R We Living thru an "Obama/Trayvon Revolution"??
No longer able to use Attack Dogs (literally), and White Sheets; Crackers have taken to Killing, in the open, black males; of various ages, all over this country. White Law is helpless, in the face of this phenomenon! It started with Trayvon, and has spread widely, increaing in intensity. The most recent episode was a broken neck, performed by white cops, in Baltimore, on a young, black male.
On our Political Streets, every variety of White Supremacist Candidate is surfacing on Repoob (Republican) Tickets; seeking to grab whatever that strategy will yield for them. Lots of Rich-White's -Money is obviously one yield. After Romney's disaster 1n 2012, you'd think this crowd would have gotten the message; but, evidently NOT! Money has its allure, after all. Even Trump is stumpin' again!
For those disgruntled Blacks on the Left, who think Obama's Presidency has done nothing for them; I suggest they take another look. Clearly the "smartest guy in the rooom", when "mugged" by Crackers like McConnell, Boehner, and their lessers; Obama has beaten them all; repeatedly!! White Supremacy can't have much of a life left after that! Trayvon and Obama are bookends for the opening of a period that, I think, will lead to the demise of global White Supremacy. If "Exceptional" White Males can be "outfoxed" consistently by Obama; what's a poor, ignorant, white Cop to do?
More importantly, when will poor, ignorant, Blacks wake up? Willie Lynch promised 300 years of success with his formula. That time is up! It's not simply the passing of time, however. It was 500 years ago, when Moctezuma mistook a Conquistador for a White GOD. The world has been suffering from that delusion ever since! Even then, Cuauhtemoc was not convinced; he nearly drove Cortes out of Mexico; in defeat. Had he suceeded, there would be no world-wide Roman Christianity (maybe none at all). There would be no African Slavery in the Americas. There would be no Church-Led "Rape" of Native Peoples; from our Sioux Nations, to Zulu Lands -- of all of Africa, North America, and South America!
As the world emerges from their half-Millenial trance, foretold by Montesquieu, when he questioned whether Whites could be Christians, if it turned out that Non-whites were more than sub-human animals; -- Two questions remain: (1) how long will this "Awakening" take, to fully unfold?; and (2) Can it remain mostly non-violent?
Stay Vigilant! "Our" world has lived off a false "grading curve"; established in Mexico in 1530. Are we beginning to see a new "Curve" emerging? By what "standard" will it be set?
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