Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Is it 'COMMUNITY" or "ORGANIZER" ...??

That "scares'em" the Most??
In an interview with Charlie Rose a couple of nights back, Rahm Emanuel, currently Mayor of Chicago, laid blame for our "broken" government on the fact that voters no longer choose their representatives.  Due to successful gerrymandering, politicians can now choose their voters.  This opens the door to parallel government, and the end of "Democracy" as we thought we knew it.
However, for citizens of color, there is precious time left for them to "wake up and smell the coffee"!
ORGANIZATION is the key to personal success and wealth in this country, hence-forward.  Anyone who thinks it is "networking", has been successfully "mushroomed" by those who know better.
"The business of the United States is business" has never been more true than it is today.  The old "acccomodationist" black approach to personal wealth (think Herman Cain), it totally obsolete.
White citizens have known this for centuries (think Ku Klux Klan, and White Citizens Councils).
Non-whites have been mislead into believing they can "integrate" their way to success.  One person's "integration" may be another's "new subjugation"???
No matter how you see it, personal survival in terms of security in person and property, as well as social sanity; will depend on a healthy awareness of the new terrain evolving in this country and the development of skills to "play" on that terrain.  For example, does anyone think, seriously, that Dennis Rodman is the key role model for "competitiveness" for non-whites in our evolving global economy??
Poor (and some not so poor) whites may think the key to their future security is the gun; but they're wrong.  They have to find a way to undo centuries of socialization that make them unfit to coexist successfully in an awakening non-white world.
Poor and poorly-educated (hyper-religious) non-whites have their own share of this problem. 
Stay Vigilant!  Time to get to work -- building the right SKILLS!
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