Saturday, June 8, 2013

The 50 States of 'DYSFUNCTION-LANDIA' ??

"We're ALL 'Minorities' NOW"??
Mitt's grand-gathering yesterday in Utah was an attempt to "fit yet-another mask" on Romney.
The "spin" holds that the Mitt that "would'a been", if he won in 2012, was the Mitt that showed up yesterday at the closed-door (excluding the press) gathering.  Mitt's public pronouncements, a few days before, revealed his disapproval of God's timing of Hurricane Sandy.
Next week, Trayvon Martin (not his "killer") goes on trial.  This week, the high class and highly paid legal defense lawyers put the "evidence" gathered by the police, on trial.  Most citizens harbor the mistaken notion that judicial trials in this country seek truth and fairness.  Nothing could be further from the "truth".  Trials here can best be described as a "joust" between opposing sides, where the best prepared (best paid?) side "unseats" the other.  Truth is not to be found anywhere in the game, EXCEPT, when it can be "proven" that a lie was told under oath.  Trayvon, of course, is dead; therefore, the better paid "defense" is also the better "prepared"??  If they get a judge to outlaw the evidence before the trial begins; even better for the slick defense.  Welcome to Dysfunction-Landia!  What an example Johnny Cochran set almost 20 years ago!
At the CPAC klan gathering a few months ago, Mitt told the Repoobs to focus their strengths and strategies at the State Government-Level.  Wisconsin and North Carolina seem to be "in play" already.  It may be that Big Money buys so much more for the Malignant Right at the state level.
Back to Utah; both Right and Left politico's were invited.  It appears that, since whites will be a minority in this country as we move through the 21st century,  it's most important that all whites, right, left, and center, come together in a "bi-partisan"(?) way.
Recent data show that women, in all households, are approaching the status of majority wage earner in this country.  Their income "earned" is steadily declining, in both amount and buying power;  workers lose more and more control over their lives; and bear increasing costs of employment (few or no benefits). 
Ira Katznelson explains in Fear Itself  how Legislators from the Deep South (Senator Graham's "Hell-Hole") have run this country since the time of the Founders.  He also explains how all of the big Crises (Our Founding, Lincoln's Civil War, and FDR's Great Depression) were settled on the backs of the Blacks.  Roots of Dysfunction-Landia??
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