Friday, April 19, 2013

"LOSER(s)" !! : The KEY We're Missing?

A 'Self-Imposed' Status??
A couple of hours ago, in a televised interview of an uncle of the two suspects sought in the Boston Bombing; he referred to them as "Losers".  Recent Immigrants, all, from Russia, his comment jarred my memory.  I was taken back several decades to a conversation I had about race with a white fellow officer from Boston.  He told me of his immigrant background, and explained that any white male immigrant to the United States who did not "make it", saw himself as a "Loser".  That is because this country has always favored white males in their immigration policies and practices.  If they can't "make it" here....?  That was the uncle's one-word explanation for what is unfolding before us.
A day or so ago, the United States Senate committed a despicable act; one that betrayed 90%  of the voters in this country, and more than a simple majority of gun owners; when they killed any path to gun control in this country; IN THE FACE OF THE VICTIMS OF BOTH NEWTOWN AND BOSTON!
Are they "sick", "mad" "craven" -- what is happening here?  I submit they are not necessarily any of these -- they are scared to death of the voters in their districts, because they come from places where  "Loser's" are in control.  Social Distance explains a great deal of what we've seen in this country over the past couple of years.  The Dummies in the Media can't see it, because they're part of it!  So are the leaders of our churches, government agencies, and both parties.  
This also ties into the worsening economic conditions, lack of employment for all males, and the relentless damage to our economy the malignant Right is inflicting in its vengeful war on President Obama.
Groupies for Limbaugh and FOX come to mind, along with political "advisors" like the late Atwater and professionally dead Rove; who feed on this element of our society for financial gain and for power.  Younger, more scarey opportunists like Senators Graham, Rubio, and Cruz are now surfacing to feed off the detritis.  You can already see the link between "guns" and "immigration" appearing in new legislation.  Could foreign terrorists also be honed in? 
Using the filter of Social Distance, and how we use it in our daily lives, it becomes even more clear that Pogo was prescient:  "We see the enemy; and THEY IS US!! 
Stay Vigilant!  Do Some Soul Searching.
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