boy, Waiter, and Short-Order Cook.  By the time I was Sixteen, after convincing my Father to allow me to Save a portion of my earnings for my own use, there was enough money for me to "loan" my father $400 to buy our first car: a 1954 Ford with "Overdrive".  It was not unusual for children to work at young ages; or, for parents to "confiscate" their earnings to supplement family finances.  My father kept my "savings" in his bank account.

When I was ready for College, I had a "battle-royal" with Dad, to get my money!  I insisted, and "won"!

No one controlled my earnings ever again; UNTIL Congress rigged-up our 401(K) system!

Stay Vigilant!  Too many Politicians are confident that we are too stupid to detect the ways they write Laws to favor Financial Institutions, and, themselves!

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Sunday, June 26, 2016

the TWO "Voices" of the (global?) WHITE VOTER(s)??

"LEAVE"??  ... "Whereto"???

We all know, by now, that babies aren't born with I.D. Tags, attached!  All "labeling" is applied after birth; by parents, societies, religions, and tribes.  Those imposed Identities most often become life-and-death matters for individuals.  Decedents of African Slaves, in the Americas, hundreds of years after the Institution was officially ended, bear the consequences,  to this day; expressed in terms of skin color,.

Governments controlled by Whites, and White-Dominated Institution keep these tradition alive.  Native Tribes in the Americas, likewise, bear a similar curse, designated by skin color and by Tribe.

White Media-Reports of the BREXIT Vote in Britain last Thursday, all center on White Voters.
They find two distinct groupings of Whites represented:  those with Money and formal Education, and those without.  The LEAVE Vote (separate Britain from the European Union) won the election.
Xenophobia: fear of the "foreigner" drove the winning vote.

TRUMP; the Republican Party's "face" for their long-standing Race and Xenophobia Campaigns in the United States, was on hand in Scotland to "weigh-in" with rousing approval for the Vote to Leave!
Our White Media expects us to be dumb enough to believe that his presence was a "coincidence"!!  Should he win in November, will he copy President Polk, and repeat the invasion of Mexico; to "make them pay"??

Stay Vigilant!  Hitler had to rely on his ability to verbally harangue the Germans, in his successful campaign to overthrow German Democracy.  He relied on the "ears" of his audience, and the technology of Radio.  Today, TRUMP's message is piped directly into the psyche of his victims, through the eyes!  There was no Television available, then, in Germany.  Today, it is everywhere, along with cameras on smart phones.  This combination of new technology with skilled Spin-Masters, threaten Democracy across our Planet!

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Saturday, June 25, 2016

DER; DIE;DAS; "Deutschland"?

EUROPE without Britain?  What doe it Mean??

BREXIT "rattles" me to my foundation years, during World War II!  As a very young child, I knew about Germany and Japan, long before I entered Primary School.  That was a different time in America!  The majority of our citizens were well-informed, sober, and very  mature, in their views of domestic and foreign affairs!  The War came at the end of our Depression.  Those who survived that period did not suffer fools, the way people in our Media, and throughout our Nation, do so easily, today.

The main Economic Pillar of the EU, Germany, looms much larger in its significance on the World Stage, as we wait to learn more details of the disengagements with Britain.

The Republicans, and their "Nominee", TRUMP, seem to be gloating with satisfaction with the BREXIT Vote!  Speculation grows that the xenophobic sentiments expressed by British Voters will be reflected in this Country in November.  Are they hoping to profit from the Chaos that could ensue?

Stay Vigilant!  As the "Dead-Weight" of Scalia bears heavily on "Justice" in the United States, the Republicans continue to undercut the strength of our Nation with their tactics of preventing a replacement for the Judge.  The months that lie between now and our Vote in November, suddenly seem more perilous than we thought!

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Friday, June 24, 2016

did BRITAIN "Retreat" (to the) ANIMAL FARM? ...

...controlled by Xenophobes, and Stupid, "Skinny-Pigs"??

In Britain, does "flippin' the bird" at the Elites, include the Royals?  Cameron, for sure; the big Banks, for sure; but the "face" of the Politician who led the Leave Campaign, was NOT the face of the guy who "claimed" the Victory!  What does all of this mean?  If the Brits are the "Superior" Whites in the World, they've done a mighty "Stupid" thing!!  The BREXIT Vote may have ushered-in the next Dark Age for our Planet!  The Germans and the French are better known for Xenophobes!  They more closely resemble our deeply entrenched KKK, in the USA; The KKK has risen to Repoob status, and, under the expert Leadership of TRUMP, has devoured the Republican Party!

Worried about Immigrants, their Money, and a "bossy" EU; Britain, now, most likely faces deeper hardships, both financially and socially.  If their Government is weakened further, will they become more vulnerable to Terrorism?  What about France?  What about Germany?  Who will replace Cameron?

TRUMP, strangely acting like he has already won the Presidency of the U.S., arranged a front-row seat; in Scotland, from which to oversee BREXIT.  He is NOT interested in focusing on his Election, or, fund-raising for the Republicans.  Wonder Why?  Could it be that TRUMP is NOT the real "face" of the Movement to take over the United States??

Could it be that PUTIN has found his best use of Old Joe Stalin's "Hammer and Sickle"??
He has already "chiseled", with Netanyahu's help, a very different Israel; post-Rabin.  Because of the weird approach to Government exhibited by Assad, Putin may now "own" what is left of Syria?
No better weapon, shaped as a dagger, could be fashioned, than the Immigrant Invasion propelled against Europe.

It could, eventually, collapse the EU?

Stay Vigilant! this revolt against Globalism, led by the Ignorant, and populated by Xenophobes, also threatens to collapse the United States?  Global Economics may continue; by switching from "Clean" Money to "dirty" Money!!  Meanwhile, Democracy disappears??

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Wednesday, June 22, 2016



On this last day before the BREXIT Vote, I'm realizing how deeply disturbed we are with the movement, led by the likes of TRUMP and his Tribe; and others around the World; to turn back toward primitive Hatreds and Religions, using them to preserve old traditions and beliefs of Group Superiority!

I had a 'flashback" to one of my Cameo Memories of pre-school years.  I was playing in the yard with my brothers, when a snake slithered into the yard.  Spotting it, we all ran toward the House, screaming Snake!; Snake!!  Mother heard us, and came quickly.  She grabbed a hoe, and chopped the snake to pieces.  That had to be in the War Years; around 1943.  The World was rife with death and destruction in a War driven by racial hatreds and Racial Superiority.

Britain, and Churchill, were on everyone's minds and lips, then,  Britain, without Churchill, is front and center again, as closed-minded and hate-filled British citizens push to separate that Nation from its bonds with Europe.

Stay Vigilant!  May we all have the Will and Good Fortune to defeat these forces; once again!

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Tuesday, June 21, 2016

TRUMP won't "Cheat" YOU? ..

TRUMP won't Cheat ME!
TRUMP will Cheat those
who are not "WE"
(who will Make America ...)

As the Republican Campaign for 2016 turns toward the General Election; this can be their campaign slogan?

For any U.S. Voter, in 2016, who can count past 25, without help; Hillary's message on TRUMP's
threat to our Economy, has to cause concerns!  This guy makes our typical Used Car Salesman look like a Saint, in comparison!

Take a clue from the high anxiety in every part of the World, as the BREXIT Vote approaches!
TRUMP is much more of a threat to the World Economy.  

Stay Vigilant!  It really IS, about the "Economy", Stupid!

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Monday, June 20, 2016

is it really all about "CANNIBALISM" .. (after all)??

Consider the Evidence?

Thirty years ago, Peter Drucker told his class a story.  It painted what he saw as our coming economic future.  It was about a future for JOBS, and the power of the "Knowledge Workers".

 According to my notes, Peter spoke of the power of gifted engineers and scientists who would "own" the technical knowledge that would produce our future.  He thought they would control their own destinies.  He spoke of Robotics, and the drive by Industry to exploit every bit of cheap labor on the Planet, before turning, en-masse, toward robotic manufacturing.  He thought the resulting collapse of "protections" provided by Licensing within Professions would hemorrhage all types of new Jobs for people; and that would make up for Jobs destroyed by Robots.  It's not quite turning out that way!  Why?

The seeds of what we're experiencing today, were around then, but, were recognized to be something else.  I point to Michael Milken and Ivan Boesky, and their roles in Hostile Takeovers of large Companies, using "funny money" (Junk Bonds, for example).  No one foresaw the stampede to "cannibalism" of venerable old companies that were forcefully taken over and stripped of their assets.  We all know the many participants in that stampede.  One of them ran for President of the United States in 2012.  As for the brilliant "technologists"  who would become all-powerful?  Zuckerberg, Jobs, and Gates are the only ones that stand out today.  Why so few?  The Power of Money (in astounding sums), was far greater than that of Technology, alone.  Big Money learned that it could "buy" technology -- "by the pound"!!  Today, Hedge Fund Masters are the new Plantation Bosses!

Companies (large and small) are being destroyed in record numbers today, while creating NO JOBS!  Politicians, Lobbyists, and many TECHNOLOGISTS joined forces to help Big Banks roll this huge ball of "Cannibalism"  along.  Reagan ushered-in this chapter of our History.  Repoobs, with "Supply Side" pixie-dust; took it from there, all the way,  to the Republican collapse of our Economy in 2008!

Stay Vigilant!  People like TRUMP, and his fellow Con-Artists, don't want you to see through their "Con"!  Politicians like TRUMP want you to believe they can create JOBs, using their "magical and mysterious" formulas??

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Saturday, June 18, 2016

the CHURCH; of, "whuz Hap'nin" NOW?


Flip Wilson has not been "with us", since 1998.

I awoke thinking about his Rev'n Leroy, pastor of the Church  of WHAT's HAPPENING, Now!
I'm sure that if Flip were alive, Rev'n Leroy could make clear sense of TRUMP, for all of us!

If you feel like the "walls are closing in"; you're not alone.  Something has happened to our concepts of Time and Space that negatively impacts just about every aspect of our lives!  We are working longer hours for the same, or less, PAY!  Those who have lost jobs have NO time for themselves, because every waking hour has to be dedicated to finding income!  Our ability to make choices to manage these changes, seems to have mysteriously disappeared!

Relationships, at every level, and of every type, are increasingly stressed, as demands for more of our Time mount.  Physical distance is still measured the same way; and clocks still measure Time by the old formula; and yet, the ever-increasing forces at play drive us all at a new pace!

I think we are steadily losing the ability to separate mankind from machines!  More and more, people have to prove that they can out-perform computerized mechanisms.  Our social relationships and networks are more mechanical than human.  We kid ourselves that gadgets will make our Living easier!

Organized Religions seem to have no good answers for this!  These wombs for much of the ancient hatreds and social norms, still alive on our Planet, are also feeling the "squeeze"; and are retreating hundreds years, back towards Religious Warfare!  Social distance, in the Past, has permitted these beliefs and differences to coexist among us, without coming into contact, and causing friction.  Today, because of Social Media, we are all coexisting in the same psychological, social, and economic SPACE!

Stay Vigilant!  The MONEY BOYS are in desperate competition with Governments to CONTROL these changes, and to manipulate them in ways that increase their Power.

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Friday, June 17, 2016


is it, now, in the Hands of "Fools"??

The Founders of the United States understood that un-checked Power, defined  EVIL, in the affairs of Mankind!  They wrote a Constitution that rested upon that understanding.  It has provided Safety and Wealth for our Nation for more than two hundred years!  Whether from Dictators, like Hitler and Stalin, or, Authoritarians, like TRUMP and his GOP Trumpsters; that Old EVIL has continuously dogged our path over time.

"Tip" O'Neill, as Speaker of the House, provided the check on Reagan's Power!  In spite of Tip's best efforts, Reagan managed to break the Law in the Iran/Contra Affair.  Reagan escaped punishments with a grin and an apology.

Our Nation's best Scientists and Engineers provided the check on the Power of Stalin's Soviet Union, during the Cold War.  From Trinity to Star Wars (SDI); that Power prevailed for our Nation; permitting us to win the Cold War!

The Greatest Generation provided the check to the Combined Powers of Hitler, Mussolini and Tojo; allowing us to win World War II and save Democracy for the World.  We willingly faced the bankruptcy of our Country to make that happen!

Fools, today, under the influence of Sirens in MEDIA, are willing to throw that Power away, as they embrace the false promise of safety from an Authoritarian like Donald TRUMP!!

Stay Vigilant! The Republican Party has demonstrated their inability to STOP TRUMP!   Their weakness as a Party, is clear evidence that they are unfit to Govern; and cannot defend our Constitution!

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Thursday, June 16, 2016

RYAN and GOP: at "Ease"; with "Sleaze"??

Repoob Leadership??

Paul Ryan, titular Leader of the GOP, and Speaker of the House of Representatives; led a televised Press Conference this morning, in which he admitted that he  "disagree's with TRUMP", but, will continue to support him for the Presidency!  Strong Leadership?  Maybe it is the best that can be expected from those in the GOP who have been "bested" by TRUMP??

Ryan made about as much sense as those in our MEDIA, who think that TRUMP can be defeated with satire!!  The overwhelming majority of Trumpsters can't spell SATIRE; nor can they define it!

Ryan will be satisfied with anyone who is not a Democrat, apparently!  I'm sure our Mass Killers aren't Democrats!  Neither are most of those Trumpsters who incite violence on our streets!

Stay Vigilant!  Behavior like this must be seen as the sleaze that it is!   It does not pass the "smell test" for People who believe in Fair and Equal Treatment for all Citizens!

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Wednesday, June 15, 2016

is TRUMP the "real" SNAKE??


Lara Weber, Reporter for the Chicago Tribune, writes about TRUMP's habit of citing Oscar Brown Jr's  1963 Poem: "The Snake".

Perhaps the most commonly feared, and loathed creature, since the days of Cleopatra, among many World Cultures, is the SNAKE!  It has also been used to symbolize loathesome, dishonest, untrustworthy, and vicious behaviours of PEOPLE.  Some snakes are so attractive, innocent victims mistakenly use them to amuse themselves (as MEDIA attractions, perhaps)?  Read the Poem:

Is TRUMP so disturbed, that he doesn't realize that he is exposing himself to his Followers?  Does TRUMP believe that his Followers are so stupid; they cannot see themselves as TRUMP-Victims??
Can an entire Nation be deceived by that kind of Snake?

Stay Vigilant!  No one will be able to pretend they were innocent, if they vote for TRUMP!  The Village Idiot should be able to "read" this guy and his Republican co-horts!  The number of Republican Candidates, alone, who were "struck" by this Snake, should serve as a warning for the Nation!

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Tuesday, June 14, 2016

"armed", and "gifted" SOCIO-PATHs?? ... (globally)???

MALE "legends" .. in their own MINDS??

Information has surfaced that the Orlando Shooter was a "customer" of the Gay Bar!  Was he "Cruising" -- with WMD??  You can watch the 1980 Movie of that name, starring Al Pacino, on You-Tube  His varying claims of allegiance to different Terrorists Groups may have been part of his packaging!  He was a wanna-be COP (Security Guard); who bought his WMD from a retired NY Cop!  (so, "go figure")??

As I recall, the film debut came at a time when Mad Ronnie was demagogue-ing Gays, and AIDs, much like TRUMP is demagogue-ing  Muslims, today!  Back then, a Knife was a sufficient weapon to strike the Terror that Hollywood sought .  Today, thanks to Ronnie, MEDIA has become "weaponized" and the physical weapons are mega-times more dangerous than a knife!!  Targets have expanded to include anyone and everyone within range of these weapons!

POTUS came out "smokin-MAD" this morning; blasting to HELL both, TRUMP, and his GOP Insurgents; who have taken over our Congress in their attempts to overthrow our Democracy!
It is HIGH-TIME the Citizens of this Country lends POTUS the SUPPORT he needs, to defeat these enemies of our Values and the Founding Principles of our Nation!

Five years ago, Norway suffered it's Massacre with WMDs -- committed by Anders Behring Breivik!
MEDIA has followed a disturbing "policy" of severely limiting all exposure of these "Armed and talented" "Socio-paths"  -- EXCEPT for Donald TRUMP, of course.  He stands excessively in the Public Eye as the "Presumptive Nominee" for President of the USA; courtesy of the Republican Party!!  Meanwhile, each of these Malfeasant(s) seem to out-perform their predecessor, by introducing some new wrinkle.  All of this delights and profits MEDIA!  Meanwhile, the numbers of Shooters, and their carnage steadily increase!

Stay Vigilant!  GOOGLE provides all the information our Public needs to become Well-Informed!
The Ability to READ, SPELL, THINK, and REASON are essential, however.  TRUMP knows this: that's why he proclaims to "Love, the Un-Educated"??

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Monday, June 13, 2016

wanna STOP! "Mass-Shootings" in USA??

"Listen" to the SHOOTERs!!

Of the more than dozen "Mass-Shooters" in the USA; they have been predominately White, Male, and weak, insecure, Racists, Sexists, or otherwise "Disturbed" individuals!  Nothing empowers an individual like this, more than an ASSAULT RIFLE does!  If you look abroad, you'll quickly realize that young, male-dominated Terrorist Groups like ISIS and BOKO HARAM, would cease to exist if the supply of Assault Rifles were, somehow, STOPPED!

Why does this NOT occur to us?  Because similarly "disturbed" individuals in our Media, and in the Republican Party do everything they can to keep the Assault Rifle Supply available; both at home, and abroad!  They are paid enormous sums of money by Manufacturers, and others who profit enormously from the Death, Destruction, and undermining of Governments that these weapons enable.  Organized Crime would be enormously crippled without them!!

THESE ARE WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION (WMD)!!  They do far more damage to our world, daily, than Nuclear Weapons!.  Cheney and Bush destroyed our Economy, because they could convince us that Saddam had WMD.  Republicans destroy our lives with their foolishness.  Throw in "Stand Your Ground" Laws, and the picture is complete.

How do you stop this?  First, make sure you vote against EVERY Republican you find on your Ballot in November.  Second, bend every effort to get a World-Wide BAN of these weapons, except for use by the Military of Legitimate Governments.  Don't waste time seeking Legislation.  Republicans are experts at NOT ENFORCING LAWS they don't like!

Stay Vigilant!  Instead of submitting to the Siren Songs of the Demented (TRUMP); GET ORGANIZED around the idea of BANNING these weapons, on pain of executing  anyone, not properly authorized, who is found to possess one.  The Orlando Shooting is making it more clear that County-Level Law Enforcement (Sheriffs) has to be brought up to World Standards, or Eliminated!   We may never know how many of the victims were shot by POLICE!

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Sunday, June 12, 2016

GLOBAL: "Organized Crime" (replaces) GOVERNMENT??

Reagan:  "Government is the Problem"!!

Reagan said: and we, foolishly, believed it!   Republicans treat that statement as one of their catechisms!!

Organized Crime, the World over, fears the Power  strong Government .  In the early days of JIM CROW, Leland Stanford, and other Tycoons of that day were "reigned in" by the Sherman Anti-Trust Act of 1890.  That Law is still on the Books, but Republicans, since Reagan, have treated it like "excess Regulation".  We've experienced the Housing Implosion, and the Great Recession, as a result??

Since 1890, Organized Crime has steadily encroached upon Government; succeeding in co-opting J. Edgar Hoover; who used his Power to intimidate Jim Crow Presidents.  LBJ and Nixon bowed to his Power; President Kennedy, and his brother, the Attorney General, did not!  Today,having thoroughly corrupted the Republican Party, TRUMP is poised to grab the Oval Office, as his Prize??  

In a recent BBC Interview, Mikhail Khodorkovsky characterized Putin's Russia as a criminal syndicate posing as a Government.

We see Smugglers; who are controlled by Organized Crime in Southern Italy; sending Immigrants who are fleeing Syria, to their death at Sea!  In the Past, these Criminal Organizations had to use Banks (like the Vatican Bank) to "launder" their dirty MONEY.  No Longer! --  they can set up their OWN Banks.  

Globalization is an answer to their Prayers, evidently.  These Organizations can now proliferate, as they pose as "small businesses" that are being treated unfairly by Governments.  Too many of us are too stupid and/or too scared to insist that Government use its Power to halt their rise.

Stay Vigilant!  Religions have no monopoly on Violent and Murderous activities!  If we flock to  Criminals in search of safety, we can bet that won't work out too well -- for anybody!  Globalization is weakening and collapsing Governments in all parts of the World!!

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Saturday, June 11, 2016

"Ignorance" (fills the Jury); DEMOCRACY (on Trial)??

TRUMP's "Big BET"??

When TRUMP proclaims his "Love" for the "Un-Educated"; we must take him seriously!!
A fleeting glimpse of Televised Media in the USA will tell anyone who is not seriously challenged in the Head, that, in the USA,  Education falls far below the World's highest standards!  FACTS, Truths, Logic, and Reason, can be found "homeless"  among the entire Lot!!

I wrote, in an earlier BLOG, that Trayvon Martin, and Dylaan Roof, represent Millenial Bookends that contain the 21st Century; and, especially 2016!  One displays the Fate of the Socially Weak and Under-educated;  while the other displays the dangers of the Socially Strong and Under-Educated!  One is Empowered by Jeb Bush and his "Stand Your Ground Law" -- the other, was one its victims.

Examine closely the Murder Trial: purported of Trayvon's Murderer; it was actually a Trial of Trayvon!  You can see, if you're not blinded by Racism, a Racist Law, employed by a Judge, Jury, and "Defense" Attorney -- all busily at work playing out their roles, in a Racially-Corrupted Justice System.  It doesn't take a Genius to imagine what a Trial of Dylaan Roof may look like!!

Then, consider the 2016 Election.  Trump and his backers inside the GOP, are searching under every rock to find Trumpsters who will vote for the GOP in November.  Pollsters are finding "Whites" that they never knew existed.  They are especially keen to find more Un-Educated Whites!  Mitch McConnell is emerging as the Grand Master of these proceedings, for the GOP!

Stay Vigilant!  Let's not fall asleep thinking the Whites with College Education will not vote for TRUMP!  Then, there are the "wanna-be" Non-Whites, like the two Florida Cubans we all know who will vote for TRUMP;  and: sad, sad, "Dr. Ben".  Mexicans may be waking up, however.  George "W" got a percentage of their vote that has steadily declined since 2000.  There are, also, those  "switch-hitting Liberals" who proclaim their tolerance, yet vote the opposite.

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Friday, June 10, 2016

the "ESSENTIAL" Muhammad Ali?

"You HAD to be there"

If you were young; above the age of 10 when Eisenhower took office in 1953; and, a Black Child in America, You HAD to know that something "special" was happening among us.  We grew up on Joe Louis; Jackie Robinson had "integrated" Baseball; and "we" had even defeated Hitler's Heavyweight -- Schmeling!

In my Hometown, C.C. Hubbard, the Icon for Education of Black Children in West-Central Missouri, had died in 1947, and our White Superintendent replaced him with a Black Professor from Georgia, who thought he was King over the Blacks.  He ran the school like a Dictator, and insisted that Blacks who came to his house had to use his Back-Door,  Black Students walked out on Strike and stayed out until the A-Hole was driven out of town.  We then moved to sit-ins against the Segregation of our Movie Theaters.  The Civil Rights Movement, among Black Youth, really began in the USA, in the 1950s!

Cassius Clay grew up in that environment.  We thought he would be the next Joe Louis!  Obviously he thought so, too.  This significant change spread slowly, nation-wide, among Black Youth; and led to the sit-ins we first saw on T.V. in the 1960s.  White versions of the Civil Rights Movement do not reveal this part.  This happened during a ten-year period, when Black Youth still "owned" Rock and Roll!

The willingness to stand up; against White Dictates, and pay the price for that; is what is essential in the story, and the life, of Muhammad Ali!  As the Movement toward Integration advanced, White Media, and other White Institutions were able to turn too many Blacks away from Leaders like Thurgood Marshall, and toward "Accommodat-ors", so prevalent today; like Clarence Thomas, Condi Rice, Ben Carson, and a raft of other Black "Conservatives"!

Stay Vigilant!  Ali no longer walks among us!  Today is the day of his "Home-Going".
May we all find better ways to break the "grip" that Racism still holds over Black Minds; and, within the Dominant Mind-Set of our Nation!

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Thursday, June 9, 2016

r NBA "players" SMARTER than NFL "players"??

Look to their "Livelihood" Issues?

I observed, years ago, before White Masters set up their Plantations around Organized Sports -- before "Integration" (1958) --; that Basketball Players were "smarter", on average, than Football Players!

That observation may hold for the the fans also; but there is insufficient evidence for that conclusion.

When it comes to Health, and Wealth, and other "livelihood" Issues, I have to hand it to the NBA!
They appear to be well ahead of the NFL at Collective Bargaining, for instance!  If they had the "nerve" to collect the data; I'm sure education levels are vastly better, also.  The Owners may, also, be a "cut-above"??

The "Plantation" characteristics of both the NBA and the NFL are inescapable for those willing to examine the History and present "management" of the Players in both Sports!  The NBA, however, is better at Organizing in pursuit of their "Freedom" and their Health!  Reports recently show that the NBA Players realize that the World Market is open to them; not just the Domestic Markets, that have been the "play-toys" of  Master/Owners.

Stay Vigilant!  No one who dreams of attaining Freedom, will achieve their Goal, if they remain
complicit with their Masters/Owner's manipulations!! 

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Wednesday, June 8, 2016

the RACE "race" (2016) .. in "On"??

The first rule; of a good "CON"??

Never Let The Victims "See" the REAL THREAT!!

Even the most blind, and stupid Voter must "see" by now that TRUMP (and his helpers) are Master Con-Artists!  Master Marco, clearly not the brightest "tool" in the Clown Car, told everybody that!

TRUMP's appeal is to WHITE VOTERS!  Any other votes that come his way will be "gravy"!
Now that we're past the Primary Elections, the REAL DEAL in "on"!!  The Big Game, for the Occupant in the White House, begins!  There are at least a dozen versions of TRUMP's "game!  Media is stirring those versions like Witches stir their Brew of Evil!  White Racists, Hillary-Haters, those who believe that only a White Male can be a "real" President of the United States ... and on, and on!  If TRUMP manages to get significantly more White Votes than Romney, he could win!  The GOP will do almost anything to make that happen.

What the GOP WON'T do, however is own up to their role in bringing all of this about!  Why?  Because that would break the "invisible" boundaries of the Belief System that holds on to the FICTION that No White Person is a Racist -- in the World's most Color-Racist Countries.  Television, for decades, hosts round-table discussions by white males who, like dogs sniffing each others butts, "absolve each other from the "racist" label.  For the first time, a Major Party is willing to label its own Front-Runner, "RACIST".  Obviously that is better than recognizing that TRUMP engages in Racial Attacks against a Federal Judge, to protect his PRIVATE Business-Interests!!  Yet, TRUMP told everyone last night how he will "expose" Bill and Hill for doing something that is similar to what TRUMP has been caught doing!

Stay Vigilant!  The real THREAT  we face is the total destruction of the Social Fabric of the United States of America !!  It began with Nixon, and switched into high gear when Reagan came into the Presidency.  We have declined sharply as a United Country, ever since.  TRUMP seeks to destroy that Union, permanently, on the basis of Skin Color!  Blacks, in search of fool's gold, flock to lend their contributions to Trumps "CON"!  Ideologues do not respond, at all; to REASON!!

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Tuesday, June 7, 2016

TRUMP "stiff's" RYAN?? ... (and GOP)?

Copying "Teddy" (cruz)??

Anyone still confused about what TRUMP really represents?  I suggest you view the 1956 Hollywood Thriller: The Bad Seed.  You can watch the original flick on your computer:

His "bratty" tantrums from childhood --  "It's not FAIR!"; or, "He started it!" or, "He doesn't LIKE me!" -- are all familiar to parents struggling to "civilize" a toddler!  When parents fail; SOCIETY bears the burden of dealing with the results.

The "authority" Paul Ryan, Speaker of the House of Representatives, Third in Line of Succession to the Presidency of the USA, and Leader of the GOP, holds over Party Affairs; cannot be tolerated by someone like TRUMP; anymore than Ted Cruz could tolerate the power held by Speaker Boehner.  We know what happened to Boehner.  Is Ryan facing the same outcome?  Priebus, head of the RNC, "slinks" in the background; protected from the Media by Ryan, apparently.  He will not step forward; so far, he is willing to allow the GOP fall apart; hammered by the stubborn behaviors of TRUMP!

Stay Vigilant!  Looks like this debacle, within the GOP, is just getting started!  In a BLOG, some time ago, I predicted that TRUMP is determined to destroy the Political Party Structure in the USA.  That would allow him free reign to continue, free of interference, his Politics-by-Media-Manipulation??

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Monday, June 6, 2016


MEDIA Mis-Information?? (again)

Our White MEDIA warns of a return to NATIONALISM.  They fail to include the ugly racial, ethnic, and religious nature of the Nationalism that is re-emerging around the World.  They tell us that 70% of the viewing public in the United States has a High School education, or less!  Maybe that is why our Media "spoon-feed's" them "mis-information"??

They worry that the re-emerging Nationalism will pose a threat to the Global Economy.  Wide-spread Nationalism is bad for our Planet, no doubt!.  World War I and World War II make that very easy to comprehend.  This new, Religious, Racial, and Ethnic Nationalism that is rising, and championed by TRUMP, Putin, and Netanyahu is very different and much more dangerous!  I'm sure that the various Religious, Ethnic, and Racial Groups who are targeted by this filth, have less doubt about their Nationalism, than they do about the Dominant Groups in their Nations who DO NOT wish for them to share in Governance, the Economy, or, in some cases, to even remain in the Nation!!

The Founders of our Nation, and writers of our Constitution; mindful of the fact that many European Immigrants came to our shores fleeing from Religious Persecutions, placed in our Constitution provisions that there be NO RELIGIOUS TESTS for public office, or other vestiges of power sharing!  Over the Centuries since,, our Politicians have, through social pressures, made membership in the Christian RELIGION,  a de-facto "Religious Test"!!

TRUMP, an his "Backers" -- -- are very close to converting our Nation into a Theocracy!
Because of the Violence that is so prominent in their Campaign, the Theocracy they seek will be more like a Taliban??

Stay Vigilant!  Don't be so foolish as to think you can vote for a candidate because YOU don't like the target groups they scapegoat!  Talibans seek power to enhance their wealth, and, to impose Law as their Religion dictates!  Think you can escape that??

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Saturday, June 4, 2016

Requiem: for "Ali"

"Long Live"
"Muhammad Ali"
1942 - 2016

What would be a "Fitting" TRIBUTE?  We can ALL "stand together", and DEFEAT his ENEMIES??

They are still "with us"; and, have only grown stronger since the early 1960's; when "Cassius" took his stand against Racism and the Vietnam War!  Today, they're busy "building a wall", and "banning all Muslims"!  They are also deepening the Crisis they created; by "strangling" our Country and cutting off its Funding in the House of Representatives.  Both Houses of Congress, under Republican Rule, have united, under TRUMP, to get rid of the Constitutional Rules for Governing our Country.

He was born: Cassius Marcellus Clay, Jr.: a name, from prominent Kentucky Slave-holding History.
I was born 3 years before him; but the World turned, drastically, in those 3 years between 1939, and 1942!  It turned again between 1960 and 1964, when "Cassius" became "Muhammad".  Eric Lincoln's book: The Black Muslims in America was published in 1961.  It caused an "uproar" among Black College Students on our Nation's Campuses.  As a student at San Francisco State, I participated in a Debate with our "superior" Black Students at U.C. Berkeley.  "Martin" or "Malcolm" soon became the dividing line.

White Media intervened sharply; hastening to buttress their control over Black Minds, by making sure the Booker T. Washington brainwash of the Old South, remained paramount.  Civil Rights issues rose in prominence among Black Students, from High School and up; beginning around 1952.

When Muhammad Ali declared his name change, shortly followed by his conversion to Islam; White Media was enraged!  White Politicians, and most Blacks, as I remember, hastened to "fall in line"!

Today, those Enemies of Old have grown strong enough to threaten the very survival of our Democracy.  Led by a Kentucky Senator, they have applied the lessons they learned over several past decades: from  the Assassinations of Martin, and Malcolm; their attempts to destroy Ali's Career; and every other trick in their book; to pursue the obliteration of President Obama's Record in Office!  

"Shunning" is the tactic they settled on.  It was used by Cadets at the U. S. Military Academy in their unsuccessful attempt to drive away Benjamin O. Davis, Jr., when he racially integrated the Academy.  McConnell, and his co-conspirators have adopted that tactic to stymie, and thwart the first Black President of the United States.

Stay Vigilant!  These enemies never go away -- they "shape-shift"!  Bull Connor, George Wallace, Strom Thurmond, Orrin Hatch, Jesse Helms, Ronald Reagan and the Bushes, and Bubba Clinton have all taken their "turn at the screw"!  Digital Media provides a super-rich environment in which this Monster has gained new life!

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Friday, June 3, 2016

SAN JOSE: TRUMP's "Chickens" ...(Come Home)??

The Ignorant "Reap" what TRUMP Sows??

We see more clearly now why TRUMP "Loves" the "uneducated"!!  No matter who they are, or how far away his messages reach; they "play-into" TRUMP's Plans.  He has been, with the gleeful help of Media Sources (like Joe & "Meek"-a) spreading his vile, and hate-filled messages that target People of Color and Women.  The "Whirlwind" appears in San Jose?  The Media feigns "surprise" and "confusion" in response!  The methodology, "borrowed" from Putin and Netanyahu, that disrupts Governments and Stable Societies in pursuit of their nefarious goals; has begun to feed on itself within the United States.

Paul Ryan has "signed-on" to TRUMP's Madness.  There goes the "Ball-Game" for the Republican Party.  No matter what comes next; the GOP is automatically implicated.  We're beginning to see how a Major Political Party dies??

Today's JOB numbers are disturbing to Market Insiders.  It appears the the Federal Reserve may be, for the first time in its 100-plus years, without Historical guidance for its next step.  The Global Economic "melt-down" brought upon us by the GOP -- coupled with their dogged determination, for the past 8 years, to counter any and all attempts to repair its impact -- continues to confound those who toil to regain some economic footing.  The CHAOS that can lie ahead, may be what TRUMP is counting on??  Meanwhile, like Adolph's Brown-shirts, the bearers of TRUMP CAPS become public symbols of hate.  Their target groups respond!

Stay Vigilant!  Be aware of MEDIA beating the Drum for TRUMP!  Don't contribute to Chaos!

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Thursday, June 2, 2016

from "HAMILTON" to TRUMP (212 Years)!!

why the HISTORY you were never taught may make you commit Political Suicide!!

In 1804, Aaron Burr murdered Alexander Hamilton, and had to flee to Georgia to escape prosecution!
Burr, at the time, was Vice-President of the United States, serving under Thomas Jefferson, as President.  A few years prior, Toussaint L'Overture, leader of an African Slave Revolt, defeated Napoleon in Haiti.

That defeat spurred the French to offer to sell Land, we call the Louisiana Purchase, to the United States.  It now forms the Central one-third of our Country!   Hamilton, born in the Caribbean under suspicious circumstances, was accused of not being a White person.

The British burned our White House in 1812.  Today, with the help of Donald Trump, the Repoobs seek to burn our Constitution!  They send coded messages to all Whites who harbor that old, lingering Fear, that started in the Americas with the Slave Revolt of Haiti.  It can be argued that the shift toward Anti-Slavery, the Civil War, and our creation of Jim Crow, can be traced back to that Slave Revolt.

While the United States continued its original thrust toward People of Color, under Jim Crow:  the rest of the Western Powers turned toward the Colonization of Africa.  The results of that decision are graphically present across that Continent today.  Led, almost exclusive, by White Males - except for Thatcher, and Golda Meir - these Nations have kept Color Racism, and the FEAR of Dark People alive for their separate political and economic purposes.  Now arrives the Monster who can use modern technological tools to fully exploit this History, for his own Power and Wealth, and, also for a few of those who support him. 

Stay Vigilant!  Following our Civil War, and two World Wars, Western Governments have been fused together in the building and exploitation of our Global Economy; at the expense of the World's Darker, and Poorer Nations.  Inequality, or Economic Disadvantage, were issues that loomed large in both World Wars; and their aftermaths.  The United States, alone, among Western Nations held total political and economic sway on the Planet, after 1945.  Turning back toward Racism and Colonialism, Leaders, at home, squandered that advantage!   Leaders abroad, have joined them, and turned the Planet, back to Economic Inequality, mixed with Racial Division, as the toxic stew that feeds TRUMP!  The Election of 2016 may be our last chance to turn away from this madness.  Both, Religion and Science were drafted to support these dangerous conditions we face.  Read C.P. Snow, to learn more about Science and Racism.

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Wednesday, June 1, 2016

(WHO is hiding) "Under the SHEET"(?) (with) TRUMP??

The Answer to this $10B Question will "tell-all"??

Under the fog of obfuscations, and out-right LIES, enshrined by our MEDIA; and those "reported" by our Media; hide the FUTURE of the United States of America!  More people in Public Leadership are finally coming to grips with the possibility that TRUMP could "win" the Oval Office.  He stated in a News Conference he held yesterday, that what we were seeing is a Preview of his White House News Conferences; if we are foolish enough to allow him to get there!!

His 4-month late decision to write the check to Veterans Organizations, that he lied to us about in January, was clearly the result of prompting by a few decent Journalists left in our Media.  The "triangulators" and others in our Media, who are secret collaborators with TRUMP,  are shifting uncomfortably as they decide where and how to position themselves regarding the 3-Card-Monty "Con" that Donald is running.

It is hard to imagine that the Republican Party will make it through this Election, intact!  More and more shreds of the Party are appearing daily.  The one most likely to replace the Party is the strengthening Libertarian Party.  In my days in the State of Washington, I became very close to Libertarians, who were only too happy to teach me what they were all about.  They have their Bigots, too, but, like the Democrat Party, theirs are more honest and open about their positions.

The "beady-eyed" George Wallace look-a-likes, and act-a-likes (Mitch McConnell, and "Judge" Jeff Sessions) are openly supporting TRUMP!  They are learning from TRUMP to be more "out" from under their Sheets -- there are few negative consequences in 2016!  How many more there are, we will not know until after their secret visits to the Ballot Box in November.

Stay Vigilant!  Both sides of this Battle (elect the Hard Right, or STOP the election of the Hard Right) seem to agree that their failure can be catastrophic to their Plans, and to the FUTURE of the United States of America!  Thanks to Citizens United; we may never know how many Foreign Interests will make their way into the Ballot Box, guests of the Hard Right!

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