Is "Salvation" Near??
Maybe we won't have to wait for Hillary to "save the nation"! It just might be that Obama and his plane-load of Newtown parents can achieve what a national election couldn't. Cure the Republican Party of the insidious cancer that has infected it since the days of Tricky Dick.
For almost 40 years, now, that death-dealing infection, growing from the bowels of the Deep South has crept into the Party and spread "Red" throughout our states. It has culminated in the financial, social, spiritual, and mental decline of this country in ways that may take us decades to recover from.
First, we have to root it out -- to save the Party and to save the country. The Founders stuck us with a manichaen system of "either - or"; that we have to save, to save our system.
It was an off-year election that allowed them to sneak into our (countin') House. Maybe 2014 will be the off-year election that banishes them for good. Malignant governors, established in the Red States, are in trouble, the polls show. We can hope! And VOTE!!
Over the years I have spent some good times in Kentucky. There are a lot of good people (both black and white) in Kentucky; and God Knows "Mitch ain't one of em'"!! Mohammed Ali (Cassius Clay) is from Kentucky! Maybe, in 2014, the good Kentuckians will find their gumption and remove this threat to our nation and our future??
That sharp cracking sound coming from Congress last week during the voting for Gun Legislation, was the sound of the GOP splitting. Hopefully its a clean break, and not just a stress crack. After festering in the body of the Party for this long, some strange, malignant creatures have formed that also have to be treated and/or surgically removed. Some of it is old tissue that has grown malignant with age. Others are creatures from the ante-bellum South who want to re-fight our Civil War.
They are busy turning many of our states into "Mississippi". Do you have one near you?? Examine carefully the people running for any office -- school board, city council, or dog-catcher. That's where they get inside the system.
Stay Vigilant!
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