Note the "Progression"??
Missouri, Illinois, Indiana, Maryland, and now, Ohio?? Note the progression?? They're all Border States -- those states Slaves had to reach to "Escape North". Our Nation's transition from the Civil War and Slavery to "Reconstruction" depended on the Ohio Presidential Candidate, Rutherford B. Hayes. Hayes and Taft were "linchpins" for the the "prosperous years", as the Crackers put the War behind them, and Economic Expansion lay ahead. On the backs of the Blacks?
From Boehner in the South, Kasich in the Guv'na Chair in Columbus, and Crackers in the Judicial System "doin' their thing" in Cleveland (as far North Blacks could get before crossing into Canada); RACE rears its ugly head again in OHIO -- just in time for the 2016 Elections. Only one Candidate, Kennedy, has won the Presidency in our History, without winning Ohio.
Kasich may be angling to sweep these GOP "minors" we see, currently, in the Race? If Kasich is not careful, he could "implode" like Guv'nas Christie (NJ) and Guv'na of Indiana; Pence!
The real secret weapon for Cheney-Bush was "Blackwell" in Ohio. He was the Black "Catherine Harris"; northern version. No better "Tom" served the GOP; except for Clarence Thomas, perhaps.
Ohio brings RACE back to the Big Leagues. The SPLITS in Cleveland; COPS vs Community; Judiciary vs Community; and Black Upper Classes vs Black Lower Classes. COPs have always known that Lower-Class Blacks have NO FRIENDS anywhere; and, therefore, were "fair game" for EXT-inction!! White reaction to Trayvon Martin made it clear that Cops; Cop wanna-bees (Zimmerman); and Judicial "Practitioners" are 2015 purveyors of Hitlerian "Social Cleansing"??
Stay Vigilant! My research in 1972 revealed that Negative Values toward the Poor and the Non-White are SHARED VALUES (all color, all classes) in the United States. Our Public Administrators are the Agents insuring our Historic Racial Status Quo!!
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