Repoob "Issues" With Voting
Voting "controversies" are as old as our history; and rooted deeply in that history. From the beginning, this country was set up as a haven for white cast-offs from Europe. According to De Tocqueville, the Natives were to be exterminated to clear their lands for acquisition, and the slaves were to be worked to death in perpetuity. The Repoobs, a dying vestige of that heritage, lost BIG TIME in the election of 2012.
In 2000, Jeb Bush, as Governor of Florida, who, according to "W", "promised" him Florida, set a new low for voting controversty. He got the "Supremes" involved for the first time in our history; tarnishing that institution forever. His Poppa started it all when he installed a "Lawn Jockey" for Scalia in 1991. Maybe the Lawn Jockey should now be seriously considered for impeachment; after the performance he and his wife delivered in support (with un-reported remuneration) of the Tea Party's efforts to defeat the President.
Anticipating their waning numbers in support of their "divide and conquer" strategies for national elections, Repoobs also began, in 2000, a strategy to pit Hispanics against Blacks. That didn't work out so well in 2012. I hope they give up on that, but desperation may prevail. We will have to brace ourselves for "Marco", Jebs new puppet, in 2016. Remember, Jeb signed "Stand Your Ground" into law -- the catalyst, or enabler of Zimmerman, in his gunning down of Trayvon Martin.
I remember the voting in the Black Ward of my home town in Missouri. The Mob from Chicago came through frequently during the '30s and '40s when they were on the run from Chicago to Kansas City. Their "guy" in our town owned and ran what was the old Maple Leaf Club; where Scott Joplin played Ragtime. The Gym in our school was the polling place, and I remember seeing more than two legs below the curtain line on election day. A white friend, a decade or more younger than I am, told me recently that she remembered her father casting all the votes, in Texas elections, for all the blacks who worked for him. Before the public schools homogenized the whites in this country, immigrants fresh from Europe were rounded up at gun point and marched to the polls to vote.
Stay Vigilant! As President Obama says, "we have to fix this"!!
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