Wednesday, April 8, 2015

"Mourning" JOE is "SHOCKED"!! ... (Just "Shocked")

In Plain View

The MEDIA, Police in South Carolina, and the North Charleston Community, will NOT "get away clean"  in the latest "Slaughter by Cop" that took place on Saturday, April 4, in North Charleston.
The "Usual Suspects", playing their "Usual Tricks", were well on their way to another "success" with their standard "Policing" of Minorities in the United States.  The Charleston Police Department "bought" the Cop's Story; as did the Media.  The So-Called "Good Cops" on that force were silent, as usual.  The Murdering Cop even had an Attorney shilling for him.  Then a VIDEO surfaced!  Everything "flipped".  The Attorney defending the Cop "vaporized"; the MEDIA, everywhere, expresses "Shock"; the Police Chief immediately covers his Butt; and Institutionalized Racism "survives";  safe and sound within "Community Policing"!

White America should be ASHAMED OF ITSELF!  But, that's asking too much!  Instead, Crackers in our Midst are busy "dissembling"; while officiating in the "Horse Race" that will pick the most skillful Racist Politician that can "pass muster" with our Religious Right!  The Whites profess to not understand why their Racism never "changes" or "goes away"!

Why the Blacks who remain in the Sewer States have not moved away, by now, is beyond ME!!
Six Million Blacks left the deep South by the mid-1940s.  What keeps them in those miserable, deadly Hell Holes is something that must be better understood.  They are locked into an indefensible situation.  "Justice" down there, remains the JOKE, its always been!

Stay Vigilant!  Most people find ways to escape conditions that are not of their making; to seek a better life for themselves.  Blacks who stay there, and  provide the economic base for the wealth of the whites, in 2015, makes no sense at all!

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