Is it All "Visual" Now??
After watching A Girl's Life (Google it on PBS) with my teen-age grand-daughter, I can become convinced that, in this media age, "visual cues" are everything. They over-ride religious values (or cause deep internal conflict), parental teaching, peer-bonds, and are peculiarly "isolating" for targeted victims. The question of whether the victim is also somehow to blame for what happens to them, is deeply psychotic in nature; with no clear answer. Female/male relations, starting at steadily-younger ages today, are ground-zero; followed by color and race. It is clear, however, that visual cues led Zimmerman to his current happenstance. He was socially and psychologically conditioned to follow those cues.
We all become "players" in this shell-game of blame and burgeoning protests; puppeteer'-ed by media. The Miami Heat is holding its big celebration on South Beach today, but, did you see the two-page fold- out in TIME recently of LeBron?? And what's up with Dennis Rodman?? The "visuals" on both of these guys are un-mistake-able! Eldridge Cleaver, in Soul On Ice, was dead-on when he defined the "super-masculine menial" as large in body (and income, for some today), but miniscule in brain-power and common sense. But, we gobble it down like pigs in swill. Sure makes your average, effete, white boy feel superior, though. Isn't is strange that these guys all are staunch defenders of "Christianity" in public? That seems to be part of the "packaging" for media, I guess. The Right has known that "religion sells" for quite some time, now.
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