Saturday, May 30, 2015

CRACK DOWN!! ... on RIGHT, and LEFT "Xtremes" ??

"Too FEW who will FIGHT!  ... Too MANY who will DIE!"
(emphasis added)

Mark Shields said it, on PBS; and it's slowly becoming clear to the Stupid Masses, who are constantly being "mind-f*cked" by MEDIA..

Whether it is Religion, Politics, or Economics; Technology has driven the world's population to their separate "extremes" in each realm.  In both Religion and Politics, individuals quickly arrive at a place where they are willing to KILL someone to get their way.  Those who have NOT (yet?), are quite willing to allow others to do the Killing for them -- (death penalty, Killer Cops, White Citizens killing Black Kids, etc.).

I left Missouri in 1959; fleeing earlier versions of what we see in Fergugon, MO., today.  After I met my goals of a BA in Physics, and a Commission in the Air Force,  I found myself, in 1962, in SAC, at WACO, TX., for four months, and in Maryland, in the USAFSS, at  Fort Meade, by July.  My EDUCATION about "America" and its Citizens took-on a new trajectory.  The East Coast was, then, radically different from the West Coast.  Race Hatred, experienced in Missouri, at the hands of Catholic Germans, mostly; was replaced by an "Indifference mixed with Hatred" type of racial-stew, was typical inside what is now known as the "Beltway"!  No Black Person could rent housing in the District of Columbia, for example.

The Irish version, and the Italian versions of Catholic attitudes toward Race, were emerging openly;  evidenced by first reactions by the Kennedy Brothers to racial turmoil as it erupted in 1962 and continued into 1963.  My Catholic co-workers were scared to death that Kennedy would spark a public turn against Catholics.

My co-workers also explained to me prominent Hatreds "within" Ethnic Groups ("Lace-Curtain", vs. "Shanty" Irish; and; why Italian fathers would KILL their daughters, rather than allow them to emigrate as individuals; the way Irish women did).  The "racial temperature" of Washington, D.C, and Baltimore, MD were beyond description.  Eastern Maryland was a single term used to describe the racial climate within an entire appendage of that State.  This morning, O'Malley, in his Announcement Speech, ignored the Italians in the part  on  "inclusivity" .. . wonder why?

Stay Vigilant!  Whether it's WAR, or not:  10,000 "Boots on the Ground" against ISIS, or not; White America is at its Wits End!   Experts at Inflicting Terror on persons of color;   they are Chicken-Sh*ts, who turn on each other, (and , as always, Obama), when the "wimps" in the GOP, (entering the RACE by the dozens); take postures on DEFENSE!  Rand Paul is the only Exception!

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