Why We Remain So Stupid in our Social Behavior
In 1966, The Air Force re-assigned me and my family from Dayton, OH, to New Mexico. I was cautioned by a white officer not to refer to people here as "Indian" or "Mexican". I was warned that these terms were viewed as offensive, in that time. This was well before the Chicano movement and AIM (the American Indian Movement). Shortly after I arrived, the white Republican governor of the state dispatched tanks to quell early protest activities by Reies Tijerina in Tierra Amarillo, NM.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reies_Tijerina
In 1972, while doing my research for my Master's Thesis at UNM; American Values in Black and White, I ran across a research paper from a PhD candidate at UTEP (University of Texas, El Paso) that told the stories of of "beating" the Spanish language out of small children in the school systems. A similar process was performed by religious organizations in their genocidal activities toward native children.
For those in the Republican Party, Post-Obama-Re-Election, who want to continue their war against "illegals" in the Southwest, I recommend they read about the Treaty of Guadalupe-Hildalgo http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Treaty_of_Guadalupe_Hidalgo . They will learn that many of the "Hispanics" in the Southwest were citizens of this nation well before their white ancestors arrived.
Now, post-2012-Election, we have a new "gold-rush", led by the Repoobs who have discovered the value of finding "Hispanics". Many of them hope they can use "Hispanics" to re-gain the political power they crave. Their limited success with the likes of Clarence Thomas and Condoleeza Rice, to thwart the progress of African-Americans, should have taught them something; but NO! Jeb, the remaining Bush, has "discovered" Marco, and the rush is on!
Brace yourself for a load of crap on this subject in the media in coming days. Look into the sources above, and Laura E.Gomez's book: Manifest Destinies, 2007, New York University Press.
You will be able to fact-check our crappy media and, at the same time, defend your sanity.
Stay Vigilant!
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