"WHO" Do YOU Trust?? - "WHO" Trusts YOU??
No reporting, or any discussion of the topic of "Surveillance", should appear without the accompaniment of the word TRUST!! But that would be too much to expect of Media these days.
Rarely, if ever, does trust and surveillance co-exist around some issue or event; whether personal and private, or public. In the United States, since President Obama was elected, and since the Republicans dropped their "stink bomb" on our economy (both occurred in 2008); TRUST, real or imagined, was the first casualty. Even more so than immediately following 9/11. The nation pulled together in 2001 and put their trust, blindly, in Cheney/Bush and our feckless Congress!
For a nation that admits its racist past, it should come as no surprise that the first Black President would not enjoy much trust from those who did not vote for him. He obviously was not trusted that much by many who did vote for him! Those voters were scared sh*tless by the economic collapse, and were hoping Obama would, like Jesus, perform miracles. He did, it fact, but not all the miracles they wanted, apparently.
How many ways do we distrust each other? Let's count (some of ) the ways: Red/Blue; White/Black; Ethnic/Ethnic; North/South; East/West; Rich/Poor; Female/Male; Liberal/Conservative; (had enough?). Nobody here trusts any "foreigner"!
So; surveillance of "foreigners" is o.k. -- but don't surveil US!! (pick your poison from the list). This entire charade is madness! Are we witnessing more evidence of our ultimate decline as a nation?
Stay Vigilant! Is your FACE BOOK page "public" or "private"??
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