Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Everybody TALKs about WORK: NOBODY "DOES" (enough)??

Nobody works as hard as YOU Do??

They say our Economy Doubled in Value since 1980; while WAGES have fallen!  "Workers" at all pay levels are "Pissed"!  My Grandchildren say that none of their peers think they will HAVE TO Work!!  "Money Corrupts"; they say.  The problem is that nobody takes time or has the patience to teach children the fundamentals of WORK, while they're YOUNG ENOUGH; for it to do some good!  Community (the real thing) solved that problem, in this country, before 1980!

Isolation is the major impact of Technology in 2015:  Children are isolated and alienated from their Parents, their Neighbors, their close Relatives (who live more than a block away).  We give them Social Media to idle away their TIME; and,  kill what little Imagination they manage to develop!

All around them, people seem to live well, with no visible means of support!  So, why sweat the FUTURE?  We can't fault the adults, though; this has been going on for so long that they no longer have the will or the capability to change course!

The Biker Murders, currently taking place in a Hell Hole like Waco, TX, may be all they have to look forward to?

Stay Vigilant!  We're witnessing the best Society that Too Much Money in Too Few Hands; can BUY!!  Get a PhD for your EGO; but learn how to become a PLUMBER, if you want to EAT??

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All Rights Reserved:  Williams LLC

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