2013: The Year for "Budget(s)"??
Ah, the last day of 2012! The day is beautiful! The Sandia's are decked out in a new coat of snow; our big sky is resplendent with sun playing off multi-hued clouds. You'd never guess such a bright day caps such a year of horrors!
The "Hole In The Wall" gangs in Congress are "hard-at" finagling a "Fix" for our Fiscal Cliff. Since the deadline is less than 9 hours away, I'm sure we'll hear about some sort of "patch" which allows all sides to claim some sort of "victory". Meanwhile, the crap rolls on! The Markets are up (more than145 points on the Dow) on announcements that haggling is underway to delay Sequestration).
"Sing A Song of Six-pence" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sing_a_Song_of_Sixpence ; for those of you old enough to remember this old nursery rhyme, you might also realize that we grew up on children's stories that were based in a different "reality" from the Disney tales that my children and grand-children know. Disney, like Mark Twain, was exposed to the old Missouri slave-based storytelling tradition. But, unlike Twain, Disney created a new, less threatening form of enchantment for children. Could it be that we suffer downsides in our economy as a result?
Today, the "Queen" is in the "Counting House" http://www.tmz.com/2012/12/14/queen-elizabeth-gold-digger/ ! No one is in the parlor, eating bread and honey; not even our children! No one has time!
"A pocketful of rye" could refer to drinking problems among youth today; or, to the fact that our Congress has screwed around and left us without protection from our farm mess! We may be facing a food cost catastrophe!
At any rate BUDGETS are the order of the day. EVERYWHERE, not just with the numb-nuts wrestling in Congress with our "Fiscal Cliff". Home budgets, City budgets, State and County budgets, ALL are in a state of crisis because an element of Neanderthals in Congress were dead-set to destroy, at any cost, our first Black President. That will be what makes 2012 a year for the books for decades to come.
Stay Vigilant!
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