Thursday, May 21, 2015

ultimate evil?? ... CHENEY-BUSH-"Energy"??

Remember:  "BEFORE" 9/11??

As I remember, the Cheney-Bush Administration was caught up, in early 2001, in ENERGY Issues; (Think ENRON; think OIL).  There were Court Battles in failed attempts to get the Administration to "come clean" with whatever they were doing "behind closed doors" in "Secret" Conferences on Energy.
Bush went, with break-neck speed, from being "Best Buddies" with Enron "Big-Wigs", to DENIAL OF Knowing them (that well)??

Enron "outed" itself in the ruined fortunes of those riding the ENRON Bubble.  Then; 9/11 happened; then; their manipulating our Hate and Fear; then; "Anthrax" (they had to back-off that one, when they found out they were not able to keep the public convinced that it was NOT, like McVeigh, HOME-GROWN.  It seems you can't scare HELL out of White Folk with Anything WHITES do??

It became clear that Massive Fear, Mixed with Old Hatreds, was powerfully lucrative.  Especially so, when a "Savvy MEDIA" caught on to the Fortune that awaited them in the process of "stirring the pot" by hyping the FEAR.  That climate carried us through the 2004 Presidential Election.  Tom Delay, 2003,  was in HEAVEN scaring HELL out of Democrats in the TEXAS Legislature.  Somewhere in there (2000-2003) the opportunity to start a War in Iraq became possible.  It's difficult, even now, to determine what Cheney got from it, and what Bush got from starting that War!   That question has not been explored, yet! 

We're well down the road from there now; and the HATE and FEAR syndrome has been taken over by  HARD RIGHT POLITICIANS.  They now have our Supreme Court, our Criminal Justice System, and our Electoral Political Systems (State and Federal), tucked under their Wings!!

WE all, got the SHAFT from all of that.  We're not blameless, however, it was OUR FEAR and HATREDS they were manipulating.  MEDIA found the climate of FEAR and SUSPICION very useful in their role of Obfuscating and Hiding TRUTH.  They sold their Limbaugh Stink-Pile instead, at tremendous PROFIT!  "Mushrooming" (Feeding Crap to the Public, while keeping them "In the Dark"), on matters of most serious concern to their personal lives and fortunes, became our WAY OF LIFE, starting in 2003!

NOW, we face a crumbling Middle East, and possibly, a Crumbling EU.  If we thought 2008 was Bad News -- what could these horrendous Cheney-Bush "Products" have in store for us??

Stay Vigilant!  Get out your MIRRORS and ask:  What Can I DO?? to keep "Syria" from becoming OUR Future??  Consider VOTING the SCUM out of office!!

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