Tuesday, April 30, 2013


Our Malignant Right in a "Tizzy"
WTF! --Over?  The citizens of this country appear, like deer-in-headlights, to be unable to move, think, get pissed, or anything at all, while a handful of damn-near evil nuts run off with our collective sanity.  So far, they've demonstrated that they can gum up the works quite thoroughly.  But!  Unlike the past (Think LBJ) when the "leaders" were all white men, not too far distant from their immigrant, "gang" roots; and there was a damn-near criminal, closeted gay guy running our FBI; we've since cleaned up our act.  There aren't any "files" to open against recalcitrant members of Congress these days.  Those antics died during the second-term of the Nixon Administration.  (The old guy's death  in 1972 came at a  very unfortunate time for Tricky Dick; Dont'cha think?)
The action today is in our Senate, where two of these guys   http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Katzenjammer_Kids   are busy trying their damdest to force the President's hand and get us into war in Syria.  The latest, mysterious, "poison gas" event, joins a list of others that includes a mysterious Hollywood film, and  a mysterious attack on our Ambassador in Benghazi  -- all calculated to turn us back toward war in the Middle East?  This comes on the heels of our economy reeling from costs of Iraq and other post-9/11 capers.  Do these miscreants want total collapse of our country?  The more sane and rational positions the President takes, the more they move in the opposite direction.  They know the direction they've chosen, and why they have chosen it, but they don't have a clue as to where it ultimately leads.  Except! They know we will all be worse off ; whenever and wherever it all ends.
We have to look back as far as our Civil War to find our government caught up in a grid-lock this threatening to our survival.  2014 looms ever-larger as a decisive year.  All hands on deck!  Focus all attention to clear out our Congress? 
Stay Vigilant!  Vote-them-out!
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Monday, April 29, 2013

"COMFORTABLE"? in our "SKIN"(s)?

OBAMA before the MEDIA 
This past week, we saw our President appear before the media in very interesting, and revealing, ways. 
After the bombing in Boston, and, whatever that was that went BOOM!! in Texas, the Consoler-in Chief was busy. Oh, and he also stopped off to "console" "W", as he opened his Presidential Library.
The "consolation" did not prevent "W" from tearing-up, however. Were those the tears of the guilty? "W" can be re-assured; Huck Finn is this nation's gift to all white males -- they can always take credit, and never have to take blame. Only the most inept ever "get caught"! 
A curious phrase: "Comfortable in his skin" -- That was the attribution the President made to "W".  It is abundantly clear that Obama is now, finally showing some confidence in his role as President.  Could it be that he is the one most deserving of the phrase?  The President's performance before those assembled "entertainers" who bring us "news", can only be termed: MASTERFUL! 
"Second Term, Baby!!"
"Welcome Home", Barry!  From your writings and speeches, and from the way you've dealt with the "trash" that asserts itself as "better", "wiser", and, yes, "superior" to you; it appears you have been seeking this level of assurance for some time now.  Let's have more of it!
As for the rest of us; how are we doing in our skins?  That's the question before the nation, and the world, today.  Combine the main messages from Michael Lind's Next American Nation (1995), and Eric Schmidt's The New Digital Age, (2013),  you'll probably come away with an acute awareness of the serious problems we' ll face trying to choose competent leaders!
Lind concluded (18 years ago) that the underlying "culture" of this nation -- formed long before a white majority was imported, will be strong enough to crush any attempts by new immigrants to fundamentally change us.  That "culture", he writes, was developed over  hundreds of years, when African Slaves and Native Americans were dominant -- the two groups that today form a  permanent "underclass", stationed  "below", in the "steerage" of our "ship of state". They are still regarded as subservient to all immigrants, regardless of  their skin color. 
Lind predicted "Brazilianization" for the future of the United States -- "withdrawal of the white American overclass into its own barricaded nation-within-a-nation, a world of private neighborhoods, private schools, private police, private health care, and even private roads, walled off from the spreading squalor beyond."
Stay Vigilant!  Take A Stand!
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Sunday, April 28, 2013


 Will The "WHITES" Decide??
For just about all of my lifetime, "Red" was a term associated with the Cold War, and denoted "Communism", or "Socialism".  Now, we have imported the term into our domestic politics as the nation divides itself; (formerly, right vs. left; -- now, right vs. further right), and the "center" is rapidly disappearing.
The Boston Bombing gave us yet another "glimpse" of the future that is unfolding before us; both at home, and on the planet at large.  A toxic stew of race, class, religion, economics, and technology is brewing that is truly corrosive to the view of this nation; especially as it used to see itself!   Anybody notice the military apparatus on the streets of Boston?  Have we morphed, invisibly, from a free society, to a police state, and, now, a military state?  Is this the result of a citizenry so engaged in its personal, private pursuits that it has given up on its obligation to remain vigilant, and to participate in the process of providing public safetyTHAT'S what the 2nd Amendment is really all about!  Are we so blindly reliant on "technology" that we have poked out our own eyes, turned off our ears, and trust blindly that "our" politician will take care of "us",  individually? 
Last week's surprisingly quick "unanimous" response of Congress to "fix" our air travel problem, is a case in point.  ONLY -- they didn't do that!  They simply found a way to get home comfortably.  It may come as a shock to the flying public that our airline industry has always been heavily subsidized by the "government" our milignant Right hates so much.  It has also been highly dependent on human beings to guarantee safe flight.  Few of those issues are recognized, or addressed, by the recent quick "response" of Congress.
The "Red" side of our politics has some peculiar characteristics.  It is virtually all white (with some non-white "house" servants), it is historically Southern and poor, and it is spreading rapidly into mostly rural and Western states.  It is extremely militaristic, "religious",  and poorly educated.
The "Reds" have seized control of the national purse and they are squeezing the entire economy in the name of "austerity".  Are we "frogs" only now beginning to feel the "heat"?
Stay Vigilant!  Value Community!
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Saturday, April 27, 2013

(mis)"INFORMATION" : (mis)"EDUCATION" ??

Are We "BUYING" All of This? 
For the Record:  Presidential Libraries are established with private funding; they are operated with Public Funds!
From my Drucker Notes (mid-80's):
     (1) Religions retained and exercised Power by controlling all  access to information.
     (2) Governments copied that strategy from Religion, and added the promise to PROTECT
           the governed.
     (3) Technology now permits the "governed" free access to information; and Governments have
            lost the ability to PROTECT anybody.
If we understand this, we'll also understand why "W" shifted the role of our Defense Department to that of an OFFENSE Department.  We will also understand why all governments will intensify their efforts to limit access to information for those they "govern".
The spectacle we just witnessed at the opening of the Presidential Library for "W" shows, that what Clinton said in his speech about "re-writing history" through these libraries, is "right-on"!  And we will PAY for the "mushroom jobs" that will be targeted toward our children!  They don't worry about us; we're too old and already in their bag.
The Chechen-American Bombers have shown us that angry, un-employed white boys, with access to the internet; represent an incalculable and uncontrollable threat!
The Koch Brothers are moving toward buying up the remaining newspapers in this country.  Fox, the Murdoch  holdings,  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rupert_Murdoch -- you get the "picture"?
The white "Conservatives", after blowing our national "wad" on an un-provoked war in Iraq, and putting the Middle East "in-play"; have seized control of our national treasury and are tightening the screws on everyone except the well-to-do.  Check out China's Superbank http://www.amazon.com/Chinas-Superbank-Influence-Development-Rewriting/dp/1118176367
China is now replacing the World Bank as the world's "lender".  Can you get a loan? Anywhere?? 
Stay Vigilant! Manage your money! Protect your Sanity!
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Friday, April 26, 2013


"So-Long" to "Profiling"??
What's a white person to do? -- now!  These "pretty boys" from Chechnya are "up-ending" long-treasured beliefs, and causing quite a stir among the racial "experts".  The air-heads, and comics, in the media have a solution:  these guys aren't whitehttp://www.experienceproject.com/question-answer/By-American-Racial-Standards-Is-Chechen-White--If-Not-Then-What-Is-It/1878757
A few days ago, Joan Walsh was challenged on MSNBC's The Cycle over this issue.  http://www.mediaite.com/tv/s-e-cupp-takes-joan-walsh-to-task-over-liberal-hopes-that-boston-bomber-would-be-white/ .  These boys seem to have cut a "vein" in the body politic, it seems.  White people can no longer feel safe, at home, in their white "bubble"??  This Chechen-American seems to have learned how to "work" many systems at once. 
I'm reminded of the scene in the movie: The Reivers (1969), where the nephew of one of the "ladies of the House" in Memphis, (who charges money for the use of his "peep-hole"), complains that "it ain't fair" that only girls can make money "pugnuckling"!  These boys, with their seductive looks, found a way around that problem, it seems.  They also "cashed in" on the fact that white males are not treated the same under our laws for selling drugs.
I was stunned to hear Joan Walsh exclaim on T.V. that immigrants have to "earn" white status in this country.  (Maybe that explains Marco Rubio?).  She went further to state that, at one time, the Irish were considered to be "black" in this country!  Makes your mind boggle, doesn't it?
Our pace seems to have quickened as we travel down the road to insanity.
Stay Vigilant!  Check your glasses.
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Thursday, April 25, 2013


"Absolving" an 'Ex-Pres'??
On this day when the Presidential Library is opened by "W" (for Laura?); its time we look back at the period 2000-2008, and examine what happened to us.  We're also in the midst of the Boston Bombing aftermath, so excuse me if I feel like the "dark days" W's "selection" brought us, are still with us.
But, cheer up!  The media has begun the campaign to make us realize that it was Cheney, after-all!
We know that our eminent historians are all cheerleaders for our ex-presidents -- all of whom have been white and male, so far.  The jury is "still out" as to what our historians, and the public at large, will do to, or for, Obama.  Given the "productions" staged by our Congress since Obama's election in 2008, (You Lie!) -- with Mitch and John in starring roles -- I'm not hopeful.  The Presidential Election of 2012 seems not to have deterred the insurrectionists In Congress, in the least.  They've picked up younger and fresher faces to assist their efforts, while inducing the older, wiser(?) heads to "take the money and run!".
If you think about it, we can all make a list of events that Cheney will have to take the heat for.  Bush v. Gore tops my list (Sandra and Clarence also gain absolution -- we expected as much from the rest of them).  Next comes Enron; Arafat and the Palestinians; 9/11;Rumsfeld; Anthrax attack;  Iraq Invasion; Afghanistan; Abu Ghraib; Delay & Abramoff; Katrina; Housing Bubble; and our Imploded Economy.  Curiously, our very elaborate and multi-layered "Intelligence" and Regulatory structures seem to have failed us, along with all  of the other  "Fail-Safes" this country produced prior to 9/11.  They all failed; on the same day; at the same hour; at the same minute; at the same second -- Is Cheney "Darth Vader"?; or What?  The Boston Bombing may show that our new and improved (and very expensive) "Intelligence" appartus is echoing the performance of the one we replaced.  Could it be the "people" and not the "systems"??
Looking back also over the long list of our ex-Presidents, I have my list of "Dastards" -- starting with Jackson, followed by Polk, Hayes, and "Rough and Ready Teddy".   You're welcome to make your own list -- after you've burned the books of their "cheerleader historians".
Stay Vigilant!  Don't buy "snake-oil"
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Wednesday, April 24, 2013

The "DOCTRINE OF HATE" ..Is Losing??

Look to Our Congress!
In the vein of "Leading By Example", let's scrutinize the example our Congress has set for us all with the doctrine of "hatred" they have employed over these past several years against our President and his Administration.  It has worked to drive out, through "primary threats" and resignations, decent Representatives and Senators who can no longer stand the stench that is building in our Congress.  The "haters" failed to sway the electorate in 2012;  but that didn't deter them.  They "doubled down" by continuing their attack on our economy. 
The "Cliff" failed, yeilding only partial victory for the Republicans.  They retaliated by allowing the "Sequestration" deal they negotiated to go into effect.  We're now seeing the resulting degradation to the growth of our economy -- (the one they imploded in 2008).  They now are wheeling up another
"debt ceiling" showdown.
The willfulness of the hatemongers in Congress, coupled with the spinelessness of those Congressional members (both houses) has led this observed to believe that those who think "hate" is losing, have to "think again"!!  We have to wait until 2014 for the voters to get another crack at these "gangsters".  In the meantime, the Congress has flipped the bird at more than 90% of our citizens by killling all chances of sanely regulating firepower on our streets.
Save your pennies!  You'll need every red cent to get these haters out of office!.
Stay Vigilant!  Don't accept their "doublespeak"!
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"GANGS" Again?? 
In the Senate of the United States Congress, there is a "gang" of males (some are white, others of them want to be) who are dictating terms for re-designing our immigration laws (yet, again).  In the House of Representatives there is a similar " gang" engaged in the same effort.  Neither "gang", to my knowledge, include a female, or anyone whose ancestors were in this part of the Americas before the Mayflower landed.  I call those citizens who pre-date the Mayflower in lineage; the "real" Americans!  The others are "imports" for the purpose of obtaining a white majority; in what is now the United States of America.  H.L Mencken had many unkind terms for these people, ranging from "boobs" to "scum of Europe".
After a couple of hundred years, that element of our citizenry are in a snit, because the newer arrivals are trending away from white skins.  They want to fix that.  The "real" Americans among our citizenry are those who have been kept subjugated by law and custom, to benefit the white "arrivals".  That original plan will no longer work if there are no longer a preponderance of whites arriving.  The antics of two young arrivals from Chechnya are causing quite a stir and horrible dissension among those of our citizens who consider themselves to be "exceptional" on this planet.  Traditionally, the whites drawn to these shores have come from a line running north-to-south in Europe.  Now, that line runs west-to east.  The "pecking order" among these groups has ranged accordingly, according to Social Distance Measures over the past hundred or more years. 
Why no voice emanating from the throats of women, Natives, or those with African lineage?  Its tradition -- for at least these 230 or more years past.  Even with a President whose lineage is traceable to Africa, there is no spokesperson or "Representative" for those citizens who proudly recognize their African lineage.  Oppression, over centuries, has worked its magic by depriving Blacks and Natives of both a voice and an image that could "weigh in".
The "leadership" represented by the individuals who make up the "gang" in the Senate, is precisely the type of leadership that turned this country down the road toward Iraq, Afghanistan, Abu Ghraib, and domestic Anthrax attacks; all under cover of the massive fear generated by 9/11.  Their view of the world, and this nation, is not kind to the Constitution of the United States, or to our economy.
Why are they allowed to continue to assert their "leadership"??
Women and "real" Americans have to find a voice in this matter.  A young female, considered to be "All-American" before she met and married the young Chechen; is reported to have been "radicalized" by him.  Hmmmm!!
Stay Vigilant!  Speak UP!!
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Tuesday, April 23, 2013

"42" and "RED or BLUE"

Our "Future" Dawns??
There's a saying: "The Future does not REPEAT the past; it RHYMES with it!"  I saw the movie: "42", last night.  The film, extremely well done, took me back 70 years, instantly, to a time and place where black neighbors ("Colored", then) huddled over radios in back yards listening to Joe Louis fights.  The War was on, and those twilight periods of the day were magic.  The "terror" that everybody felt, but nobody spoke of, was ever-present.  It was the kind of simmering terror that any spark, or innocent contact, could trigger into horror and bloodshed.  It was not a foreign terror, it was domestic. They lived just across the tracks.  Any one of them, man, woman, or child, could bring on the horrors.
That was what Jim Crow was really like.  That hundred-year period in this country's history between chattel slavery and the Civil War, and the 1960's  "Civil" Rights legislation.  It was formed by federal, state, and local laws, and reinforced by social "norms".  This is precisely what the "Red" Right is trying to bring back to this country in 2013.  Ever-more desperate to counter the declining numbers of citizens with white skins, our State Department appears to be scouring Eastern Europe for candidates.  Could this be the real root of the Boston Terror?  A closer examination of that policy  may be warranted.  Are our malevolent Media and right-wing politicians  banging the drums for a religiously-based pogrom, instead?
I would put one Branch Ricky up against a palace-full of Maggie Thatchers, if asked to name leading whites who do anything significant to erase the evil of white supremacy.  The overwhelming majority, as the film shows, either join in the evil or remain silent.  Our politicians have skillfully "triangulated" the subject during the past five decades.  There are a lot of lies being told to our children today about the Civil Rights Movement.  As the Red States spread and our economy continues to be crippled by politicians on the Right (think Sequestration), the day may not be too far away when economic stresses here wreak the havoc they did in Germany during the 30's.
42;  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/42_(film) , is a film worth seeing, even if, like me, you're not a baseball fan.  As an eight year-old in Missouri in 1947, I vividly remember joining in the community spirit of "rooting" for the Dodgers (not the Cardinals!).
Stay Vigilant!  Choose the "Blue"??
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Monday, April 22, 2013


"House of Cards"??
To make sense of this "cacophany of crap" about the Chechneyan-American Bombers, spewing from the mouths of those politicians who hog our media, let me take you back several decades, to a time when we were led by people who were not "mental midgets".  The time period is those two years between 1962 and 1964.  President Kennedy was struggling with Vietnam, AND the Cuban Missile Crisis -- and was murdered; "privileged" kids were in a dither, trying to figure out the best way to beat the Draft; and Martin Luther King was turning up the heat in his stand against the Vietnam War.  I remember a column in the Post by Walter Lippmann, telling King to shut up about the War, because foreign policy was white man's business in the United States.
For the record, Lippman was a columnist of the stature of Will and Dowd combined, today.  Not even non-white citizens would have thought the stand taken by Lippman to be "unusual" in those days.
With John Kerry placed in charge of our State Department (a clap for irony?), that mind-set can resume, I suppose.  We've had women and minorities (perhaps I stutter?) in that spot since the Clinton years.
What's Constitutional? What are the rights of "Americans"?  How do we "handle" the surviving bomber.  (NOTE: it has now been revealed that the police were in the process of taking the older brother alive, when the younger brother drove the SUV over him, dragging him to his death).  Such are the issues that blow weak minds!
Our Founders are of no help in this matter.  They didn't  believe that anyone who was not white was even human!  That didn't keep them from sleeping with their black slaves, however, (Spielberg just had to insert that fact into the LINCOLN movie).
One of the loudest mouths is that of a Senator who is proud of his 30 years as a military lawyer.  He wants to see our Constitution replaced by the UCMJ (Univeral Code of Military Justice), I guess.
What happened between then and now?  Baby-Boom "leadership"!
Stay Vigilant!  Keep thinking! Pray??
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Sunday, April 21, 2013


"Is it TIME We "GROW UP!" ??
These Chechneyan Boys will teach the citizenry of this country some unpleasant lessons for years to come.  Lessons that tug at the core of our belief systems.  If you think about it, we have to examine more closely the fundamental difference between viewing your role as a citizen through your religion, versus viewing it through the eyes of the Founders who strove to keep a non-religious approach to governing.
Good Guys/Bad Guys describe the filter through which we run our lives; from white hats/black hats; to white people/non-white people; and  "positive" vs. "negative" views of our daily lives.  "Our" children are "good"; "Our religious beliefs are "good"; "Our" people are "good".  People not like us, in any way, can be somehow "less good".  Religion is the ultimate source of these beliefs.  Minichaenism (good vs. evil) lies at the root of Christianity.  We're taught that other religions are somehow "Neitzschean"  http://www.notable-quotes.com/n/nietzsche_friedrich.html .  In reality, both are blended in Christianity.
Our Founders evidently believed that no race or group had a lock on good or evil; because they went to great lengths to "balance power" and "divide power".  Over time, our political parties, viewed by the founders as "factions", have consistently whittled away at the structure provided by our founders in such a way  as to concentrate power by race, wealth, region, and religion.  Simultaneously, we withdraw from our neighbors, family members, and those "not like us" and prepare to provide security for "our people".  We're tending toward the Laager Mentality of the white South African.
We may have reached a point, following the election of our first non-white President, of fatally crippling the executive branch and the judicial branch of our state and federal governments; thereby, centering power in the Legislatures, where the Founders placed the power of the purse.
Citizens have to rethink their view of government, at the local and national levels, and debate what can be done to combat the trends we see before us.  We must do this before the signs of internal collapse that surround us accelerate.
Stay Vigilant!  READ! THINK!
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Saturday, April 20, 2013

Are We (still) "MISSING" the "BOAT" ?? ...

OR, Will We Persist in "Denial"?? 
Yesterday, April 19, 2013, will definitely make it into our history books (despite the clout of Texas).
The "facts" given to us by our Mushroomin' Media are plentiful and worthy of scrutiny. 
Start with the "boat".  Who searched that yard?  Did they use sniffer dogs? Was there blood on the cover, or not?  Just how did it get missed??  On a day when over a Billion Dollars were expended, in one of the richest metropolitan areas in our country, it took an ordinary citizen (after his yard was "searched"), to find the suspect.  Whoopee!!  Feel "secure"??
Then, there is the rant of the uncle.  He spoke volumes, as to the methods, processess, and mind-set, of today's "preferred" immigrants -- those hand-selected by some element in our State Department.  These could fly "under our radar" with a white skin, and "settle" easily among us.  Feel more secure??  Look at the size of the family; the part that "returned" to the place from which they were "saved" by our immigration rules; and their apparent first allegiance to tribe and family, rather than to this nation.  Look how easily they got full citizenship status.  You must really feel secure by now.
Then, there's the element of our politics.  I'm sure this type of immigrant "fits in" securely among that 47% of our population who are paranoid over our first non-white President.  Our President got more scrutiny (about his birth, and other personal matters) than these people got.  That element flexed its muscle in the Senate last week -- led by Senators, two of whom have eerily similar immigrant histories.
We have a nasty habit of romanticizing the immigrant in this country.  Just like color racism, which dogs the immigration question in other ways, the blind belief that all immigrants are "loyal", "assimilate beneficially", etc., is childish; and has become embedded in our national psyche.  For Pete Sake!, we don't even demand allegiance from our wealthy citizens, or our corporate leaders, who don't pay their fair share of taxes, and hide their money abroad! 
The dead suspect complained that he had no "friends", and he didn't "understand" us.  Maybe that happens in a culture that has turned "friend" from a noun into a verb?  
Our security is too important to leave in the hands of our politicians!  The people of greater Boston showed us what can happen when ordinary citizens become personally involved in their security!
Stay Vigilant!  Get to know your neighbors; but know your Security Personnel, even more!
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Friday, April 19, 2013

"LOSER(s)" !! : The KEY We're Missing?

A 'Self-Imposed' Status??
A couple of hours ago, in a televised interview of an uncle of the two suspects sought in the Boston Bombing; he referred to them as "Losers".  Recent Immigrants, all, from Russia, his comment jarred my memory.  I was taken back several decades to a conversation I had about race with a white fellow officer from Boston.  He told me of his immigrant background, and explained that any white male immigrant to the United States who did not "make it", saw himself as a "Loser".  That is because this country has always favored white males in their immigration policies and practices.  If they can't "make it" here....?  That was the uncle's one-word explanation for what is unfolding before us.
A day or so ago, the United States Senate committed a despicable act; one that betrayed 90%  of the voters in this country, and more than a simple majority of gun owners; when they killed any path to gun control in this country; IN THE FACE OF THE VICTIMS OF BOTH NEWTOWN AND BOSTON!
Are they "sick", "mad" "craven" -- what is happening here?  I submit they are not necessarily any of these -- they are scared to death of the voters in their districts, because they come from places where  "Loser's" are in control.  Social Distance explains a great deal of what we've seen in this country over the past couple of years.  The Dummies in the Media can't see it, because they're part of it!  So are the leaders of our churches, government agencies, and both parties.   http://www.salon.com/2013/03/16/tea_party_wows_cpac_with_faux_hunger_games_trailer/olitical  
This also ties into the worsening economic conditions, lack of employment for all males, and the relentless damage to our economy the malignant Right is inflicting in its vengeful war on President Obama.
Groupies for Limbaugh and FOX come to mind, along with political "advisors" like the late Atwater and professionally dead Rove; who feed on this element of our society for financial gain and for power.  Younger, more scarey opportunists like Senators Graham, Rubio, and Cruz are now surfacing to feed off the detritis.  You can already see the link between "guns" and "immigration" appearing in new legislation.  Could foreign terrorists also be honed in? 
Using the filter of Social Distance, and how we use it in our daily lives, it becomes even more clear that Pogo was prescient:  "We see the enemy; and THEY IS US!! 
Stay Vigilant!  Do Some Soul Searching.
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Thursday, April 18, 2013


We Are A "People" of the Rivers

As faithful readers of this blog know, I am part Cherokee (by now, we should all be).  But this story is not about me, its about a beautiful little girl whose adoption is before the Supreme Court.  Those of you who know our true history, know that the Supreme Court ruled more than a hundred years ago to uphold the human rights of the Cherokee.  But that old Indian Fighter and Exterminator, Andrew Jackson was in the White House at the time, and flipped the bird to the Supreme Court.  The extermination process, (explained to us by DeTocqville, who was here around that time studying our "Democracy"), accelerated; and the panoply of methods for wiping out the natives advanced.
The most effective methods used by whites to exterminate the natives (and to degrade, demoralize and subdue the other non-whites) involved the children of their "despised" groups.  We  have now, after more than a hundred years, come full circle.  The Supremes, are asked to revisit their earlier standing on the Cherokees. http://newsok.com/u.s.-supreme-court-wrestles-with-case-of-cherokee-child-at-center-of-adoption-dispute/article/3786861
My way of focusing on issues like this, is to take it in context of who we are as a people, and where we're headed.  If you think of it, we're really a "people of the rivers".  The Mississippi, Missouri, Ohio, Colorado, Columbia, and Rio Grande divide the large chunks of the lands of our origin.  Minor rivers and tributaries define the rest.  In spite of the continued attempts by Europeans and others who have invaded these lands, either "legally" or not, a basic definition of "the people" has evolved over the many hundreds of years of "bed swapping".  We are not who we say we are!  Instead, we're each the people we define through our behavior.  I think President Obama made that clear in his speech in Boston this morning.
Those in this country now, and those seeking to enter these shores for purposes of conquest on some scale, should take careful note of the people they're confronting, ignoring, or belittling.
Stay Vigilant!  Check your DNA.
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Wednesday, April 17, 2013


"Boston" Trumps "Newtown"??
Our Mindless Media reports that, so far, the Boston bombing looks like a domestic job; on the order of Oklahoma City.  In some wierd way, we've been conditioned to think that, somehow, "that's better"??
The Media also reports that within hours of the Boston bombing, Mitch and John saw their redneck legions snap back into line.  It looks like all the furor over Newtown and our "resolve" to control guns this time, has vanished.
If this pans out, then Al Queda can declare victory and,  simply go out of business!  Our "politicians" will take over from here??  Are we doomed to settle this the hard and ugly way; all over again??
I turned 21 in 1960 and faced the choice of Nixon or Kennedy for my first vote for President.  I picked Nixon because, growing up in Misery and seeing redneck politics in action, I did not want Lyndon Johnson that close to the Presidency!  Within a period of two years, I was commissioned in the Air Force, saw brief "duty" in Waco, where the Johnsons controlled the vitriolic media, then wound up in Washington, D.C. -- just in time for the Cuban Missile Crisis.
What happened over the next four years can only be described as violence heaped upon violence; horror upon horror!  Johnson got into office anyway!  In spite of it all, my greatest disappointment was in the voters in this country.  They cried and moaned a lot, and then swallowed a specious "investigation" into the assassination.  They never got ANGRY, in a way that I expected from citizens of a country such as ours. (I remember reading in the Washington Post at the time that Gerald Ford, a member of the investigating commission, gave  private reports of the commissions proceedings, daily, to J. Edgar Hoover.)
Then Lyndon got "elected" in 1964, and (more violence and assassinations) set the stage for NIXON -- anyway! It's been downhill ever since!
Maybe we're looking in the wrong places for our Terrorists?  What if we had criminal background checks on every politician who is elected to office and to every campaign contributor who gives $100 or more??  You think that might clean up our politics, make our economy run right again, and make life safer for us all??
Stay Vigilant!  Check them all out!
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Tuesday, April 16, 2013

WHO will 'OCCUPY' the "NO"??

Let's Go To The "Movies"
Let's turn OFF our T.V.'s and go to the "movies".  Not the crap that Hollywood is cranking out these days --  let's look abroad, and back; at what Hollywood used to do!  If you Google the news or read any source that is half-informed, you will learn that events happening all around us are more baffling, interesting, exciting, and informing.
Let's start with one of my favorite Hollywood actors, Lee J. Cobb, in The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse (1962).  A rich rancher in Argentina, Cobb has two grand-sons, played by Glenn Ford and  Karlheinz Bohm, who wind up on opposite sides in Hitler's war in Europe.  German influences in South America pre-WW-II, and post-WW-I, are interesting.  Catholic roots are the explanation, perhaps?  Argentina stayed out of WW-II until near the end (when it became clear that Hitler would lose, perhaps?)
Fast-forward to today and they will bury Thatcher tomorrow.  She is famous for a lot of things, but included is her Falklands War.  The Mail  cites the steps the funeral planners have taken to to flip the bird at Argentina.  Her politics lead Britian down the road of Chile? 
Last night, I got a chance to see "NO" (2012).  It tells the story of how Pinochet lost the vote in a referendum he called to extend his term in power.  I was somewhat shocked to see our Henery (Kissinger, that is), playing a key role in that story.  Students of modern media; especially the methods used today to "minf-eff" television viewers, should not miss this flick.  Warning: it's in Spanish, and us 'Amerikuns' hate reading sub-titles.
Yesterday, Chavez' successor in Venezuela won election in a "squeaker".  It is reported that our State Department is not happy about that. Will "Henery" be re-employed?
All of this may help de-cipher some of the crap swirling in this post-2012 election stand-off period in our national politics; shed some light on the confrontations over gun-control and immigration; and  give some hint of the road ahead.  Then there's the bombing in Boston yesterday.  WTF-Over??
Stay Vigilant!  Use your Eyes AND Your Brain!
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Monday, April 15, 2013


Back to "Basics" ?
In an earlier blog, you learned that I had my first "job" outside of the home at the age of 8.  My grandfather was a businessman, and most of us couldn't wait until we were 10 years old and allowed to "work" at the 'Shops'.  My first job was as a "human sign" for a white restaurant owner (see earlier blog).  To work at the shops, we had to be older because we were exposed to dangerous machines and dangerous chemicals.  From some of the memories of the "adventures" my brothers and I engaged in, I have enhanced respect for my grandfather and uncle who had to tend to us as they also served their drycleaning and haberdashery customers.  My job as a "human sign" made me an experienced worker by the time I turned 10.
By the time I turned 12, I moved on to restaurant work and learned over the next six years to do various tasks, from bussing tables to dishwashing, to soda-jerking, to waiting tables, to cashiering, short-order cooking, and, of course general restaurant cleaning that would pass state health inspections.  By the time I graduated high school, I had saved enough money to enter college at our state Capitol.  Over the years, my top salary grew to $0.26 per hour. The FLSA of 1938 established the hourly minimum wage rate at $0.25 per hour https://www.fas.org/sgp/crs/misc/R42973.pdf .
Drucker taught us that Child Labor Laws changed child labor around 1956; making children no longer a capital good, converting them to comsumer goods thereafter.  Agricultural workers were exempted from the law.   http://www.dol.gov/whd/regs/compliance/childlabor101.pdf
Children who grow up in family businesses still have access to the many advantages provided by learning business basics early in life.  It should be clear to everyone by now, that the Great Recession of 2008 permanently changed the "normal order" of school-to-work/careers, that we took for granted after 1960.  It is unreasonable to expect grown children or youth who are exposed to the work-for-wages world for the first time after that age, to do so without great difficulty.  Business skills are not innate -- they have to be learned!
The fastest-growing job sector today is that of food-handlers.  I'm reading Saru Jayaraman's book: Behind The Kitchen Door.  This book brings the reader up to date on just about all aspects of the reasturant business.  Recession or no-recession, the impact of women in the work force shifted the terrain for the food-service business.  People have lost cooking skills/efficiencies and, yet, everyone still has to eat.  The combination of all of this is toxic!.. Seriously!  Read the book.
Stay Vigilant!  Watch what you eat!  Tip your Server!
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Sunday, April 14, 2013

"1491" and the "CUBA" RIDDLE

The Ties That "Bind" 
Some years ago, as I visited a replica of an old Spanish village in New Mexico with my grandchildren, an old lady suggested I read the book "1491", by Charles C. Mann.  I did that and I hereby pass her recommendation on to every reader who sees this blog.   It's about the "Americas" before the Europeans took them over.
As I read the book, I remembered years before, around the time my children were born, I was told a story, in Maryland, by a descendant of one of the infamous "Indian Schools".  They were used in the 1800s as one of various means by early white settlers in their genocidal practices against the native peoples they found here.  As the story goes, the native peoples believed that nobody could "own" natural things like land, water, and the sky.  They believed their Dieties provided those things for enjoyment by all.  They also believed that while a person was young and had strength, they should provide for others.  That way, when they grew old and lost strength, others would provide for them.  The newly-arrived Europeans believed the polar opposite; hence the genocidal path was chosen by people like Andrew Jackson and Sam Houston  to "solve" their problem.
As was the case in Europe, conquest was the primary method for acquiring and consolidating power within and among states.  The Catholic Church originated and managed much of that activity.  The same was true for the Americas; except for Canada and the United States (until Reagan).  The Catholics believed that there were 3 races; the Red, the White, and the Black.  Reasoning that it took two people to produce a child, and there three basic racial choices, they came up with 16 Raices (2 to the 3rd power) .  These racial classifications are deeply inbedded in the laws and social beliefs of the citizens of the Americas today.
Over the years since 1491, race has been the underlying core for economic attainment and for all rules and laws governing the behaviors of  people in the Americas.  In the world, World War II and just about all wars since, have racial bases.
The foriegn policy of the United States toward Mexico and all of Latin America has followed this path over time.  Teddy Roosevelt and the war in Cuba employed black freed slaves from the United States, serving as Buffalo Soldiers.  The campaigns in the Phillipines were overtly racist.  Batista, dictator of Cuba, carried a tin of white powder to apply to his skin -- thereby insuring he would be "white enough".  There is a clear Color Line between those Cubans the Republicans adore, and those they don't.
The "new wrinkle" in the 21st Century, will be to tug the strings on gender, and "concerns" over environmental damage, to keep the old order intact. 
Stay Vigilant!  Read More, Pray Less.
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All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC

Saturday, April 13, 2013


"True Colors" Come Out??
Puh-leeze!!  Say it ain't so!  For someone who might hope to be the first female President of the United States to embrace (even in death) the likes of Thatcher, speaks volumes.
A person who considered Mandela to be a Terrorist?  For someone who embraced and supported Apartheid?  For someone who oppressed those struggling to escape poverty -- anyone not lucky enough to win the "ovarian lottery"?  For someone who was an unabashed White Supremacist?  We might expect that of Nancy Reagan, but not you!
Is this to get the malignant Right off your backsides over Benghazi??  This wipes out all the careful P.R. that Bill earned by moving into Harlem.  Even those blacks stupid enough to consider Bill to be the "first black President", aren't too stupid to get the message of your embracing Maggie.
Is this a signal that early observers were right?  There really was some diabolical plan involved when the white Right agreed to have white women included as a "minority" in the Civil Rights legislation of the 70s?
White Supremacy should be allowed to slip quietly into history!  Don't do this.  Your "handlers" are not serving you well.  Remember the "advice" Mitt got.
Stay Vigilant!  Hope the Kids are Paying Attention!
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"C-R-A-A-C-K-K!!" on the RIGHT??

Is "Salvation" Near??
Maybe we won't have to wait for Hillary to "save the nation"!  It just might be that Obama and his plane-load of Newtown parents can achieve what a national election couldn't.  Cure the Republican Party of the insidious cancer that has infected it since the days of Tricky Dick.
For almost 40 years, now, that death-dealing infection, growing from the bowels of the Deep South has crept into the Party and spread "Red" throughout our states.  It has culminated in the financial, social, spiritual, and mental decline of this country in ways that may take us decades to recover from.
First, we have to root it out -- to save the Party and to save the country.  The Founders stuck us with a manichaen system of "either - or"; that we have to save, to save our system.
It was an off-year election that allowed them to sneak into our (countin') House.  Maybe 2014 will be the off-year election that banishes them for good.  Malignant governors,  established in the Red States, are in trouble, the polls show.  We can hope!  And VOTE!!
Over the years I have spent some good times in Kentucky.  There are a lot of good people (both black and white) in Kentucky; and God Knows "Mitch ain't one of em'"!!  Mohammed Ali (Cassius Clay) is from Kentucky!  Maybe, in 2014, the good Kentuckians will find their gumption and remove this threat to our nation and our future??
That sharp cracking sound coming from Congress last week during the voting for Gun Legislation, was the sound of the GOP splitting.  Hopefully its a clean break, and not just a stress crack.  After festering in the body of the Party for this long, some strange, malignant creatures have formed that also have to be treated and/or surgically removed.  Some of it is old tissue that has grown malignant with age.  Others are creatures from the ante-bellum South who want to re-fight our Civil War.
They are busy turning many of our states into "Mississippi".  Do you have one near you?? Examine carefully the people running for any office -- school board, city council, or dog-catcher.  That's where they get inside the system.
Stay Vigilant!
Copyright © 2013: Williams LLC
All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC  

Friday, April 12, 2013


The "Monster" Grows a Second Head
As steady readers of this blog know, many of my most persistent memories (both pleasant, and otherwise) are from the period; 1943 through 1949.  You also know why that period was a very traumatic period for me.  There were persistent nightmares, however, in which monsters held sway, and it was  all I could do to make them go away.  I relied on my many brothers and sisters to keep me safe, because, with Mother gone, Dad was both mother and father.  He had no time for a child's dreams.  Besides, he was a fierce disciplinarian, and none of us dared to get on that side of him.  He worked night shifts and we were most often in the house alone through the night.
There was this Church on the corner of our block that played a role in those nightmares.  In a world where the sight of white people was rare, this church overflowed with whites on Sunday mornings; their cars lined both sides of our block as they ventured "across the tracks" to worship.  The church was on a large plot of land and contained a number of buildings.  During the week, however, the "Fathers" were there.  They had candy, and I loved candy.  DuringWorld War II  sugar was rationed.  Mother was a great cook, and she never failed to have delicious foods for us.  That disappeared with her death.
Dad was adamant in his rules that we were to stay away from those people.  The "Fathers" offered me candy and told me to ask my parents if I could attend the school they were setting up.  I never did, because I had already made the mistake of telling Dad about them once before.  I received his stern threat of a dreaded "whipping" if I went near them again.  From time to time, I would sneak back for the candy, however.
Those damn dreams had those guys in them.  In their Black and Red and White robes.  By the time I was ten, they went away, and the white people stopped coming to the church.
Fast forward more that 50 years, and my Dad's youngest sister told me the story of her younger brother, for whom I was a namesake.  It seems that some of the guys in my nightmare befriended him also.  She gave me his "prayer beads" that she had kept from that time in 1933 when he was murdered at the age of 12.  She said he was "worryin' those beads to death" the morning he was shot.
Stay Vigilant!  Listen to your Children!
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All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC

Thursday, April 11, 2013


...To LEARN about RACE?? 
Our 'green' senator from Kentucky traipsed off to Howard University to learn about blacks in this country.  That should be the punch line in some joke, but; welcome to 'Amurika' in 2013!
In my master's research in the early 70's, I came across the data of EmoryBogardus,  (see my earlier blogs) and his Social Distance Scale.  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bogardus_social_distance_scale.
You have to know by now that 'Race' in the United States is inextricably bound with our history of immigration"Pecking Order"  forms the cake, so to speak, and racial characteristics like skin color, language, hair and eye color, etc., make up the "icing" on the cake.  Bogardus shows in his data from the 1920's through the early 1950's how the pecking order shifted as white immigrants were "digested" in our social fabric.  His measurement in 1939, the year I was born, was taken on college campuses; to include one that was "Negro";  Howard University.  Its the same Historically Black college that master Rand attended this week for his lessons.  In 1939, the Howard students ranked all whites ahead of themselves!  These students represented  the best and brightest of "Negro" elites in the year I was born.  Some would say that very little has changed on that measurement over these past 73 years.
If you look at the rankings over the years they were made, you would be astounded to see how whites ranked themselves (British, or English, versus Canadian, or, simply, "white").  Those distinctions have been "dissolved" over the years.
So, what was going on on the black side of the tracks during this time period?  Segregation, mainly.  The most powerful political party was the Ku Klux Klan.   The New Negro Movement 
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Negro,  the UNIA, of Marcus Garvey, and the Pullman Porter's Union of A. Phillip Randolph    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pullman_porter ,  were all active  among black citizens in the United States between the World Wars.  My grandparents and their generation were beneficiaries of these movements and they formed larged financial holdings that were later "confiscated" through political shenanigans of poorer whites.  Without these earlier movements, there would have never been a Rosa Parks or Martin Luther King.  Malcolm X was more in line with these earlier movements; leaving aside the religious influences on all of them.
Hope this helps, Rand.  Now how about getting some "edikation" for your "Batista-Cuban" sidekicks?  My favorite Cuban was Celia Cruz!
Stay Vigilant!  Learn, Baby, Learn!
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Wednesday, April 10, 2013


`Wall St. Rediscovers "The Source"
Every once in a while, we might get just a "peek" at the future.  Yesterday, that happened for me as I watched Lehrer's News Hour on PBS.
Just about everybody who considers themselves "educated" on this "Ball of Confusion" understands by now that the true "source" that produced what we regard today as European Culture and Wealth, was the uterus of the non-white female in the Americas.  If you have read Frederick Douglass' autobiography, you know in detail how the Masters of old "generated" and processed the offspring of their slaves.  Some masters used slave women to "train" their sons sexually, thereby "lightening" the crop of babies.  The British (or English, if you prefer) were best at recognizing that slavery, and the agriculture that it supported, provided far greater wealth than the output of the extractive pursuits of the Spanish.  There were Pirates, also, who bled off some of the wealth of the ores from the mines.  Europe "ended" their participation in the Atlantic Slave Trade as they "advanced" to colonizing Africa (and other places that had non-white women to exploit).  The role of the non-white male in all of this bears scrutiny also; then, and now. Ancient, and "Europeanized" religions come in for close scrutiny also.
Now, in the early 21st Century, the British, after profitting from, then, getting credit for "ending" slavery, once again are showing Wall St how to find new wealth from this old source.  Schlesinger tells us that Margaret Thatcher "marvelled" at the ability of the United States to assimilate and "manage" this source of wealth, over time.  Think of our struggles over education, voting, "equal" accommodations, Civil Rights, etc., and you can see the tools that were developed.
"The Social Impact Bond is the new wrinkle!    ttp://www.pbs.org/newshour/businessdesk/2013/03/how-modern-finance-promises-to.html  ,  it is an investment tool that Wall Street is considering; it allows investors to kid themselves that they're "doing good", while they continue to "do evil".  They also can make a sweet profitRecidivism of non-white youth, caught up in our school-to-prison industry, is highlighted in the report by Paul Solman.
If this new "Captialism" works, we can say goodbye to the creation of the Founders.  We will no longer need a President, Supreme Court, or Congress.  The new, corporate-driven, socially responsible, market-place will take over?
Stay Vigilant!
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Tuesday, April 9, 2013


"WTF" -- Over??
I just "don't get it" -- What the hell is Mitch and his gang of marauders in the Senate up to, NOW?
They just lost, big time, their 4-year battle to oust the President.  Is Mitch still scared?  Or, more scared?
Of whom or what?  Whatever  it is; does it  make it worth "flippin' the bird" at 90% or more of the U.S. citizenry?  At least, they seem to think so.
Maybe its not fear.  Maybe its just old fashioned race hatred.  You know, the kind that reads "Made In The U.S"!  This nation has struggled mightily, for centuries now, trying to get rid of this kind of poison.  Now it is dragged back by this "in your face" bunch who plan to filibuster against gun legislation !  http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/post-politics/wp/2013/04/08/mcconnell-will-join-filibuster-of-guns-bull/.
If you haven't yet, please take a moment to watch on T.V., Arming the Mexican Drug Cartels  http://www.tvmuse.eu/tv-shows/Vanguard_26002/season_5/episode_8/.  Virtually, all of those guns came from the U.S.!  Is that what we want to support?  Why would Mitch and his Marauders want to support this? 
Maybe their revolt isn't quite a replay of  "firing on Fort Sumpter";  but we seem to be getting a stench of that. 
It is because the voters in this country "took a nap" during the election of 2010, that our Congress became infested with this crud.  Will we take another nap in 2014?  Maybe that's what they're hoping?
Stay Vigilant!  Remove the Menace!
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All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC

Monday, April 8, 2013


Are We All Crabs in a "Shrinking" Bucket??
As I heard the news of Thatcher's death this morning, I immediately pictured her with Arthur Schelisnger Jr., sometime around the turn of the 21st century.  They figured prominently in some conference covered by C-Span, in which the "Color Line" was being debated.  Maggie was reported to be a racist (not unlike her friend, Mad Ronnie). http://ontd-political.livejournal.com/4945894.html
The Drucker Exchange (April 3, 2013) posted The Color of Wealth  http://ontd-political.livejournal.com/4945894.html , in which a recent Brandies Study is cited showing a growing gap in wealth between blacks and whites in the United States.
Schlesinger, who died in 2007 (he did not live to see the first Black American President), wrote E Pluribus Unum? shortly before he died.  In it, he attacks Multiculturalism as practiced and spread during the late 20th century.  He shared with Maggie and Ronnie the belief that, overall, Western Values were better than all others.
My research over the years have shown that to engage this topic on the surface level of Multiculturalism is to be distracted by various forms of name-calling.  Maggie and Ronnie had their eye on what I have contended is the basic value flaw in assimmilation -- that of Western institutions to teach values of skin color and wealth in such a way as to savage the self-mage of the children of non-whites.  Using religion as their primary tool, and aided by "integrated" public schools, the process renders non-white youth incapable of competing effectively against whites when it comes to political power-sharing and economic competition. Only those children fortunate enough to be born  to families that have an entrepreneurial history and a stong, protective family structure can survive this procedure, unscathed.  After several years of failing to get a significant majority of white citizens of this country to accept and work with an elected black President,  the power of the process should be obvious to all.  Damage to families, individuals, and communities remains un-addressed.
From the Indian Schools, to Chattel Slavery, to white Christian churches, the practice is centuries old. It is front and center in current battles over Immigration; as more non-white, non-English speaking people seek to emigrate to this country.
For those of us who are old, and have witnessed the destruction caused by these systems for many years. the hope was that these "sins" would die out.  Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, and Marco Rubio are evidence that they may not die out.
As technology shrinks the "bucket" in which the peoples of  this planet must reside, the power of those who have large sums of money and white skin will grow; even as their numbers diminish.  That is because hegemony of wealth, combined with firepower, can prevail for some time to come.
Stay Vigilant! Check your mirrors!
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Sunday, April 7, 2013


Step One Toward Justice?? 
GREAT NEWS!!  In case you missed it, the Homeowners Association "associated" with Zimmerman; the adult who stalked and gunned to death an unarmed black teenager in Florida, has "settled" a "wrongful" death lawsuit with Trayvon's family.  As published in my earlier blogs, Trayvon is my hero, and should be a global hero for all non-white youths (males, especially) who face the daily terror of being stalked by gun-toting adults.  Trayvon went, bare-nuckled, against a grown man; trying to save his own life.  In the end, the most any of us can do, no matter what the circumstance, is to fight to save our lives.  That fight is growing tougher; here in the U.S. and around the world.  http://jezebel.com/5993941/trayvon-martins-parents-settle-wrongful-death-claim-with-florida-subdivision
I won my case against a Homeowner's Association in Florida a few years ago.  I was living in the most expensive zip code in Miami at the time.  I visited a high-rise close by the gated community in which I lived -- another "gated" community.  I left my BMW with the Valet in a very expensive, highly secure (TV cameras every) high-rise and a theft ring inside their security stole the car!
It took lawyering, many trips to court, and overcoming a number of shenanigans by the Association before they PAID UP.  As usual, they admit to nothing -- but they pay to halt their liabilities.
I was in Miami for a couple of years studying the problems non-white minority entrepreneurs face in starting and maintaining a small business.  Especially of interest was the barriers placed in their way by the larger communities in which they operate.  Miami is a perfect place to study this phenomenon in the early 21st century.  I was embedded in projects involving blacks, latinos, Haitians, Koreans, and several recently-arrived "visitors" from South America, Central America, and the Caribbean.  A kind of "wild west" in the "south-east", so to speak.  Fascinating!!
Oh, I got my car back; damaged, but repairable.  No thanks to the Miami Police, I might add.
For those of you who think you will do just fine hiding behind your guns and your money -- think again!!  The story of Pistorious and the "laager mentality" of South Africa, should have you quaking in your boots.  http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,2137420,00.html.  The guys who are armed, and look like you, are most likely to be the BAD GUYs you fear so much!
Zimmerman returns to the public eye in June. 
Stay Vigilant! 
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All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC  

Saturday, April 6, 2013


My Drucker Notes show that the Great Depression in the United States during the 1930's was caused by the collapse of the Bond Market; not the Stock Market; as we've been led to believe.  In those days, when we had intact national economies, bond markets were the classic lenders to companies, governments, and individuals.  Ordinary people, as well as others,  bought bonds, thereby lending their money while holding bonds as investments.  When the money supply "dried up", there was no money for investment, jobs, infrastructure maintenance, etc.  Remember, in a Captialist economy, money is like blood to the body, or gasoline in an engine.  
Enter the multinational corporation, and the attending legislation by our Congress (in the 1970's), and you find loop-holes that allow persons or corporations, or other entities, doing business "off-shore" to choose, for the first time, whether they pay taxes at home, or abroad, or, nowhere at all.   The business of hiding money in off-shore tax havens was off and running.  Soon rich individuals, corporations, religious institutions, and "charitable" trusts, were all making out like fat rats.  Their money is held in a "cloud" of off-shore tax-havens.  This "syphoning" of money away from the U.S. economy is estimated by Forbes, http://www.forbes.com/sites/frederickallen/2012/07/23/super-rich-hide-21-trillion-offshore-study-says/,  to amount to more than the total income of the United States and Japan combined.  Bye, bye to Jobs!  That" Faction", holed up in the House of Representatives is turning the screws on everyone in the U.S. economy -- those who are looking for jobs, and those who are in jobs that they will ultimately lose.
Stage two in the process will be to bring back slavery -- 21st century version.  It is being designed as Immigration Legislation.  It targets people with brains, and people without brains.  The money boys learned when they wrecked our economy and took over well-established corporations, that brains could be bought "by the pound". They intend to do that to immigrants who have PhDs, and those immigrants who simply "sweat" for their money. 
It may shock you to know that not all Slave Masters were afraid of their slaves; if they were were educated.  (See "Band Of Angels" with Poitier and Clark Gable).  Many "owned" professionals like doctors, lawyers, and other specialists.  The owners rented them out.
In the end, our 21st century money boys will have all their money, no taxes, and the "services" of any variety of slave their money can afford.  "Live Free" ?? 
Stay Vigilant!  What're your Elected Officials doing to/for YOU??
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Friday, April 5, 2013


The "Supremes" & The Death of "Law & Order"?? 
Our "First Lady" of the "Supremes" is now traipsin' the country flogging her book in hopes of restoring respect for Our Supreme Court.  A cursory study of the the first decade ot the 21st Century in the United States will show clearly that the Supreme Court; specifically, the First Lady, the Omnipotent Magistrate, his Super Masculine flunky, and two other court conservatives, dealt this country, and the world, a mortal blow in their decision re: Bush v. Gore , in 2000. 
The resulting death, destruction, lawlessness, and economic decline in this country, and throughout the world, will be the subject of many studies for many years to come.  All the ladies appointed to the court since will have a very difficult time resurrecting a modicum of the respect lost in 2000. 
My favorite "Supreme", Justice Thurgood Marshall, warned us upon his retirement that the Klan was busy trading its White Robes of Terror for Black Robes of Justices for the nation's courts; and, it appears he was right!  A hundred years ago, Woodrow Wilson, acknowledged racist, and apologist for the Klan, became President.  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Woodrow_Wilson  The Klan and their White Robes were then dominant in national politics.  At the time of Marshall's retirement (1991), the Klan had "transformed" their tactics to control the administration of "Justice" in this country, at both the national and state levels.  The Cheney/Bush regime installed by the "Supremes" appointed a flunky for Attorney General -- he later resigned in disgrace.
Fifty years ago, we finished the first decade of the second half of the 20th century.  That decade saw assassinations of our President, Attorney General, and racial leaders, and was a "turning" toward the outcome that surfaced in Bush v. Gore as the "Backlash" element unleashed fifty years before revolted and overthrew the election of 2000. 
We're now at a point where laws like "stand your ground", and gun-running corporations hold "legal" sway in the land.  Rules and Regulations; some of them put in place a hundred years ago, have been trampled, and may never be replaced.  Even the vaunted Texas Rangers are clueless in their search for leads in the apprehension of gangs who murder their Prosecutors.  We are told we must turn our elementary schools into "fortified"  bunkers to make our babies safe!
Is it time for some serious review of where we are as a nation and how we got here?  Cleaning house, in our courts and in our Legislatures, is clearly in order!
Stay Vigilant!  Clean House!
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Thursday, April 4, 2013

Will We "MAKE IT' This Time???

Fools & Technologies
I have spent my adult lifetime involved in technological advances, mostly in those technologies involved in waging the Cold War.  (And setting the stage for the Media and Internet Age).  I have witnessed detonation of nuclear weapons, and worked closely with the aftermath of those detonations.  I am more concerned than most with the child in charge of the nukes in North Korea.
I'm becoming more alarmed about the lack of maturity of  younger world leaders as they assume power (witness the proctracted horrors in Syria).  Like a toddler with a loaded gun, no one within their range is safe.  If the "gun" happens to be a nuke, nobody on the planet is completely unaffected -- if it is exploded in the open air.
Parallel to the new trend toward younger and more immature leaders, is the weakening of protections provided by time-tested institutions.  I have in mind the Constitution of the United States, which is slowly being dismantled by a Faction that used to go by the name of the Republican Party.  It is clear that they will not heed "final" results, or the voices of our electorate as provided under our Constitution.
Like factions in other countries and other times, they have their own agenda.  That agenda does not parallel the wishes of the electorate.  Current attempts to sanely regulate gun use within the United States is a case in point.  A well-funded Corporation can humiliate the citizens and top elected "leaders" of this once great nation.
Winston Churchill, who got a few things right, is reputed to have observed that the citizens of the United States can be trusted to do the right thing: but not until AFTER they've tried every other possibility!  We may not have enough time for such foolishness these days.  The God that protects fools may just be too tired to give a damn anymore.  Our "Democracy" (really a democratic Republic)
may be assigned to the dust-bin of history as a result.
Stay Vigilant!  Stay Angry!
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