Wednesday, November 7, 2012


Now The R-e-e-a-l-y HARD Part Begins!!
"We Don't Work For Niggers!"  That pronouncement greeted me in 1969, when, as a young Captain in the Air Force at a major Weapons Research Center, I began my first management level job.  I was freshly promoted to Section Chief, managing more than a dozen young, newly graduated, all white,  engineers.  Two Lieutenants from the deep South were the bearers of the pronouncement.  I was able to win them over to the reality that they WERE going to work for me, and we became friendly, if not friends.
Following that career, I began my career with a major Aerospace Company and ran into the "hard freeze" often encountered by workers who represent sharp change (first black, woman, etc).  The techniques used to overcome that situation were the subject of my Research Project for Peter Drucker.  He said it was among the best case studies he had read.
So, you can see I was sympathetic to the President as I saw the same old games being played against him by our industrial leaders, the leadership of the Republican Party, and the sludge-Media.  Only the "people" who hold ultimate power in our system, could rectify his situation; and they DID, yesterday!
But now, just as FDR told Harry Belafonte and a delegation of Civil Rights workers in the 1940's; you will have to make me  do the things you want done to change our system! That is still true today. Yesterday's victory was just the first step for those of us who want our national problems solved by those we elect. We have to keep the pressure on all of the players!
Watch the Big Money boys as they re-calculate their strategies.  These un-elected players have the option to support or betray this nation's interests.  Unwillingness to be open about their financial dealings and about the tax revenues needed to run our country has bordered on the unpatriotic in recent years.  The only pressure we can exert on them (once we discover who they are) is in the marketplace.

Stay Vigilant!!

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