The Horror Years in "Church"
From the televised Services in Charleston, this morning (interrupted for Commercials, of course), it becomes clear that the White South received its "Blessed Assurance" that things can return to "Normal". The Southern Black Christian is just as confused, and "Joyful" in the face of Terror; as always; in the Past! Their brand of "Love", has certainly NOT persuaded many people!
From 1945, when my Mother died, until 1952, when my Grandmother died, I, too, had Sundays like those televised today. The Songs were the same, the Message from the Pulpit, the same. The Horror of Recent Death; that lingered for those who lost Loved Ones, was there; returning "fresh" every Sunday Morning. In 1952, when, according to the Bible, I had become a "Man" (at the age of 12); I quit going to Church regularly!
Why? Several reasons; but, primarily because the Messages were Hollow, and easy to see through.
Often, it was because our Bishop would send us an ignorant, "Holy Roller" to be our Minister. It took a long time for the Congregation to "get rid" of him. Today's Deep South Blacks are still stuck in those same, ages old, "ruts". Their "Belief", today, is the same, "submissive" type; that makes them so hard to Defend, and so easy to Murder!
My Principal Reason, though, came with the realization that My Mother was buried in a place, for her Journey to Heaven, that was SEGREGATED from the places where Whites entered their
If there was more than One Heaven, I reasoned, My Mother, surely, went to the REAL one! I didn't Give a Damn, where, or if, there was a White Heaven! I have since learned the many ways Blacks, to this day, (check out our Athletes) are robbed and abused under the impact of those old 'Beliefs"!
A careful research into the methods utilized by the Romans to construct the Fraud that we now know as Christianity, shows the sorry path the World has since traveled,, and why. As President of the Bishop Allen Society, in College, I learned the History of the AME Movement.
Stay Vigilant! Race-Driven-MEDIA, was busy, this morning, alongside their Black "Helpers", repairing any damages "Roof" may have done to our Race-Baited Politics, and Social Controls !
(Looks like his DADDY gave him the GUN!)
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