Poison Pill??
Has the Republican half of the bi-partisan Senate group putting together an Immigrant Bill slipped in a "poison pill"? Have they slipped in a requirement for sealing a border than cannot be sealed, let alone "secured". Have they also muddied the waters by seeking, in the name of immigration, to keep alive their stealth civil war, used in the 2012 Election?
You can't lose much betting against the level of knowledge or awareness of the citizens of this country. Especially if that knowledge is of their own history. The run-up to our Civil War was fueled by shenanigans of President Polk in his land grab for territory belonging to Mexico. The "Texicans",(Houston, Austin) and their buddy President Andy Jackson, had little or no respect for Mexico or for Mexicans. Read: RACE and Manifest Destiny, Reginald Horsman, (1981), and The Year of Decision 1846, Bernard DeVoto (1942). The trumped-up invasion of Mexico, like that of Iraq, is cited as a cause for our Civil War. That's because their aim was to take Mexican territory and use it to extend slavery to the West Coast; thereby, guaranteeing chattel slavery forever in this country. (Mexico had outlawed slavery in its Constitution of 1824). That failed and we got the Fugitive Slave Act and the 1850 Compromise.
For more than 100 years, people travelled across our Southern Border without concern on either side. The four current states who comprise our current border with Mexico are unable or unwilling to "secure" their portions of that border in a way that will satisfy all four states. They are also unwilling to approve of the efforts of our Federal Government to "secure" that "border". Ergo, the POISON in the negotiations??
The 1848 Treaty of Guadalupe Hildalgo, ending the war with Mexico, left the residents in the lands ceded; many of whom had been in place since arriving with the Conquistador, Onate in 1598. The "border" crossed the inhabitants -- not the other way around. The states we have on that land today(Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and California) provide, with their southern borders, what constitutes our present day Southern Border. Our Northern Border, derives from our squabbles with Great Britain; is longer and much more porous; and is of no concern in our present immigration politics. (you can guess why??)
Of the reported "12 Million Illegals", only 60% cross our Southern Border on foot, the rest fly across all of our borders; as do the millions of non-Mexicans who are here illegally. The "Latin-leads" (Rubio, and others) are mostly CUBAN. They are protected wards of the Republican Party who do not share the predominant Hispanic history, have special benefits, and suffer not at all from current immigrant policies. Does something smell not quite right here?
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