Tuesday, June 25, 2013


Does Our Fate Lie "in the Bushes"??
Justice Marshall must be rolling in his grave!  He was right; "black snakes" are very dangerous!
Daddy Bush's "handiwork" finally pays off for the enemies of Civil Rights, free/fair elections, and, Democracy, in this country.  After 200 years of slavery, and 100 years of Jim Crow Segregation (Peonage); 48 years of "remedy" was simply too much for some folk.
Sandwiched between the economic squeeze of the Global Economy, their losing Demographics, their struggle to stop abortion of white babies, and the tidal wave of "immigrants" of the wrong color; what are those white citizens who are scared and angry to do??  The 2012 elections showed that, when allowed their right to vote, non-white young citizens WILL VOTE!  The "Supremes" ruling against Voting Rights today shows that to Dream is not enough; and, the arc of history may, in the long run, bend toward Justice; but as economists say: In the Long Run, We're All Dead! 
Back in the Bushes: the year is 2000, the place is Florida, Jeb Bush is Governor.  Voting Rights met a miserable fate there and then, as red-neck ignoramuses from outside Florida rampaged through that state; turning the election to "W" Bush (and Cheney).  The Supremes intervened there, too; placing their deciding thumb on the scales.  This week, in Florida, Jeb Bush's "Stand Your Ground" gun law is on trial along with Trayvon Martin (dead) and George Zimmerman (still breathing).
We're learning that the true crisis of the 8 years of  the Cheney/Bush "administration" may be the Snowden Affair.  From before 9/11 on, there seems to have been a series of "eff-ups" in our Intelligence apparatus.  How is it, that we came to this sorry pass where a company like Booze-Allen was the portal through which Snowden sprang?  Instead of chasing phantom "scandals", Congress must become "serious" and get to the bottom of what has become of our foreign and domestic "intelligence" and security structures; following 8 years of Cheney/Bush.  Obama has patched some holes,  but not others (financial system), and may not yet be aware of others ("intelligence").  We can see now why Congress has been a "drag" on his efforts?   Their  "Solid" opposition to gun legislation, and refusal to comply with the voters' directions in the election of 2012, are now more clearly understood?
Is it ironic, or tragic, that Mandela lies, clinging to life in formerly(?) Apartheid South Africa; waiting for Obama??
Stay Vigilant!  The battle for our country will be waged at home!
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