Tuesday, April 28, 2015


We ALL have to Learn "Government" (USA version)

While the "dust" settles over Baltimore; and before the Cops decide which City will be "next" for a 'Police Riot', the Citizens of this Nation have to pay attention to how they are "governed"!

Long before the whites left our Cities, in droves, taking the Tax Base with them, they didn't TRUST their Government.  So, they set up various forms of Mayoral Government:  Strong Mayor/Weak Mayor; Council-Led; City-Manager Led, etc.  They solved their Ethnic Gang problems by turning those Gangs into Policemen.  

After the Urban Riots in the wake of the Assassination of Martin Luther King, whites came up with the idea that Blacks should be Mayors (they were convinced that Blacks didn't understand that most Mayors have little or no Power).  Of the Black Mayor "rash" that swept this country between 1970 and 2000, only one; Harold Washington in Chicago; was in a Strong Mayor position.  Most people think Cops are answerable to the the Mayor.  Not so, in most cities.  In too many cities, Cops don't answer to ANYONE!  After 2000, the trend sfifted, to include Sheriffs -- the Cops of the Counties -- and, blended forces; with City/County "shared" policing.  With the growth of strong Unions, and their own Constituency in Congress, Cops in the US have become an armed, autonomous, virtually independent, POWER unto themselves.  That's probably why the Baltimore Mayor doesn't know -- even now-- what that gang of Cops did to Freddie Gray, more than a week ago.  Whites who feel SAFE with this; should THINK, again??  This problem will not be solved by a SHOW OF FORCE!!

Stay Vigilant!  Now you know why Eric Holder was so hated by our Racist Right-Wingers in Congress!  Be Aware (check out the DRAFT, http://video.pbs.org/video/2365472163/.  You might be alarmed to find a similar story involving our Military??

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