TIME for STRATEGIES .. NOT Emotions and Opinions!!
We can all expect the Presidency of the United States to return to WHITE; after 8 years of race-based "Tarring" of the first Black President by Republicans, and their Repoob (Tea Party) Surrogates.
These are the 'Birth Pains" for, what is emerging as the real, "NEXT" America. Michael Harrington wrote about this, (prematurely(?), in 1983. http://wwmr.us/nextamerica.pdf Thirty-two years later, we know a lot more! Harrington hints, in 1983, that the United States had, somehow, transcended Race; leaving sex, religion, and politics, as triple Evils in our Nation's future.. We now know, he was WRONG!
RACE is not only Back; it never went away! It was "baked into" the deals that Johnson, Nixon, Reagan, and "Slick Willie" Clinton, each, made to keep Racial Injustice alive. When the Southerners in Congress, in the 1960s, acquiesced to Civil Rights Legislation; it was with the provision that "Women" be included; as a "Minority". Any half-educated school child KNOWS that Females are a natural Majority, in the Human Race! It was Racism : that the Old Boys from the South were figuring on, in the 1960s. WHITE Women were their "Secret Weapon" to keep Whites in Power. So far, we've seen Palin, Bachmann, and, now, Fiorina, surfaced on the Hard Right. Now, there's Hillary, alone on the Left! In the wake of Baltimore, both Hillary and Jeb Bush are sending "forked" messages on RACE. Government leaders are "Leaking" messages to cover for Police Action.
The Clintons learned their Politics in Arkansas; the home of Orville Faubus, a name Blacks of my Generation know Well! He was the Racist Guv'na that kept schools closed to Blacks in that State, during the term of Eisenhower!
Blacks and Browns need to "come to grips" with their own version of: "Doing the Same Thing, Over, and Over, Expecting CHANGE, that will have meaning! Time, for persons of color, is running out! Bubba was a slayer of the dreams of Blacks with his treatment of Welfare Women; and the dreams of all citizens, not in the top 1%, with NAFTA! None of us know what the Clintons have been cooking up in DAVOS!
If English-speaking Blacks and Spanish-Speaking Blacks and Browns can find a meaningful common interest; they might find a future in which they can escape the current Economic Slavery that Whites continue to bind us to. A close look at what happened to Michael Jackson and Oprah, should cause those of us who continue to pursue the "Crabs-in-a-Bucket" path to "Freedom"; realize just how Foolish and "Dead-Ended that path is!
Stay Vigilant! Any fool can find it easy to AVOID those things they BELIEVE to be Wrong! What is needed, for a successful future, is STRENGTH; to stop spending our energies on some things that we've been taught are RIGHT! Knowing which habits cripple us; is KEY!
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