Sunday, January 27, 2013


" ... May Be In Syria"
This morning's "news" brought us an interview from Davos of King Abdullah II of Jordan.  Fareed Zakaria was the interviewer.  He is important as an interviewer in that he does not exhibit the "white think" tendencies of other right, left, and center media talking heads.  Much of the information we need, to understand what is going on in the world today, is contaminated by "white think" -- or is simply ignored.
The title and sub-title of this blog is a quote from Fareed"s interview.  The King, like Assad in Syria, took power following the death of a father (Assad in 2000 -- Abdullah II in 1999).  Unlike Assad, Abdullah just completed, successfully, an election wherein he is making progress toward "democratizing" his kingdom.
Whether here in the United States or abroad, three powerful forces have intersected since the end of the Cold War in such a way as to dominate our concerns.  They are economics, religion, and race/tribe.  These combined forces have shifted both faces and places to keep world stability under serious threat.  Now, the Middle East and Northwest Africa are places of fighting as Afghanistan and Pakistan decline in intensity.
These elements do not stand alone; there are racial/tribal aspects of religions and economics, and so on, throughout all permutations and combinations of these forces.  Here at home we see it in the spread of the Red States.  Following our election of 2012 and the gun violence of Newtown, the frenzy to buy guns has increased as governments at both the state and federal levels are moving to quell the contagion. 
Economic action and focus, post-election, has shifted to our states; as the pre-election squabbles between  Executive and Congressional interests at the federal level diminish.  Those tensions are now manifested within the parties inside Congress, led by religious and racial factions that are supported by the gun lobbies.
The states have to find ways to reflate their economies after drastic cuts spurred by pre-election attacks on our economy that were driven by extreme personalities within the Republican Party.
The average salary of a state governor, $130,000, is more than 8 times the income of minimum wage workers in their states.
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