Wednesday, November 14, 2012


As I write this, the President is meeting with the nation's CEO's at the White House.  He met with "Big Labor" yesterday.  The media mouthpieces for Big Money are howling on T.V. because "not one banker" is included in today's meeting.  In less than a hour, the President will give his first post-election News Conference (I will stop here and set my TV to record it).
In an earlier blog, I advised that we first, have to know we're in a war -- before we can win the war.  We also have to be clear as to whom the enemy is!  Let's review:
   Number one: the Big Money Boys, through their stooges in Congress (especially the beady-eyed challenger in the Senate) declared war on the President, after precipitating the 2008 Melt-Down in the world economy. 
 Number two: they waged a 4-year campaign to denigrate, cripple, and ambush the President and the economy. 
 Number three: they picked a "Financial" (read corporate raider of Pension Funds) to oppose him in the 2012 election. 
 Number four: they accused the President of not "creating jobs", while they sat on their corporate earnings, hid money overseas, and shipped jobs off-shore.  PRIVATE INDUSTRY CREATES JOBS, they said, Not Government!  So they crippled government at the federal and state levels through lay-offs.
Now they bitch because they are not the first people the President turns to after kicking their collective asses in a national election???
Where are the Hollywood script writers for this hot story??
Stay Vigilant!  Rise Above?? 

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