"Let's U and Him "Fight" !!
We awake. today. to NEWS that "Rupert" is "gettin' OUT"; he's throwing the whole ka-boodle over to his sons. Atwater is "doin' time" elsewhere; but Ailes and his Gang are busy as Bee's trying to FIX their GOP MESS; now that New Hampshire has thrown in the monkey-wrench!
It's high time ALL of us look much more closely at the MUCK their "Media" has been purveying?? Up to now, its been the STENCH that was most annoying; but now Blacks (mostly kids) are being MURDERED by Cops! Will WHITEs be Next?? The White Kid who took the Video of the McKinney, TX Debacle, said that the White Cops "ignored" him!! One white member of the pool party said he felt he was "invisible" to the Cops! Only true Racists can't see this Open Discrimination.
Why is it so pervasive, and why do we never seem to "move beyond" Race? Partly because White-designed "Education" has convinced too many Blacks that Racism is "Over"!! Most Whites no longer call Blacks N*igger to their Face! Too many Blacks relate Racism to Dogs, and Fire Hoses, and Fat Cops on Horses.
Those of us who can, and WILL Read, are discovering the true depths of the pile of Lies, obfuscations, and viscous "Policies" Whites have put into LAWS, and preached from Pulpits, over the past several hundred years.
Two Books: RACE and Manifest Destiny, (Horsman), 1981; and A Troublesome Inheritance, Genes, Race, and Human History, (Wade), 2014, should make it clear that Racism, as we've known it has a very long Past ,with Europeans. Naziism, as we've known it, began on THIS SIDE of the Atlantic, arriving in Germany following World War I. Is it still with us? Atwater and Ailes, ushered our present chapter, into our Politics, with Mad Ronnie Reagan!
Stay Vigilant! Blacks and Browns, of all ages, Need to "Get Smart, Quick", and learn the roles "Science" and "Religion" have played in producing our current mess. Its fairly obvious that Global Economics demands MORE, not LESS of what Hannity and O'Reilly are so cheerfully "dishing out"!
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