Can She "Unchain our Hearts"??
In Hillary's "Four-Freedoms-Park" Speech, this morning, it became clear to me that
the "chain" that binds our Nation to "failed Reganism", causing us all to sink, evermore, into
Poverty for All; has to be broken!! She listed the things that must be done. She is correct, when she states that the GOP is addicted to "Yesterday" and it's chains of Inequality, Marginalization, Lack of Opportunity, and Despair!
It's clear that the path to Yesterday, offered by the Republicans, has not caught the Public's Imagination. Yet, even their young, green, candidates, (think Rubio) are wedded to it! Why? Because Hate, mixed with Fear is the Hybrid Horse that has been ridden by Romney, McCain, the Bush(es), Reagan, and Nixon. These characters have given birth to our current National Nightmare; wasting our lives,our time, our talents and our MONEY!
Of all of our challenges, I feel that EDUCATION will be the hardest to reform. The pernicious poison with which Nixon, and his succeeding Repoob Leaders, have "addicted" this Nation; was born in the 1850's, and later became implanted deeply in U.S. Ivy League Universities (both Coasts). It grew to infect public and private education at all levels, since. It began with a perversion of the Science of Natural Selection, when Herbert Spencer, 1864, coined the phrase "survival of the fittest"; ushering in "Social Darwinism". It grew to become the "Religion" of the Right Wing in the Americas; and the root of Hitler's activities in Germany, after 1930. Under this rubric, the Republicans have managed to push us to a point where there are more Black Males in Prison in the United States, today, than there were in Chains before the Civil War! We cannot continue to wander in this "Darkness"!!
An expensive, Institutional Nightmare, from Kindergarten to Graduate Schools, has to be abolished; and replaced by people and Institutions that seek to develop ALL of the Talent this Nation Possesses.
Social Darwinism rules the Teachers Unions, the School Administrators, the Teachers, and the State Governments in all of our States. The Textbooks were "cooked" by Texans, decades ago (Texas sets the national standards for our Textbooks). We need a Fresh Start at Public Education: Rip Out all of the old wiring!
Stay Vigilant! The Most Dangerous element of this belief system, (for Black and Whites) is the BLACK "Social Darwinist"! Clarence Thomas has done MORE DAMAGE, and is in a position to continue; to this Country, than any single person in my lifetime! Our Police Forces today, are rife, with Social Darwinists of Color!
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