Sunday, April 21, 2013


"Is it TIME We "GROW UP!" ??
These Chechneyan Boys will teach the citizenry of this country some unpleasant lessons for years to come.  Lessons that tug at the core of our belief systems.  If you think about it, we have to examine more closely the fundamental difference between viewing your role as a citizen through your religion, versus viewing it through the eyes of the Founders who strove to keep a non-religious approach to governing.
Good Guys/Bad Guys describe the filter through which we run our lives; from white hats/black hats; to white people/non-white people; and  "positive" vs. "negative" views of our daily lives.  "Our" children are "good"; "Our religious beliefs are "good"; "Our" people are "good".  People not like us, in any way, can be somehow "less good".  Religion is the ultimate source of these beliefs.  Minichaenism (good vs. evil) lies at the root of Christianity.  We're taught that other religions are somehow "Neitzschean" .  In reality, both are blended in Christianity.
Our Founders evidently believed that no race or group had a lock on good or evil; because they went to great lengths to "balance power" and "divide power".  Over time, our political parties, viewed by the founders as "factions", have consistently whittled away at the structure provided by our founders in such a way  as to concentrate power by race, wealth, region, and religion.  Simultaneously, we withdraw from our neighbors, family members, and those "not like us" and prepare to provide security for "our people".  We're tending toward the Laager Mentality of the white South African.
We may have reached a point, following the election of our first non-white President, of fatally crippling the executive branch and the judicial branch of our state and federal governments; thereby, centering power in the Legislatures, where the Founders placed the power of the purse.
Citizens have to rethink their view of government, at the local and national levels, and debate what can be done to combat the trends we see before us.  We must do this before the signs of internal collapse that surround us accelerate.
Stay Vigilant!  READ! THINK!
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