Friday, November 30, 2012


The "March" of Decay?
Where does blatant "Discrimination" go to operate freely?  Under Woodrow Wilson, it was at the Federal level (he welcomed the Klan and segregated Washington, D.C.).  It has devolved over time to the States (remember George Wallace and "Bull" Connor?).  Today, you can see the rotting hand of decay and discrimination in Cities across our nation.  The discrimination is both economic and racial in many places, like New Orleans and Detroit.
The cracks in the wall of government-enforced racial discrimination began with education--Supreme Court (54); and moved to  "lunch counters"; housing; employment -- President Kennedy (63); "civil rights" - Johnson (64); voting (65); to "affirmative action" under Nixon.  The responses of white citizens over those two decades were seen in snippets on television, but the comprehensive white reaction is seen today in the Tea Party and our Rotten Cities. 
As whites moved away from their jobs in cities, the jobs moved to follow the whites, the wealthier and better-educated non-whites followed the white flight, and the cities became "hollowed out".  Burdened with services, for which there was no tax base,  cities began their rot and collapse.   Under the twin threats of tax flight and white flight, the Counties, from which the cities spring, and the States, which house the counties came into the cross-hairs.
Many of these cities were formerly industrial centers, like Detroit.  Their rot formed the "rust-belt".
Just as Romney and his venture buddies got fabuously rich off the wreckage of our industry, the wealth to be gained from raping our rotting cities could be astounding.  The process would be to collapse the weak cities back into the counties in which they reside.  Should we be checking for new maggots?
Stay Vigilant! 

Copyright © 2012:  Williams LLC
All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC  

Thursday, November 29, 2012


Two "Golden Nuggets"
There is simply no reason why any child in this country, today, should ever have to worry about money, retirement, careers, or any thing else that money impacts.  But they will, simply because everything around them from their parent's behavior, to the TV, to their government (at all levels) teaches them to de-value two things: Patience and Self Discipline.  It would be nice to include "Honesty", but in this media environment, that's too much to hope for.
I learned these lessons, instinctively, in the late '40s when I got my first full-time job.  At a tavern (beer-joint that served food), located across from the entrance to the Missouri State Fairgrounds, I had to stand by the road-side, tip my paper hat and bow to the red-necks driving by, yelling: "look  at the cute little nigger"!  For ten cents an hour and for 10 hours a day!  From that time forward, I always had money; because I knew how to work to get it, and when I was old enough, I was able to keep a portion of whatever I made.
On November 20, Frontline aired a program entitled: "Poor Kids".  If you didn't see it, you can look it up.  Try to get your grand-kids to watch it. (Good Luck, at that!)
The two values stated above, should be intertwined in every aspect of our living; but they were deliberately abandoned when the Baby Boomers were young, in order to form our "consumer economy".  My generation, the "silent" one, grew up in the Industrial Economy -- a time when this country "made things".  We created those new technologies, with government funding, that won the Cold War and spawned new "rich guys" like Gates and Jobs.
Unfortunately, for me, and for most, these values have to be learned in brutal times.  For the "Poor Kids" on the Frontline program, these times are their "brutal" times.  They watched their parents lose businesses, homes, all their possessions.  None of it, the fault of the kids!  They are now trapped in the consequences until they grow old enough to escape, as I did.
The technologies we developed also brought two things to everybody which can set them free of money woes: the computer and the internet.   For the first time in history, the average person can know exactly what they own.  They can know their costs, their cash flow, and their retained earnings.
With the discipline to use these tools, and to start early enough for time to work for them, everyone can be on their way to real financial freedom.  However, they have to thoroughly overcome all forces that urge them toward unwise consumtion!
Stay Vigilant!

Copyright © 2012:  Williams LLC
All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC 

Tuesday, November 27, 2012


More 2012 Election Results 
All of the cacophony springing from the "Rabbit-Hole" into the mainstream media today involves the three "sinister Senators" flapping on about "Behghazi".  All of this idiocy is beginning to look like an elaborate cover-up.  What they are keeping out of the public eye is serious questioning of the video;
that, even they admit, sparked the demonstrations in Cairo that spread to Benghazi. 

You know, really important stuff like: who paid for the video, who distributed it, how did the Romney campaign know about it early enough to get so far out in front of events and have to back-track.  NOBODY is talking about of any of this, inside or outside the "Rabbit-Hole".  Once again, "faulty intelligence" raises its head amidst political tampering by Congress.
Election results are showing very important things about the white vote; by age group, income, location, etc.  Of particular importance is the break-down of the Millenial Vote by race.  The younger whites voting from inside the "hole" outnumbered the younger whites on the outside.  The combined minority youth vote carried the election.  The percetage of white votes overall continue to drop, most likely because death rates of that cohort overshadow birth rates.  The future begins to take shape!
When I was 14 years old, the 1954 Supreme Court Decision, Brown v. Board .. was handed down by the Warren Court.  I had just finished the 9th Grade at C.C. Hubbard; my first year in High School, in those days.  C.C. Hubbard died seven years earlier, and we were struggling with the deep-South black replacement imposed by the white overseers.  I was afraid that I would have to go the white school and I discussed it with my grandfather.  He said, as I remember, "you have to believe there are some good white folks; otherwise none of us would still be here".  The entire "Rabbit-Hole syndrome we face today can be traced to that time and that Supreme Court decision. 
The white powers decided to begin "integrating" C.C. Hubbard with the primary grades; a year at a time, firing all black teachers and administrators as they progressed.  I was able to finish my High School without dealing directly with the "enemy".  The 2012 election results provide a measure of our "progress"  as a nation over these ensuing 58 years.
Stay Vigilant!
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All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC 

Monday, November 26, 2012


The Road Ahead?
Under their twisted, macbre world-view, the Repoobs led the Rebublican Party down their version of Lewis Carroll's "rabbit-hole", and, perhaps, to their demise!  The voters resoundingly let them know they would NOT drag the country there.  Will the party get free from that world?  Will the country have to create a new, viable, Party to counter the Democrat Party?  We need two viable parties to make our government system work.
In their world, where what is "real" is dictated by the likes of Fox News; up is down; day is night; fact becomes opinion, belief trumps experience, -- in short, it's C-R-A-Z-E-E!!  And there is a color-line attribute to just about every issue; from abortion, to jobs, to immigration, to voting, to gun rights, health-care, women's health, and "religion"!  It will take a VERY smart person to map a sane path out of such wicked wackiness.
Also to be found down the "rabbit-hole" are the Red States -- those states, mostly poor and white, that voted against the President.  These states, deep-South and Mountain-mid-West, are sparsely settled, extremely religious, and poorly "educated" by the likes of Rush Limbaugh.  Now THAT makes sense in a pathetic way.
The election was, ostensibly, about our economy!  But, NO!, Mitt and the Repoobs started a fight over just about any and every issue that stirred the right-wing extremes.  Witness the clown show led by the "representatives" of each wing-nut cause.
Let's hope and pray that somewhere there is a "sanity table" to which all with decision authority are invited.  Those that sober up in time (the deadline is midnight on December 31, 2012) will, hopefully, attend the table and save the country from more damage and ridicule.
Stay Vigilant!
Copyright © 2012:  Williams LLC
All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC 

Sunday, November 25, 2012


Even When Thine Enemy Lies Within 
Speilberg strikes again!  I saw the movie, Lincoln,  yesterday.   As a 73-year old, African-American military officer and disabled veteran,  and a citizen of these United States, Speilberg managed, yet again, to make me feel like I was deliberately excluded from  his intended audience.  The Color Purple, another of his travesties, was similarly delivered;  as  if  he were telling white people a story about black people.  There was no mention of Frederick Douglass!  Or Douglass' deliberations with President Lincoln regarding emancipation.
It is reported that Spielberg did not want the film released until after the election.  Maybe he was part of the 47% pulling for Romney?  For the non-white voters who got the message of the 2012 election, its now time for deep reflection.  After all that has gone before, its now clear that this damnable practice of perpetuating the color line, Hollywood style, has to be faced and contended with.
For all those of any color who refuse to face facts, (and themselves), its long past time to realize that the economic situation of non-whites, or of the total population, will not improve in this country until new strategies are adopted to combat this form of racial discrimination.   Sacrificing your own dignity to gain financial advantage can bring malignant dividends for all.  The individual, no matter how cunning, will not prevail in the long run, over long-standing, institutional behaviors; unless those institutions are successfully countered.
The enemy can be a collection of ideas, beliefs, practices, habits, traditions, and norms that are held or practiced by individuals, groups, or institutions. You can share in those beliefs, thereby aiding in the perpetuation.  These practices are corrosive, producing great damage over generations.  They can  cover large territories, countries, and regions.  There is an economic impact or component masked in these acts disguised as "art".  I once sat in a movie theater in Guadalajara and watched a Hollywood cartooned version of Mexican history that full of blatant Lies!

Why does it persist into the 21st Century?  Is it possible that only those in the 53% can dectect, and are willing to combat this syndrome?  Is the 47% of one mind in maintaing these practices?   Will employment, business relations, investment decisions, continue to turn on such tactics that have existed since Birth of a Nation and Gone With the Wind?

Stay Vigilant!

Copyright © 2012:  Williams LLC
All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC

Saturday, November 24, 2012


Repoob "Issues" With Voting
Voting "controversies" are as old as our history; and rooted deeply in that history.  From the beginning, this country was set up as a haven for white cast-offs from Europe.  According to De Tocqueville, the Natives were to be exterminated to clear their lands for acquisition, and the slaves were to be worked to death in perpetuity.  The Repoobs, a dying vestige of that heritage, lost BIG TIME in the election of 2012. 
In 2000, Jeb Bush, as Governor of Florida, who, according to "W",  "promised" him Florida, set a new low for voting controversty.  He got the "Supremes" involved for the first time in our history; tarnishing that institution forever.  His Poppa started it all when he installed a "Lawn Jockey" for Scalia in 1991.  Maybe the Lawn Jockey should now be seriously considered for impeachment; after the performance he and his wife delivered in support (with un-reported remuneration) of the Tea Party's efforts to defeat the President.
Anticipating their waning numbers in support of their "divide and conquer" strategies for national elections, Repoobs also began, in 2000, a strategy to pit Hispanics against Blacks.  That didn't work out so well in 2012.  I hope they give up on that, but desperation may prevail.  We will have to brace ourselves for "Marco", Jebs new puppet, in 2016.  Remember, Jeb signed "Stand Your Ground" into law -- the catalyst, or enabler of  Zimmerman, in his gunning down of Trayvon Martin.
I remember the voting in the Black Ward of my home town in Missouri.  The Mob from Chicago came through frequently during the '30s and '40s when they were on the run from Chicago to Kansas City.  Their "guy" in our town owned and ran what was the old Maple Leaf Club;  where Scott Joplin played Ragtime.  The Gym in our school was the polling place, and I remember seeing more than two legs below the curtain line on election day.  A white friend, a decade or more younger than I am, told me recently that she remembered her father casting all the votes, in Texas elections, for all the blacks who worked for him.  Before the public schools homogenized the whites in this country, immigrants fresh from Europe were rounded up at gun point and marched to the polls to vote.
Stay Vigilant!  As President Obama says, "we have to fix this"!!

Copyright © 2012:  Williams LLC
All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC 

Friday, November 23, 2012


Congress' Self-Imposed "Corner" 
The Voting Citizen is the ultimate, the essence, of our form of Democracy.  The voters spoke, and we will be de-coding the message for years, if not decades, to come.  The nearest threat to total devastation, like what befell Germany in 1933, has been deflected; hopefully for good!  The Cabal, led by a Big-Money "fixer",  mixed large sums of money with color-racism and generalized fear-mongering,  and still failed to turn us into a Corporate-Run Government.  We all should be proud of the outcome.  Remnants of the Cabal are still to be found in those state governments that are totally Repoob.  The Republican Party has a great deal of work to do.  It may take decades for them to fully exorcise the malignancy from their ranks.  This is a great start for the 21st Century!
The Cabal had numerous tricks up its sleeve to defeat the President and take power of the Executive Branch again.  This would restore the total control they exercised over this country between the years of 2000-2006, with only two years of split control of the Congress, during which they presided over the worst economic disaster this country has seen since 1933.
One of their tricks was Sequestration, a Faustian Bargain they were sure they would win, by defeating the President.  Now they are caught.  By winning the election, alone, the President wins the Sequestration gamble.  Revenue, which is the essential fuel any government needs to operate, will increase, even if the Repoobs continue their pyrrhic stance.  The voters will be hurt, unnecessarily, if it goes that way, because the poor will be disproprotionately harmed.
Let's review:  what is all this crap really about?  The Cheney/Bush cabal promised us that we would all profit if we launched an un-provoked attack ("Shock and Awe") on Iraq -- we would pay for the affair with their oil!  NOT!!  Now somebody else has to pay.  In war, when you lose, you have to pay!  By their second term, 2004, they knew their plan would come a cropper!  So, they cut taxes for the rich, twice, ... you know the rest.  Bottom line:  the rich are dead-set against paying this, or any, bill with their money!  Just like the banks after the Melt-down, the Rich are insistent that the poor and middle classes should pay these bills. (Remember: Wall Street vs. Main Street?)
The best outcome they can hope for now is Sequester, where everybody takes it up the rear-end through both, tax increases and pay cuts (and possibly Recession)!  Now you know why cabals are evil things.  You don't want them in your government.
Stay Vigilant!

Copyright: 2012:  Williams LLC
All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC

Wednesday, November 21, 2012


White Supremacy is an Iron Yoke around EVERYBODY'S Neck! 
The results of the 2012 election are clear on one scale: that white supremacy was clearly visible in every aspect of the campaign in opposition to President Obama.  Led by the likes of Limbaugh and similar Fox News adherents, even the most willingly blind and deaf observers could not fail to see and hear what they paraded before the voters here -- and abroad!  Code words of every sort were employed to appeal to those voters who believe that a non-white President was "unqualified", "lazy", "not smart", ... the usual suspects in our language, used during our long, sordid, and evil history.  Given the percentages in the vote totals, just about every non-white element in our population "got" the message and roundly rejected it.
Be of good cheer!  The election results showed overwhelmingly that a majority of voters "get it", and want no more of it!  But NO! More than a dozen Rump Repoob members of the House of Representatives, who have nothing, whatever to do with confirming any Presidential appointee, have shifted the same fire to our current U.N. Ambassador.  They want to keep her from being nominated for Secretary of State.  Why, because she's female? No, we've had two of those before, and one presently.  Because she's black? No, but close, to the Repoobs, she's a "Rice not white enough" to lead our State Department; that bastion from which we dispense our version of white male supremacy to the planet.
From immigration policy, to peremptive invasions, our Department of State -- a government agency that has been a deep mystery to the citizens of this nation -- has secretly devined our "national interest" and enacted policies to carry out those interests.  We call it Foggy Bottom, and we can be sure there is much more sinister at it's bottom than fog!  Its long past time that the citizens of our nation take a long, hard, look at this function of our government and determine why the Repoobs are taking an "Alamo"-like stance to keep it under their malignant world view. 
After resoundlingly losing the election, the Rump Repoobs are "fllippin' the bird" and using Susan Rice as a "whipping girl" to keep the fight alive and find a way to continue avoiding their mandate to repair our nation's economy (you know, the one they broke in 2008).
All white voters in the 47% that supported Mitt and the Repoobs can take this opportunity to "lay their burden down" and start respecting all people at the level they demand for themselves.
Stay Vigilant!

Copyright: 2012:  Williams LLC
All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC

Monday, November 19, 2012


How "Socially Secure" are YOU??
Mitt and the Repoobs and their Big, (BAD) Money Backers lost the 2012 Election, I think, because they pushed the Atwater-Rove model for winning elections too far.  They managed to scare the Hell out of ALL people in our nation who don't have white skin.  Their "divide and conquer" methods back-fired!!
They're re-grouping, as I write, behind Marco Rubio, a second-generation Cuban immigrant who seems to follow the Batista  (anti-black) value that is so common among Florida Cuban-Americans.
They also scared Hell out of those whites who voted for Obama this time.  As with Bull Connor and George Wallace, many, of not most, white citizens of this country do NOT tolerate that "blood-curdling" form of racism.  We saw that level of racism applied against "Hispanics" in the 2012 election by the Repoobs.  The only way for the Republican Party to survive this is to eradicate all forms of Repoobism and to do it quickly.  If they choose Marco, they will dig their hole deeper, I'm afraid.
Be that as it may -- how "socially" secure are you?  This question will drive all futue elections.  All racial issues, we're told by Baker, and Allport, and most other writers on the subject, are as much about economics as race, if not more-so!  In case readers think I lay our racial issues at the door of Europeans exclusively -- NOT SO!  My thesis research forty years ago revealed that the Chinese used skin color as their model for discrimination in the Tang Dynasty,, more than a thousand years ago!  As China rises, expect the methods used during the European period of dominance to be replaced by a more cruel and vicious version.
For those black citizens who think we've "overcome" because Obama chose to be black; they need to think again!  All of us have to think carefully about our current "crabs in a bucket" model of social advancement and economic security in this nation; as we try to fashion a better future here.
Stay Vigilant!

Copyright: 2012:  Williams LLC
All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC

Sunday, November 18, 2012


The "Miracle" of a "Clean Election"??
In their second Presidential Election since the "Supreme Selection" of 2000 and the Rovian Chicanery of 2004, the voters have decided the outcome in such a way as to set us on a path for fiscal sanity.  It will take us a while to arrive at a better destination, but a correct path is most important.  The President's convening of Congressional (Leadership?) this past week seems to indicate some movement in the right direction.
Obama-Hatin' Rump-Repoobs are storming in the media over the misfire of their October Surprise, but the President is up to the task of stomping these cockroaches.  The vote went a long way toward getting rid of this vermin, but if we let up, they'll be back!  2014 preparations are already underway.  Remember also, 2016 will be a Presidential Election without an incumbent.  These are much easier to fix under our system.  The trashing of Rove and the massive financial losses of the Bad Big Money may make it a little harder for them, however.
Back to the "Cliff"; the consensus is that the heist the Cheney/Bush bunch robbed from the citizens during the 2000-2008 debacle is in excess of $1T.  That's what it cost to give two tax cuts to the rich, start two wars, and give seniors free drugs.  They killed the surplus they inherited from Clinton and BORROWED FUNDS TO PAY THE TAB!!  The costs of the implosion of our (and the globe's) economy that occurred as they were splitting the scene, are still on-going. 
In my earlier blog titled: CORRUPTION (In Politics) (25Sep12), I cited facts learned in the early 70's concerning increases in the size and complexity of our nation.  Regulatory agencies were created to complete the half-baked legislation created by Congress.  Corporate and other interest groups moved their people into the regulatory agencies.   Lobbyists moved in to Congress to write the half-baked laws.
We've, again, grown significantly, in both size and complexity, since 1970.  We've seen systematic starvation of funding for our government by Repoobs since 1980.  A lot of talking heads blather on about "too much spending".  NOBODY has told us how much this growth in our government actually COSTS!!  Whether we're spending too much or too little depends on what the TOTAL COSTS are!  Dont'cha think?  We get a detailed tab when we go out to eat -- why not from our governments AT ALL LEVELS??
Stay Vigilant!

Copyright © 2012  Williams LLC

Saturday, November 17, 2012

2012 Election: "END OF THE WORLD"??

More of what We Learned
Eleven days past our election, we're seeing more, often bizzare, reactions to it that are tragic, and unique in our history as a nation.  No Presidential election, to my knowledge, has spawned such a rash of states petitioning to secede from the Union.  The Mayan predictions of old may have set the stage for this "apocalyptic" response, but I think we have to delve deeper.
In many ways we're looking at an earthquake of epic proportions.  One that not only reveals, by cataclysmic upthrusts of long-buried evil fault lines in our collective past, the wrong-headed beliefs and attitudes that still drive us today; but also also reveals the world-wide impacts of those beliefs and behaviors.
Having the misfortune of being born in 1939 in the state of Missouri, I witnessed daily that raw, evil, and  race-based behavior, shown to the world in this election campaign, against our first non-white President.  A combination of tremendously wealthy and religiously-driven factions were behind the campaign.  Both were defeated by the voters -- by a  3% edge.  We know now that the losing 47%, to include Mitt apparently, expected to prevail.  They're pissed! 
Back to the "earthquake" : as I learned during my thesis research in 1972, the planet shifted on to new axes with the introduction of Europe to "The Americas"  in 1492 -- new axes of wealth and skin color. .  Tremendous amounts of gold and silver brought on the dominance of the earth by Europe, which still utilizes skin color as the basis for its trade practices.
 The election of 2012 shows that a working majority of the citizens of this country "get it", and have chosen to move away from this sordid history that swept up the Founders of this nation and has been driven by all Christian religions, to include the Mormons, our home-grown variant.  The Crusades, preceeding Columbus by a few hundred years, were extended into the Americas by the Catholic Church.   The racial attitudes they taught prevail throughout the Americas today.
 2012 may yet not escape the current evidence of this scourge, given the early stages of warfare in the Middle East.  Remember, Mitt, during the campaign, travelled to Israel to remind the Palestinians of their "uncivilized" status.
Stay Vigilant!

Copyright © 2012:  Williams LLC
All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC

Friday, November 16, 2012


The RED States Want "Out"??
Now we see what these "yahoos" have really wanted all along!  They want to replay our Civil War!
I can just see McCain as the leader of the New Confederacy, and his South Carolinian side-kick as the new Robert E. Lee.  Oozing out from the Old South, on the backs of Wing-Nut and rascist Christians, these people have spread like a scourge throughout the United States.  They, apparently, now believe they have no future here.  This is the 21st Century, for Chrise-Sake!!
But knowledge and understanding never were strengths for this lot.  Led by Texas, that state allowed into the Union with the intent of splitting into four slave states in order to preserve chattel slavery in this country forever, they have always been the dis-loyal opposition to every tenet of our Founding!
Steady readers of this blog have probably noticed that I strive to never use the term "Americans" to describe the citizens of this nation.  We're "American" alright, but so is the poorest, blackest, inhabitant of the Favelas in Brazil!  Our media, and other lazy speakers in Academia and elsewhere should let go of this age-old bigotry and refer to citizens of this nation as "Citizens of the United States of America".
The yahoos who want to leave, always referred to themselves as "Real Americans" -- translated to mean white, Southern, poorly educated (no geography lessons), and super-religious.  By their reckonin' Obama is "not American", Hispanics and other "illegals" are "not American",  no other Foreigner of any non-white hue can ever be "American".  Our colleges and other national institutions let them get away with this!
Stay Vigilant!

Thursday, November 15, 2012


Slime Time??
Two of the most despicable slime-balls in the Senate, one running for successor to "Strom" and the other, successor to "Jesse", are shooting their mouths off and challenging, no, daring  the  President of the United States to pick his U.N. Ambassador for the position of Secretary of State.
They both have made it clear that they prefer that "other Rice"; you know, the one who lied and postured for the Cheney/Bush regime.  They both may be black, they admit, but the difference is a clear as "white on rice".  You guess which one they prefer!
One hails from the state of South Carolina, that Bastion of Rebellion in our past; where the ugly seeds of race hatred (the black & white variety) are incubated and presrved, and where the new trick of selecting "real" Indians as substitutes for the Rebs of old, has spread; aping Louisiana.  It is also the place where, since the time of Kennedy, the Republican Party has gone to baptize their Presidential Candidates.
There is at least one lesson of the 2012 election results that everyone "gets".  That lesson is that a clear majority of the people of this country do not want the race-based politics of the Republican Party, inaugurated by Tricky Dick Nixon, to be dragged into the 21st Century!
Those hacks in our media who think we can substitute "Hispanics" for the red-neck politics of our past must learn that more of the same,  with some "make-up" applied, wont work!
Stay Vigilant!

Copyright © 2012:  Williams LLC
All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC

Wednesday, November 14, 2012


As I write this, the President is meeting with the nation's CEO's at the White House.  He met with "Big Labor" yesterday.  The media mouthpieces for Big Money are howling on T.V. because "not one banker" is included in today's meeting.  In less than a hour, the President will give his first post-election News Conference (I will stop here and set my TV to record it).
In an earlier blog, I advised that we first, have to know we're in a war -- before we can win the war.  We also have to be clear as to whom the enemy is!  Let's review:
   Number one: the Big Money Boys, through their stooges in Congress (especially the beady-eyed challenger in the Senate) declared war on the President, after precipitating the 2008 Melt-Down in the world economy. 
 Number two: they waged a 4-year campaign to denigrate, cripple, and ambush the President and the economy. 
 Number three: they picked a "Financial" (read corporate raider of Pension Funds) to oppose him in the 2012 election. 
 Number four: they accused the President of not "creating jobs", while they sat on their corporate earnings, hid money overseas, and shipped jobs off-shore.  PRIVATE INDUSTRY CREATES JOBS, they said, Not Government!  So they crippled government at the federal and state levels through lay-offs.
Now they bitch because they are not the first people the President turns to after kicking their collective asses in a national election???
Where are the Hollywood script writers for this hot story??
Stay Vigilant!  Rise Above?? 

Copyright © 2012:  Williams LLC
All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

"PHONY"? or "TRICKY"? or BOTH???

Dispensing with MITT?
Before we get on with the really important lessons learned from the election of 2012, we have to dispense with Mitt.  Is he "Phony Mitt", or "Tricky Mitt"?  I pick"Tricky-Phony-Mitt".  I think history will see him that way. 
When will we learn that politicians in this country rarely lead, but almost always follow?  They follow the shortest path to money, power, and glory for "their" kind of people.  Mitt and his picture-perfect family were not successful in seducing the new voter in this country.  This, in itself, is a revolution in the making.
I've always followed a principle that it those things we think are "right" that need closest examination.  Any child can recognize and avoid those things they are taught, to be "wrong".
Race has been "institutionalized" in this nation, to include the most obvious ones of our churches, our schools, our financial system, and our political system.  Mitt's picture-perfect presentation was projected with large, no, HUGE sums of money.  It included the white, blond, symbols so important to fundamentalist Christians.  A great trick the Mormons played on them, No? 
Obama, projected by the same elements as the Devil, himself, brought a message that was not lost on the non-white portion of the electorate (as well as enough of the white voters).  The "White Horse Prophecy has been tested, and has failed.  Hopefully, we've seen the last of this crap.  But, there's "Magic Marco", now being considered by what's left of the Repoob crowd as their new "horse".

Stay Vigilant!

Copyright © 2012:  Williams LLC
All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC

Monday, November 12, 2012


More of the "Profound Results" of 2012
Starting with Poppa Bush, the Repoobs brought back an old, slavery-days, minstrel  tradition; with a twist!  It found willing black aspirants for public positions and placed white-supremacy rhetoric in their mouths.  They then placed them in key positions to help the white-supremacy cause.  Clarence and Condi come to mind, but a Florida "wack-job" (extreme for a person of any color) was defeated in this election.  The nation can feel well served by this result.
 Unfortunately, on this Veteran's Day, he was a black retired military officer.  General Benjamin O. Davis, who congratulated me for my role in suffering indignities to integrate our military, must be rolling in his grave, yet happy to see such an outcome.  Lets hope a similar fate befalls all opportunists of color who trade in this business -- generally identified as "conservatives".
The non-white electorate, widely credited with the victory of 2012, has some soul-searching to do to discover why we are so easily tricked into supporting such people of any color.  Mitt and his dog whistle messages, and use of surrogates like "Rowdy", must be an example for all "pol's" of what NOT to do in future elections.  Thanks to the results for Millennial, single women, and other young voters, they will have to re-calibrate.
BUT, on this particular weekend that saw the opening of a film spot-lighting another phenomenon -- the white male superhero -- maybe that soul-searching will have to be a lot deeper than at-first thought.  For all of us!  This super-hero is the 20th Century addition to the list, but the list is long and stretches back more than 500 years!  Non-whites have had to learn to save themselves -- they have no super-hero(s)!
A close examination of each of the tenets in Willie Lynch's "Sermon" of 1712 should illuminate every facet of this phenomenon and the damage it does to things we all hold dear.  In 1972, I dropped in on a fifth grade class attended by my son and heard the white female teacher tell the class that "slavery was the best thing that could have happened for the black race".  I stopped the class, rebuked the teacher, and removed my son, placing him in a private school.  Not many parents could have done any part of that!  I strongly recommend a close reading of Willie's Sermon for everyone (see earlier blog for the link).
Let's make 2012 be the beginning of a New World for us all?? (More on Super-Hero's in future blogs)

Stay Vigilant!

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All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC

Sunday, November 11, 2012


Why We Remain So Stupid in our Social Behavior
In 1966, The Air Force re-assigned me and my family from Dayton, OH, to New Mexico.  I was cautioned by a white officer not to refer to people here as "Indian" or "Mexican".  I was warned that these terms were viewed as offensive, in that time.  This was well before the Chicano movement and AIM (the American Indian Movement).  Shortly after I arrived, the white Republican governor of the state dispatched tanks to quell early protest activities by Reies Tijerina in Tierra Amarillo, NM. 
In 1972, while doing my research for my Master's Thesis at UNM;  American Values in Black and White,    I ran across a research paper from a PhD candidate at UTEP (University of Texas, El Paso) that told the stories of  of "beating" the Spanish language out of small children in the school systems.  A similar process was performed by religious organizations in their genocidal activities toward native children. 
For those in the Republican Party, Post-Obama-Re-Election, who want to continue their war against "illegals" in the Southwest, I recommend they read about the Treaty of Guadalupe-Hildalgo .  They will learn that many of the "Hispanics" in the Southwest were citizens of this nation well before their white ancestors arrived.
Now, post-2012-Election, we have a new "gold-rush", led by the Repoobs who have discovered the value of finding "Hispanics". Many of them hope they can use "Hispanics" to re-gain the political power they crave.  Their limited success with the likes of Clarence Thomas and Condoleeza Rice, to thwart the progress of African-Americans, should have taught them something; but NO!  Jeb, the remaining Bush, has "discovered" Marco, and the rush is on!
Brace yourself for a load of crap on this subject in the media in coming days.  Look into the sources above, and Laura E.Gomez's book: Manifest Destinies, 2007, New York University Press.
You will be able to fact-check our crappy media and, at the same time, defend your sanity.
Stay Vigilant!

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All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC

Saturday, November 10, 2012


Repoobs in Fox Holes Fight Back
Feeling snug in their gerrymandered fox holes, the Repoobs are re-grouping under B.B Boehner and B.E. McConnell!  They are "flippin the bird" at the nation's voters and continuing to hold our economy and our jobs hostage to their "heist"; gained under Cheny-Bush.  The newly-vigilant must remain in the fight to crush this attack on our system of government and on our political system.
How?  AIPAC ( shows the way! Their run on Cynthia McKinney ( was copied by the Tea Party in thier strategy of "Primary-ing" the Republicans they chose to get rid of.  Sauce for the Gander?  You bet!  The media tells us that Mitch is terrified of being "Primary-ed" by the Tea Party in his up-coming election in 2014.
Breathing hard on B.B. Boehner will let him know that his fox hole leaks, also.  His foes may number more than the Tea Party cranks.
I've got some small change to contribute.  How about you?  Maybe this will give Move-On something to do while we watch the new clown show brewing.

  Stay Vigilant!!

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All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC

Friday, November 9, 2012


White:Asian:Brown:Black:Young:Unmarried Women-- the New Electorate
The President went to the "People" for assistance in thwarting internal threats to the country.  He found the new electorate (described above).  It spoke; clearly, strongly, and loud!  Get to work! Do the job we pay you to do! Cut the Crap!  The new electorate strongly backed the President in his efforts to fulfill their wishes.  The Repoob threat has been muted; at least for now.
The new electorate surprises us all.  It turned out to be the "November Surprise" I spoke of in a recent blog.  The new electorate spoke with a voice that makes it clear that this nation is willing, if not eager, to break, cleanly, with the most vicious and long-lasting scourge that impacts the planet.  The Los Angeles Times shows a photo of a sand sculptor in Egypt congratulating the President for his win.
Its becoming more clear that the young of this planet "get it"; while the older ones of us don't.  They're tired of the white and male persons of this planet dominating the world economy and setting the "rules" for everyone.  This condition has persisted since the time of the Renaissance, when explorers spread that model throughout the world, on the back of the Christian Religion.  A national best-seller, 1491,  by Charles C. Mann, is a well-researched description of the Americas before the arrival of the Europeans, and the way they introduced the ruling model that is only now showing serious evidence of going away.  The despicable treatment of our first, clearly non-white President, by the Repoobs and their backers was clear for all the world to see.  They were properly rebuked.

The President clearly loves and respects his wife, Michelle.  The model he sets will, I predict, work wonders for young males of every color to stand by their families.  We got the opportunity to elect him in the first place, I think, because he was half-white.  We may never get that opportunity again for a long time into the future.  There is an old saying that it takes a really dumb "s.o.b." to think that a baby that looks like him is "ugly";  not worthy of loving, respecting, and supporting.  The teachings of Willie Lynch have run their 300-year course (1712-2012)!

Stay Vigilant!

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Thursday, November 8, 2012


Was the Election, itself, the most significant MASK?
Romney's various masks were psychosocial; permitting him to hide in plain sight significant things like his finances,  and his religious beliefs.  His "plan" for all of us, and for this economy (include also the future of global finance) were also hidden. 
The election, itself, masked our lurking fiscal cliff,  the ten-year flip of leadership in China which takes place today, and the most important demographic change affecting our future -- the shrinking white electorate.
Now that the threat of Mitt and the Repoobs, that grand parlay, has been successfully called and beaten by the electorate, we have to sift and sort the results.  It will be a bit like reading "the bones" to devine our future, but its a task we each must undertake if we're to remain awake and vigilant.
The most  frequently cited facts point to the "demographic" of skin color.  It is precisely that demographic seized by Tricky Dick in the wake of George Wallace's failed venture into national politics.  Mad Ronnie and the early Repoobs rode that demographic to great effect, followed by the Bush(es).  Could it be that the era has passed; caused by the declining numbers of race-focused voters, who, linked up with Southern Christian fundamentalist religions, have run the political tables since the mid-70s?
It's clear that a new unity of  black, brown, and Asian voters joined with young voters and single women to beat back the threat.  Will this be the new voter-coalition for this country?  The results of the vote, though not a land-slide, were, never-the-less unambiguous
The mind-boggling amounts of money spent in building the bubble surrounding Mitt and the Repoobs, largely by Wall Streeters who hate the President, seem to mimic the loss of wealth when the Bush-era bubbles burst. 
Maybe this loss of weallth will bring a return of  sobering reality..  we can only hope.  The failure of  the members of our House of Representatives to "get a grip" would truly be disastrous for us all.

Stay Vigilant!

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All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC

Wednesday, November 7, 2012


Now The R-e-e-a-l-y HARD Part Begins!!
"We Don't Work For Niggers!"  That pronouncement greeted me in 1969, when, as a young Captain in the Air Force at a major Weapons Research Center, I began my first management level job.  I was freshly promoted to Section Chief, managing more than a dozen young, newly graduated, all white,  engineers.  Two Lieutenants from the deep South were the bearers of the pronouncement.  I was able to win them over to the reality that they WERE going to work for me, and we became friendly, if not friends.
Following that career, I began my career with a major Aerospace Company and ran into the "hard freeze" often encountered by workers who represent sharp change (first black, woman, etc).  The techniques used to overcome that situation were the subject of my Research Project for Peter Drucker.  He said it was among the best case studies he had read.
So, you can see I was sympathetic to the President as I saw the same old games being played against him by our industrial leaders, the leadership of the Republican Party, and the sludge-Media.  Only the "people" who hold ultimate power in our system, could rectify his situation; and they DID, yesterday!
But now, just as FDR told Harry Belafonte and a delegation of Civil Rights workers in the 1940's; you will have to make me  do the things you want done to change our system! That is still true today. Yesterday's victory was just the first step for those of us who want our national problems solved by those we elect. We have to keep the pressure on all of the players!
Watch the Big Money boys as they re-calculate their strategies.  These un-elected players have the option to support or betray this nation's interests.  Unwillingness to be open about their financial dealings and about the tax revenues needed to run our country has bordered on the unpatriotic in recent years.  The only pressure we can exert on them (once we discover who they are) is in the marketplace.

Stay Vigilant!!

Copyright © 2012:  Williams LLC
All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC

Tuesday, November 6, 2012


The Hope of the Nation Prevails!
By the slimmest of margins, the people of this nation kept alive the hope of this experiment in democratic governance, and have won a victory for those who struggle to achieve.  The citizens of this planet, long suffering under the yoke of wealth and white supremacy, have been shown the non-violent way of moving forward.
Barack Hussein Obama will go down in history for showing, as Harry Truman did in 1948, that the right leader can inspire the people to achieve great things.
It makes one tremble to see the world come this close to falling again into the grip of corporate wealth combined with state power.
Congratulations!, to all who could see the way out, and do what was necessary to keep the path open to a future that is ripe with opportunity for us all.  Our children and grand-children now have the possibility for a prosperous and healthy future.  We now have the possibility to earn, and to keep what we earn. 
As we learn more details of who voted which way and why, we'll know better what tasks lay ahead to get out of this "depression" for our planet.

Stay Vigilant!

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All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC

Sunday, November 4, 2012


Will "Provisional" Ballots of 2012  become the "Hanging Chads" of 2000?
A national pollster for the Repoobs was on C-Span this morning.  He may have "let the cat out of the bag" when he hinted that provisional ballots  are things to be watched after voting is complete in the upcoming election.  He stated that final results of the election may not be known for up to two months after election day (2days from now).
Ohio's Secretary of State, John Husted, is only one such personage in the 2012 election scene.  Many states have Republican governors with their own versions of "Katherine Harris", who performed that role under Governor Jeb Bush in 2000.  In our First-Past-The-Post  Electoral System, such people become pivotal in the post-election process that leads to the Electoral College.
If a significant number of ballots are "Provisional" in a state like Ohio, then there are many avenues to stealling the election in that state.  Remember, its the close elections that can be easily stolen!  Court wrangling and recounts can be dragged on forever.  Provisional ballots are those ballots given to voters whose votes have been "challenged" by someone.  The state election apparatus has almost total say in whether or how such ballots will be counted.
If Mitt loses in a close election, you can bet they'll challenge just about anything.  The plot to win this election extends back at least to 2000 and involves many monied, ideological, religious and racial interests.
Our pitiful press coverage has hyped the Hell out of Voting, and ignored the Counting of Votes!   Typical behavior of spoiled children who have no spine.  Incidentally, their pick may share that trait.

Stay Vigilant!

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All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC

Thursday, November 1, 2012


First Principles
To win any war, those involved must first be aware that they are in a war!   Today, the ramped-up tactics of the Big Money Boys and their stooges in what used to be the Republican Party, should bring home to the Voter, the fact that this country is under attack at the ballot box.
Sandy is truly a sobering event on many levels, but, at minimum, it lets us know that this country has been on its knees financially and spiritually, since 2008, and faces the coup de grace,  next Tuesday.  The attackers have been strategizing, planning, and raising tremendous sums of money to bring about these events.  Thanks to "The Supremes", since 2000, they don't have to tell the voter who is contibuting the money!  Their spearhead "leader" refuses to tell the voter where, and how much of his money he's hiding!  If we knew that a foreign nation was behind the attack, we'd be up in arms!  But, because they've made it "legal" to do so, we don't know whether the money does not come from a foreign nation!  We deserve better.
We also know that a free nation "voted away"  its freedoms and rights as recently as 80 years ago!  The techniques for manipulating information available to the attackers of that nation then, have multiplied exponentially since that time.
Pray that enough voters wake up and Vote next Tuesday to turn away the enemy at the ballot box.   Reinfore your prayers by VOTING!

 Postscript:  Whatever substance Limbaugh uses to mesmerize such a large number of our citizens must be carefully identified, bottled, and labelled a controlled substance!

Stay Vigilant!

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