My Drucker Notes show that the Great Depression in the United States during the 1930's was caused by the collapse of the Bond Market; not the Stock Market; as we've been led to believe. In those days, when we had intact national economies, bond markets were the classic lenders to companies, governments, and individuals. Ordinary people, as well as others, bought bonds, thereby lending their money while holding bonds as investments. When the money supply "dried up", there was no money for investment, jobs, infrastructure maintenance, etc. Remember, in a Captialist economy, money is like blood to the body, or gasoline in an engine.
Enter the multinational corporation, and the attending legislation by our Congress (in the 1970's), and you find loop-holes that allow persons or corporations, or other entities, doing business "off-shore" to choose, for the first time, whether they pay taxes at home, or abroad, or, nowhere at all. The business of hiding money in off-shore tax havens was off and running. Soon rich individuals, corporations, religious institutions, and "charitable" trusts, were all making out like fat rats. Their money is held in a "cloud" of off-shore tax-havens. This "syphoning" of money away from the U.S. economy is estimated by Forbes,, to amount to more than the total income of the United States and Japan combined. Bye, bye to Jobs! That" Faction", holed up in the House of Representatives is turning the screws on everyone in the U.S. economy -- those who are looking for jobs, and those who are in jobs that they will ultimately lose.
Stage two in the process will be to bring back slavery -- 21st century version. It is being designed as Immigration Legislation. It targets people with brains, and people without brains. The money boys learned when they wrecked our economy and took over well-established corporations, that brains could be bought "by the pound". They intend to do that to immigrants who have PhDs, and those immigrants who simply "sweat" for their money.
It may shock you to know that not all Slave Masters were afraid of their slaves; if they were were educated. (See "Band Of Angels" with Poitier and Clark Gable). Many "owned" professionals like doctors, lawyers, and other specialists. The owners rented them out.
In the end, our 21st century money boys will have all their money, no taxes, and the "services" of any variety of slave their money can afford. "Live Free" ??
Stay Vigilant! What're your Elected Officials doing to/for YOU??
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