Our "Future" Dawns??
There's a saying: "The Future does not REPEAT the past; it RHYMES with it!" I saw the movie: "42", last night. The film, extremely well done, took me back 70 years, instantly, to a time and place where black neighbors ("Colored", then) huddled over radios in back yards listening to Joe Louis fights. The War was on, and those twilight periods of the day were magic. The "terror" that everybody felt, but nobody spoke of, was ever-present. It was the kind of simmering terror that any spark, or innocent contact, could trigger into horror and bloodshed. It was not a foreign terror, it was domestic. They lived just across the tracks. Any one of them, man, woman, or child, could bring on the horrors.
That was what Jim Crow was really like. That hundred-year period in this country's history between chattel slavery and the Civil War, and the 1960's "Civil" Rights legislation. It was formed by federal, state, and local laws, and reinforced by social "norms". This is precisely what the "Red" Right is trying to bring back to this country in 2013. Ever-more desperate to counter the declining numbers of citizens with white skins, our State Department appears to be scouring Eastern Europe for candidates. Could this be the real root of the Boston Terror? A closer examination of that policy may be warranted. Are our malevolent Media and right-wing politicians banging the drums for a religiously-based pogrom, instead?
I would put one Branch Ricky up against a palace-full of Maggie Thatchers, if asked to name leading whites who do anything significant to erase the evil of white supremacy. The overwhelming majority, as the film shows, either join in the evil or remain silent. Our politicians have skillfully "triangulated" the subject during the past five decades. There are a lot of lies being told to our children today about the Civil Rights Movement. As the Red States spread and our economy continues to be crippled by politicians on the Right (think Sequestration), the day may not be too far away when economic stresses here wreak the havoc they did in Germany during the 30's.
42; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/42_(film) , is a film worth seeing, even if, like me, you're not a baseball fan. As an eight year-old in Missouri in 1947, I vividly remember joining in the community spirit of "rooting" for the Dodgers (not the Cardinals!).
Stay Vigilant! Choose the "Blue"??
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