Monday, April 27, 2015

What do we "LEARN" from BALTIMORE??

"TESTING"!  not just  'TRAINING' -- Is Required !!

As whites in the MEDIA do their "fast-fumble" between "More Training", and " More Cameras";
Baltimore "teaches" us something quite different.  As the list of Crazed and Addicted Whites who commit public murder grows longer (with the protections of a Racist "Justice" System); so does their MAYHEM continue to spread!  The themes of "Predation" "Wanton Slaughter" and "Control at all Cost" ring through our lives: from Sandy Hook, to Denver, and,  Oklahoma City to Waco,

Baltimore is a City that has come a long way from the one I knew is the early 60s.  From Mayor Kurt Schmoke to Stephanie Rawlings-Blake, the city has "Cleaned-up" and "Replaced" their way to the promising city we see today.  It is NOT the City you saw on The Wire!  Then, last week, a gang of young Cracker Cops managed to do their "thing",  on a young  black Male who was "targeted" in a way with which we've become all too familiar!  He "mysteriously" wound up with a broken neck, within minutes after being set-upon by the white gang.  Days-on, we still don't "know" any more than the Cameras tell us.

How about this: folks??  Devise a TEST for any white male who wants to serve on ANY Police Force in the United States.  That TEST will measure his depth of racial hatred; or fears of persons who are not white. That shouldn't be too hard to do.  APPLY that test to any white person who seeks to "serve" on a Police Force at the Town, City, County, or State levels -- NATIONWIDE.  Persons of Color have to be assured they are SAFE from an element that is obviously present within too many Police Forces in the USA!  Then, ERASE all obvious and not-so-obvious racial or class disparities embedded within our "Justice" Institutions.  ELIMINATE all applicants who score low grades on the TEST!  Test procedures and administration should be made public AT THE TIME of Hiring.  At No Time must Police be allowed to act, on BLIND FAITH from the Public.  They are armed, and empowered, to KILL, instantly, Anyone!

Stay Vigilant!  ALL Police Forces MUST reflect the neighborhoods of those they serve.

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