Monday, May 4, 2015

"WHITE(s)" ... must 'JUDGE-NOT" ??

What'evr You'se Li-bl,
To READ in Dat Bi-bl,
(Apologies to GERSHWIN's Ghost)

As the early results of Baltimore! (2015) roll in; it appears that it may be TECTONIC in Scope!  It just may be that at least SOME Black Americans are ready to declare White Folk Unfit! to sit in Judgment regarding anything that People-of-Color on this Planet  may do, or think!

Baltimore! has made it clear that persons who hold fast to their "whiteness" live in a World that "whites" keep  totally separate from the World the rest of us inhabit -- except for those material items they cross racial divides to steal, and claim as their "own"!  ENOUGH, already!

Baltimore! shows also, more clearly than ever, that MEDIA in the Western Hemisphere is OF the Whites, By the Whites, and For the Whites!  Non-white "Talking Heads" follow White Scripting.
It was comical to witness "Mourning Joe", and Mika, this morning as they lay their race-based Propaganda-Planks to buttress whites, as they prepare to use MEDIA to "set-free" those Cops charged by the Baltimore Prosecutor.  Follow their rationale closely to see if the Black Co-conspirators are given treatment that equals that of the whites who were "charged" along with them.  Joe and his "hangers-on" make it clear that this issue is NOT settled!

It is strange to ponder their thinking, as they continue to believe they can exercise Total Control over the Global Economy that is only beginning to take shape.  Maybe, if they HOG all the money, and CONTROL global MEDIA, they can "manipulate" their way to success??  Incidentally, they hold a "monopoly" on Nuclear Weapons -- something else that might keep sane people up at night!  Rich-Whites  have begun to "cannibalize" their own, "poorer" whites!

Since 2008, the White Right in the United States has made it crystal clear that they Will Not respond in kind to the most mild entreaty to give up their Historic Evil Practices.  We now have a Supreme Court that has SIX Catholics (enough to rule without restraint).  They show signs of returning to the days of the first Catholic, and most hated of our Justices; Roger Taney (1836-1864)!  Welcome to the Inquisition - 21st Century!

Stay Vigilant!  If Cops can't be Above the Law, how will Whites maintain the Control they so jealously guard?  The Republicans refuse to Cooperate, Compromise, or even Consider whatever President Obama has proposed; even when the KNOW he has the Protection of our Country's Survival "Interests " under consideration.  "Judge Not! ... that Ye also, Not BE Judged??  Will Republicans  have to do an "about-face"??  Watch Boehner!

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