Forces of "Darkness" Prevail??
Amidst the din of wild celebration (Gays), and the despondency of persons of color (Blacks and Browns), there lurks a "reality" of severe loss! The Roberts Court, with its Italians (and their Black Lawn Jockey) "riding high"; has "high-tailed" out of their session ending in 2013; on a trail that leads back to the Taney Court of old.
Their rulings this week have stripped the Federal Government of its role (since the Warren Court) of interfering in whatever the States do, or don't do, to their citizens; so long as the States are not "egregious" in trampling on their basic Constitutional Rights. We should ALL recognize that citizen-voting is NOT one of those rights (State Legislatures hold that power under the Constitution).
This also means Persons of Color (Blacks and Browns) will have to study the path the Gays took. They have to move away from their Moral Persuasion Approach; towards the brass-knuckles approach of MONEY and grass-roots organization, taken by the Gays. In other words, More Malcolm, Less Martin! Be aware, its not totally a "done deal" until the Court "tinkers" with the Commerce Clause; as it has been applied to Federal actions against the States. Now, we understand more fully why Romney told CPAC to form their lines at the State level. Black and Brown citizens have to pull their heads out, get up off their knees, stop praying and wailing in public, and learn to play "hard ball" with Rednecks! Jesus has done his part. Remember: Black Politicians like money, also; so be careful whom you support!!
From my experiences in Seattle in support of organizations like Brother to Brother; Blacks and Browns should not expect strong backing from white and male Gays in future fights against the forces of "Darkness". Our fight against AIDS got little support from them. The results, today, show the ravages of AIDS in the Black and Brown communities; and stand in testament to that history.
So jump and have fun for this "4th" (and Pride) season; but, beyond, lies serious work for all of us.
For those of you who are "Straight"; remember, "first they came for ...." . The devolvement of power back to the States, courtesy of the Roberts Court, bodes ill for ALL citizens; as the Federal Government continues to weaken (in both, its Executive and Legislative Branches), and the State Governments grow poorer; led by frightened Whites. (South Africa in comic reverse).
These rulings insure passage of some sort of Immigration Bill; but it may be a hollow victory! We will get a new group of Peons, I'm afraid. I see a lot of "voting with our feet" in this country, in the future!
Stay Vigilant! Those who are easily fooled, deserve what happens to them!
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