The Plight of the "Black Conservative"
In 2015, the definition of a "Black Conservative", in the U.S. is any Non-white. who admits African ancestry, and still believes Whites are "Smarter" than Blacks! They don't yet realize that the Slaves of Old survived, on the realization that Whites were Mean, and Greedy, and Cruel, and Tribal in their "Organization"; but not very SMART! Whites, like Mark Twain, and Film Story-teller, Disney (both Missourians) knew this; but their White Readers Did Not! The phenomenon has produced everything from Birth of a Nation (ca. 1915), to Bart Simpson (ca. 1989). The GOP bases its entire Party Strategy on this phenomenon. Black Conservatives, in 2015, are found, mostly, in the Sewer States.
White Cops, and most GOP Politicians, seem to believe that Whites are Smarter than non-Whites; throughout the World. They "have it out for" all non-white people, at all times, and anyplace on the Planet! They are willing to "attack" at the slightest cause, or what they fear non-whites might do in the future! They still see themselves as "Conquistadors" of old, or "Frontiersmen" without Frontiers, or simply, "Gunslingers".
Black Conservatives realize that Abraham Lincoln made it Legal for them to bear Arms, but they choose NOT to, so they will appear "non-threatening" to Whites. Post Civil War Legislation gave Black Males the Right to Vote; but they have chosen NOT to fight for the Vote. They have, instead, chosen to let Whites cast votes in their stead, in order to gain, or keep their jobs.
Stay Vigilant! It is becoming painfully obvious that these "Leaders" and their mind-sets cannot continue beyond 2015! That Way, lies Re-Enslavement, or, WORSE!
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