Sunday, April 5, 2015

"Plowshares" for WATER??

We Can't DRINK Oil, (ya' know...)

I remember back, almost 50 years, when I was conducting Nuclear Ungerground Tests, a Program called "Plowshares" that proposed using nuclear devices for peaceful purposes.

The rain water and snow-melt we  used to get in California has "shifted" far to the East!  We're running out of water for crops, and could run out of clean water for drinking, if this keeps up!  (Takes about 3 days for a human to DIE from lack of water).

With peaceful use of nuclear detonations, we might be able to put the water back??  Pipelines for OIL haven't made much sense,  If you factor in polluting our dwindling sources of drinking water; well, you get the picture.  If you want to build a nationwide pipeline for shipping WATER to where it is needed to sustain LIFE; well, that's more sensible?  If the early Roman Emporers were known for putting drinking water at convenient locations (for FREE) inside their Cities, and Public Baths, why can't we?

East of the Mississippi, we're drowning: with too much water.  West of the Mississippi, we'r running the risk of losing food crops in places like Texas, California, and, slowly, the the Ogalalla Bread-basket Region.  Perhaps its time to think about something other than WAR, and use our technology to sustain LIFE: just  THINK ABOUY THAT!  A large collection reservoir somewhere in the northern Mississippi River that pipes water, as needed, to Texas, and to the Colorado River, or, all the way to California!  Perhaps another in the Tenessee Valley, or, on the OHIO River?  It would take Nukes, modified for peaceful construction projects, to make something like that affordable?  We would have to keep the Blood-Suckers out of the Project, though!  We were able to pull off the Interstate Highway Program with Public Money; but, as I remember,  people were more honest, then!!

Stay Vigilant!  Do we have to be clearly "on the ropes" ;before we STOP considering,  seriously, these clowns currently vying to run to replace President Obama?

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