Fools & Technologies
I have spent my adult lifetime involved in technological advances, mostly in those technologies involved in waging the Cold War. (And setting the stage for the Media and Internet Age). I have witnessed detonation of nuclear weapons, and worked closely with the aftermath of those detonations. I am more concerned than most with the child in charge of the nukes in North Korea.
I'm becoming more alarmed about the lack of maturity of younger world leaders as they assume power (witness the proctracted horrors in Syria). Like a toddler with a loaded gun, no one within their range is safe. If the "gun" happens to be a nuke, nobody on the planet is completely unaffected -- if it is exploded in the open air.
Parallel to the new trend toward younger and more immature leaders, is the weakening of protections provided by time-tested institutions. I have in mind the Constitution of the United States, which is slowly being dismantled by a Faction that used to go by the name of the Republican Party. It is clear that they will not heed "final" results, or the voices of our electorate as provided under our Constitution.
Like factions in other countries and other times, they have their own agenda. That agenda does not parallel the wishes of the electorate. Current attempts to sanely regulate gun use within the United States is a case in point. A well-funded Corporation can humiliate the citizens and top elected "leaders" of this once great nation.
Winston Churchill, who got a few things right, is reputed to have observed that the citizens of the United States can be trusted to do the right thing: but not until AFTER they've tried every other possibility! We may not have enough time for such foolishness these days. The God that protects fools may just be too tired to give a damn anymore. Our "Democracy" (really a democratic Republic)
may be assigned to the dust-bin of history as a result.
Stay Vigilant! Stay Angry!
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The news about it is definitely scary.