How "Socially Secure" are YOU??
Mitt and the Repoobs and their Big, (BAD) Money Backers lost the 2012 Election, I think, because they pushed the Atwater-Rove model for winning elections too far. They managed to scare the Hell out of ALL people in our nation who don't have white skin. Their "divide and conquer" methods back-fired!!
They're re-grouping, as I write, behind Marco Rubio, a second-generation Cuban immigrant who seems to follow the Batista (anti-black) value that is so common among Florida Cuban-Americans.
They also scared Hell out of those whites who voted for Obama this time. As with Bull Connor and George Wallace, many, of not most, white citizens of this country do NOT tolerate that "blood-curdling" form of racism. We saw that level of racism applied against "Hispanics" in the 2012 election by the Repoobs. The only way for the Republican Party to survive this is to eradicate all forms of Repoobism and to do it quickly. If they choose Marco, they will dig their hole deeper, I'm afraid.
Be that as it may -- how "socially" secure are you? This question will drive all futue elections. All racial issues, we're told by Baker, and Allport, and most other writers on the subject, are as much about economics as race, if not more-so! In case readers think I lay our racial issues at the door of Europeans exclusively -- NOT SO! My thesis research forty years ago revealed that the Chinese used skin color as their model for discrimination in the Tang Dynasty,, more than a thousand years ago! As China rises, expect the methods used during the European period of dominance to be replaced by a more cruel and vicious version.
For those black citizens who think we've "overcome" because Obama chose to be black; they need to think again! All of us have to think carefully about our current "crabs in a bucket" model of social advancement and economic security in this nation; as we try to fashion a better future here.
Stay Vigilant!
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Copyright: 2012: Williams LLC
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